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How to be successful

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:08 pm
by Paul Wolfe
So, I am a football fan - American football, not real football - and I wanted to tell you all about a way to be rich without having to work at it...

Sounds like one of those spam posts that keep happening here, huh? Well, it's not. It's the story of my beloved Seattle Seahawks and the backup quarterback they just let go. Backup = almost never plays, for the record.

So Charlie Whitehurst signed a 2-year contract with the Seahawks 2 years ago for $8 million dollars.. in that 2 year period, he played in maybe 4 games and was the starting QB in 1, I believe... for $8 million!

So the Seahawks let him go, and the San Diego Chargers (the team Charlie played on before going to Seattle) just signed him to a 2-year contract for $4 million + a $1 million bonus! That's $13 MILLION in 4 years for doing next to nothing!

The man MUST be a genius!!

Here's the story...


Re: How to be successful

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:30 pm
by Tito
hell yeah look at his face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hes laughin all the way to the fuckin bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love it tho..somebody that gets over for doin nothing!!!!!!!!!!unfortunately this is what the "american dream" is all about these days!fuckin idiots on tv getting rich overnight for acting like fools this guy etc.but i cant hate them, i just cant stand the fact that people actually feed into it!!!good for him and all the retards for getting paid for doing NADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!wow!!