Musonia was broken into and robbed...

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Re: Musonia was broken into and robbed...

Post by Shockwave »

Dangling Carrot wrote:From what I was told by Peter, Bob threw a wrench when they landed and demanded money.. period, this was before Sky knew anything. Peter told me that interview was not going to happen. Bob Daisley in my eyes is no different than Doug Rhoads.. HE IS NOT RANDY.. or the end all, say all to his legacy. Neither is KG or Kevin Debrow or anyone who has footage or recordings they will not release because they want $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. But they all wanted something in* and a lil prime time from Randy's legacy. I have had many private in-person conversations with Peter about the reason he wanted to do this film at the beginning, just hanging out. It was not money..Peter has money (or did at that time) and is connected to Hollywood in a big way. Troy Miller of Dakota Pictures that is a very professional company by the way (no matter what sky thinks).. gave his friend* a small budget to do the documentary because he knew his friend wanted to get involved in the film industry. He told me that he didn't expect the film to be huge at all (big screen). Like the fan's, he was one and expected it to be huge for himself and other fans. Peter was a student of Randy's and that period of time was his young heyday. He just wanted to do the film because he was a fan. He was just like a lot of us..a young musician with a dream that never happened and was inspired by Randy Rhoads. Peter has many years of experience in the film industry working..just not a Film Director. Kevin was the very first one to start demanding* that they tell Randy's story according to Kevin*. When Kevin did not get his way and found out that Rudy Sarzo was a co-producer..Kevin showed his ass and attacked Peter, someone he didn't even know. That's where the sly talk that Kevin came up with about Peter started. This is the reason why the inner circle was suppose to keep a lid on everything..because of (((((K e v i n)))))* See, Rudy and Kevin had a personal issue that never was resolved. I was told when I came into the circle, "the most important thing was that Kevin was not to find out that Rudy was involved period" on a phone conference with Deloris in attendance at Peters office. This was not because they were afraid of Kevin showing his ass..that was expected. That! is Kevin. The reason was, they really wanted his interview more than anyone else including BOB. Kevin would have been highlighted in the film..just not like how he wanted with control just like Sharon. Whats crazy is.. another couple of people (whose names I can't mention) trying to use Kevin and Randy to promote themselves, told a guy named Paul from digitech and Paul told Kevin. BOOOMM!! that's when all hell broke loose. Kevin got pissed because they were keeping it from him that Rudy was involved and was a co-producer. So Kevin attacked Peter through Guitar player magazine. Kevin attacked Rudy, me and anyone else that was apart of the project through phone and email and this board. He even went to Deloris that planted the derailment seed. After Kevin died..Doug and KG started their shit. KG was recorded and that was sent to Kathy but not after a lot of damage done from KG. My take is..Mrs Rhoads should have only talked to Peter or Dakota about the film. Peter had to deal with everyone of the so called wannabe Rock stars or has-beens that surrounded Randy's legacy and Sharon. All on the take..all ready and willing to throw the wrench to promote themselves to make money. Peter tried to be friendly with these people and gave them to much information and gave the fans to much info and access. The rise, fall and derailment of the film is a film within itself. And that is sad. I told Peter.."you may as well start documenting the bullshit and just sell that when these people screw the film up" he laughed and said "you're probably right". He was so paranoid that someone was going to change Mrs. Rhoads mind before the agreement was signed. He told me that it was a done deal with her and he could put out the film without her approval, but.. this was his first one and was very passionate about it and wanted it to be right with no issues and wanted her approval. And of course, this would have been a stepping stone for him with Dakota in the future.. people there is nothing wrong with that. I know he threatened all of you about the leaked doc..and Romeo should not have done that. Just my opinion. But Peter was not the bad guy in this...all of the people that most of you gave a pass were involved. Starting with the Osbournes. Peter did however have one of his assistance attack Kevin here. All of the information that was posted was provided by Peter and the assistant took the blunt of the blow to get back at Kevin. Even though what was posted was true..I told Peter he should lay back and let Kevin sink his own ship like he has always done. He didn't listen to me. As for Kelle (Doug) Rhoads.. I don't really care to much for him myself..but what Romeo said is incorrect. Doug is very talented in his own right. He has released some amazing classical modern day noise* If he would worry more about that instead of Randy, he may be able to do something himself. For Romeo to say he is not talented is a laugh, especially coming from Romeo as a musician. Everything I have seen that Romeo has done sucks balls. However, he does have a future attacking people on video making him look like a complete fucking fool. Hows that feel brother? Of course, we all have opinions. The day I witnessed Kelle selling his CDs at Randy's memorial..I knew who he was right then. I would never do that at my brothers memorial. Just sayin. The break-in could have been a total random thing..but i think it was an inside job, especially if insurance is involved. The mob would just torch the place and collect.

Sounds like an interesting read/post. Please use paragraphs as its impossible to get through :)
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Re: Musonia was broken into and robbed...

Post by Dangling Carrot »

Just for you..
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Re: Musonia was broken into and robbed...

Post by Thrasherfan17 »

Has there been any updates or progress on the robbery that I may have missed? Its been over a year and 1/2 so I was curious. Thanks.
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Re: Musonia was broken into and robbed...

Post by No1UNo »

You know, I'm just a fan here. Not related to anyone famous, not in anyone's inner circles. The closest I conversations I have had with anyone associated with Randy was a nice PM between myself and Frank, Randy's friend. And some professional networking with Randy's half-brother years ago (but nothing more than a few messages).

This thread has something right in it...the sheer drama around the release of the documentary and the book would make an amazing rockumentary in its own right, suitable for must see viewing on the old VHI "Behind The Music" or one of the Sammy Hagar produced AXS TV shows. It has the stuff of rock stars being rock stars, conflict aplenty, and egos all getting in the way of something that had good intentions. Someone should make it. But I'm sure the documentary of the documentary would be stopped somehow in the irony of ironies.

Sometimes I feel a deep sadness that I love Randy Rhoads and that the love will be unrequited. Never satisfied by some of the things that others who love Van Halen or Hendrix or Clapton get to enjoy. But his music resonates with me to my core and I love it far beyond anything else that I've heard in my short lifetime on this earth. And I still love and respect the music of all of those named in prior threads that disagreed over the documentary and brought conflict into it...Randy is my favorite guitar player, no one writes a melodic bass line like Bob Daisly, Lee Kerslake was the right drummer for those albums and contributed so much. Only Ozzy could sing those songs like he did. And for touring, I don't think anyone could touch the live show that Randy, Rudy, Tommy, and Don put on...well, perhaps Geddy, Alex, and Neil.

My point is, this is all sad. The back and forth. The finger pointing. The He said, He said. What are we now, 10, 20 years out from the failed documentary - and almost 40 years since dear Randy passed away. When can we get back to celebrating the life and music that he gave us and stop dwelling on the losses and hurts of the past. I'm a practicing Christian, but something Bob Daisley said always resonated with me..."Look at the Donut and not the hole." Be thankful for what Randy gave us and don't dwell on what we lost when he was gone.

We should all get back to that - celebrating Randy and his music on here, and be a bit more positive. A start would be to fix the links of the live concerts, shows, and other releases in the audio section so we can all enjoy more of what he gave us.
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Re: Musonia was broken into and robbed...

Post by magicvoice »

Well said.
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Re: Musonia was broken into and robbed...

Post by mike_campos »

Musonia Theft News Report,LA-TV
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