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The Teaching Guitar

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:05 am
by RR-ElectricAngel
I have often wondered if a guitar could actually show you around the fretboard in some way and even play songs like those self-playing pianos you might see in gift shops. Ridiculous? Not any more...

I actually have one of these. A novelty to be sure but it did show me how to play some songs in real time. I teach my guitar students with it.

Tabber is interesting but way too geeky for me. Nobody wants to play a guitar with wires all over it.

ColorChord is software that rects to the vibrations of your guitar. You can assign a different color to every pitch. Where you put the LEDs is entirely up to you.

Just a Thought: If I could put any assigned color into my fretboard (12 pitches = 12 colors) and then have it react to my playing style in real time it would make for a pretty awesome spotlight solo don't you think?

Re: The Teaching Guitar

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:36 am
by Paul Wolfe
The fretlight guitar is a cool idea... and that ColorChord video is just awesome!

a bit off topic:

I was amazed at how easy it was to learn to play things after learning to read music and learn the note locations on the guitar... a fretlight to get the initial motivation is cool, but the sooner the notes are learned, the sooner anyone can play music.

Just a couple minutes ago I played Crazy Train's main riff and verse progression on my 3-year-old daughters toy Princess piano... she recognized it and my son was astounded that you can play 'real' music on a toy!

Re: The Teaching Guitar

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:22 am
by RR-ElectricAngel
LOL. That's great Paul.