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Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:19 pm
by IWasMaiden93
Newer Randy fan (compared to most) I can say I became a Randy fan when promotion happened for the last Ozzy album... I decided "Hey, I'm a metalhead, Ozzy is the godfather of metal... I should at least of a few of his albums" and got Blizzard and Diary... Blah... Not really an Ozzy fan so I kinda blew it off... Then I started listening to this ballad-y one that caught my ear towards the end of Blizzard than BAM! This huge neo-classical freight train of a solo just thrusts into my speakers and I start to have a guitar-gasm. After hearing the Revelation solo I go check out who this guitarist was and that's when I stumble upon Randy Rhoads... About a month later when my friend asked me if the dude still tours or has a new band (Since we all knew Oz plays with the squeal-o-tron Wylde, so obviously Randy wasn't in the band) and so I look it up and saw he died 11 years before I was even born... Gotta say that was a devastating loss. Since then I've become a "Rhoadie" finding the original albums (after finding out about the remasters I had), Tribute album, bootlegs, Quiet Riot, etc... I'm even looking out for the Randy signature 59 Marshall Plexi Super Leads, a spotted V from GMW, MXR distortion +, etc, etc...

Anyways... That's me...
Oh, the name is Chad, I'm 18, I attend (or will in the fall technically) the University of Utah, live in Salt Lake (obviously), a professional musician (hey, I can say that now, I got paid $6 for my first gig a few weeks ago) but I also work at Wendy's for school and gear...
I love old music. Started with AC/DC and have evolved to everything. Main favorites include 80's thrash (Seen Megadeth 6 times, Slayer 4 times, Testament a couple times and Exodus once... My first pit was that show...) but you can find country (Johnny Cash and David Allen Coe ftw!), classical (Beethoven = heaviest motherfucker alive), baroque (Bach, can't really beat him), classic rock, doom metal, jazz, shred, etc, etc...

Anyways... That's me...
Oh, my sad list of gear currently is a Dean From Hell going into a Line 6 Spider 3 with an MXR distortion + and a Dunlop Crybaby 535Q

Re: Howdy

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:14 am
by The Flying Dutchman
Thnx for your introduction Chad & welcome aboard! 8)

Re: Howdy

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:53 pm
by Trigger
Welcome to UR, I remember when I first heard RR and since then he has been in my heart, now a day doesn't go by without me thinking about his playing. I don't play guitar but I could tell he was a head and shoulders above the others back then and still is now.