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Whitesnake Live 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:02 pm
by tedeeoo
Well, I saw them twice last week and all I can say is if they come anywhere close to you, GO!!! They were unbelievably great at the 2 shows I saw. We saw them at both a smaller venue and at an outdoor ampitheatre which was really cool, because I got to see that contrast. At Biloxi (small venue), they were just as good as the 2005 dvd, Coverdale was amazing, fabulous vocally and just an awesome showman!! Yes, they are tuned down a half step or so, but he was freaking great. In that venue you could see every little nuance of the show, from his facial expressions to the band interaction, everything.

At Southaven (ampitheatre), they were just the perfect band for that kind of show, they sounded HUGE, and they covered the stage the way a vibrant, working band should. I like the fact that they are pushing the new record and still keeping most of the old fav's that we all like, and I LOVE the fact that they are doing "Ain't No Love In The Heart of the City" in the U.S. The band may well be the strongest Coverdale has ever had, Doug's guitar tone at Southaven was just the bomb!!! And I couldn't help but notice in Biloxi, that he reminded me alot of Randy with that Les Paul (even more so after meeting him). Brian Tichy (drummer) is amazing, I always thought Tommy Aldridge was the perfect drummer for WS, but after seeing Tichy now I'm not so sure. Reb brings some really cool things to WS, especially vocally. They played about an hour and forty five minutes and then....

My son and I waited for Doug at Biloxi and when he came out he was so nice to us, he went and got us something to drink and when he found out we were going to Southaven he got us backstage passes for the show. We got to hang out with him pre-show and after show, we got to catch their soundcheck, talk about gear, etc. He was so unbelievably nice as was Brian Tichy. They made a huge impression on my son becuase they were so cool with him. When we got home at 3:30 a.m., he went and put the dvd in and went to sleep with it playing. I was completely blown away by the whole expierience. I had scheduled my week off around those 2 shows and I was not dissapointed, I could not have scripted it any better. If they are anywhere close when they come back to the states I will definately see them again!!!

And I really can't say enough nice things about Doug Aldrich, not only is he a phenomenal guitar player, he is a geniunely nice human being. He really went out of his way for my son and me and my best friend and my niece. Its really nice when your heroes turn out to be as cool as you imagine them. :D

Re: Whitesnake Live 2011

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:56 am
by Geo Sav
Cool! Yeh Doug does remind me of Randy. Great player. Wish they would come around here.

Re: Whitesnake Live 2011

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:45 pm
by tedeeoo
I never realized how much Randy had an influence on him until I saw him live, and Doug is just the coolest most down to earth guy you'd ever want to meet. I kinda get the feeling WS is gonna tour this year but have not heard anything official, if they do and they come anywhere close to me, I will be there.

Re: Whitesnake Live 2011

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:26 pm
by Geo Sav
Yeh I have the whitesnake and dio DVD and Doug is on both and he is awsome. I noticed In a instince how Randy had a influence on Doug.