My Kitty

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My Kitty

Post by RRfish »

I know this is going to sound sad and morbid, but I'm having a difficult time about a decision I may need to make in the next few weeks, and wanted to know your opinion or if anyone has had to make this decision before. My kitty is now 24, and having a great number of difficulties, took her to the vet this morning, and they took a bunch of blood test etc., but vet asked me to think about euthanizing her. I have never had to think about something like this before, and it's very upsetting. I know now that she is feeling pain in her back and rear legs, but to what extent, the vet cannot say, I would just assume have her die at home, but I am conflicted about her having to suffer. Any one out there that has some advice, or experience with this? I am so sad right now, she has always been the sweetest kitty. :cry: Thanks for any replies! :fish:
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Post by Ritchie »

My mother outlaw just put her dog to sleep , it had all kinds of illness and was getting very old and could'nt walk down the steps outside to go pee .. it's a tuff call to make and it depends on the circumstances .. if it's no problem for you to pay attention to all it's needs and baby-sit the pet then keep it happy to the best of your abilties . if it's a problem and you can't dedicate to it's needs .. then .... your call .
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Post by RRfish »

Thanks Ritchie, I even went on line last night and found kitty disposable diapers. I have had the carpet shampoo machine out 24/7, poor little girl. I guess I need to see how things progress, it's just so hard to let her go, she's a sweetie, but I don't want to be selfish either. :fish: Thanks again!
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Post by Trigger »

Hi Fish

I would sit tight and see how you cope for a while with her because if you can cope and keep her comfortable I think she will appreciate the help and love.
Cologne she'll wear silver and americard, She'll drive a beetle car and beat you down at cool Canasta. And when the clothes are strewn don't be afraid of the room touch the fullness of her breast feel the love of her caress she will be your living end.
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Post by RRfish »

Thanks Trig, I think that probably is the answer. I had her mom until she was 20, and let her pass here, it was very difficult, but she really did not suffer. You know the Mom had kitty in a empty lot across the street from my brother and he scooped them up almost 24 years ago and brought them to me. Poor thing, it's shitty getting old. I just love her so much.
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Post by Sarab »

I know how you feel, Fish.
I've had to put my beloved kitties to sleep after 16 & 17 years of age, and that was back in 2001 and 2002.
I didn't want to; they were my babies. My male cat, Alex, was in pain, you he just gave me a look that told me that he was ready.
He lived his life to the fullest, and I didn't want him to suffer anymore.
My female cat, Punkin, started losing control of her kidney's and cried everytime she wet herself. She gave me the same look as Alex did, and I knew.
Althoug they were my cats, I made my husband bring them to the vet. The vet told us that they were suffering and they were ready, so it is the kindest thing
we could to. It feels so wrong to do it, but in the long run, I'm glad, because I don't think I'd want to be in the pain that they were in, and not be able to tell anyone.
I know how much you love your kitty...this is rough, but this is the kindest and best way to show her how much you lover her. A friend of mine had to put her cat down and they had her cremated. They may be of some comfort to you, if it is offered. I would have done that if I'd known that they do that.
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Post by RRfish »

Thanks Sarab , It's just a very difficult time, and I don't want her to suffer. I had her Mama cremated and will do the same for Cali. My family and friends are very supportive with what ever decision I make, I am just having a very difficult time letting go. You know how all pets seem to have their own personality, she is like my little friend, almost like a dog, follows me everywhere. I think I need to wait and just love her a little more, when she does pass I'm sure going to miss her, she is my sweetsie! Now I've got myself crying, so, I'll just say thanks again for your kindness. :fish:
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Post by Cpt Matt Sparrow »

Hi Fishychops

I know this is such a sad experience. My wife Suzie had her dog put to sleep 12 years ago and her dad and sister couldn't go through with taking her into the room for the final injection. My wife still finds it sad now because the dog perked up wagging her tail when she saw the vet.

Ever the optimist I thought that was nice that she sensed no fear and here last moments were happy before she slept.

Fishy, I don't have any advice except that death has to come eventually to animals and us humans, and if ther is a chance to slip away from the world with relative ease, then that is an honour many humans and animals don't have.

Good luck with your thinking and good thoughts sent to you

Having a break from online activity for a while to concentrate on music. Please email if you need to get in touch. Matt
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Post by Trigger »

Hi fish

One thing I would like to add here, I can see that you love animals and have a real attachment to this brave girl. I know plenty of people that have an animal and love it so much that they feel that they can't get a replacement pet after thier beloved pet has passed. I understand this feeling very well and you can't replace the personality and a new pet wouldn't even be able to try or even understand what we the owners feel, with so many cats and dogs abandoned across the free world by ignorant careless individuals who don't consider each individual animals plight, rescue centres and animal shelters are full of animals who will be destroyed through no fault of their own because of thoughtless cruel humans.

I know how tough it will be in the end but please try to give a break to one of those helpless cats or dogs who have a clock ticking that spells their own fate.

I find my partner with tears in her eyes every so often stroking lily our 3 year old dog, when I ask whats up? she always tells me she had started thinking about losing her, I point out that she is still young and to enjoy Lily as she is but deep down I think about lovely Lily fading away and I continue to tell myself that on that sad day I will save another healthy dog from an early passing.
At my local rescue centre I see dogs sit around for months unclaimed and old with nobody giving them a chance, then they are gone and I realise that they suffered no pain except being abandoned by those they trusted.

Give your lovely girl a comfortable end days, and I do understand your hurt because I live like every animal lover with the same dread and fear.

Take good care Fishy

Cologne she'll wear silver and americard, She'll drive a beetle car and beat you down at cool Canasta. And when the clothes are strewn don't be afraid of the room touch the fullness of her breast feel the love of her caress she will be your living end.
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Post by rice_pudding »

My grandparents had two dogs when the first one got really old and sick they had her put down. When the second one got old and sick they kept him alive because they couldn't let go.

The difference is that the first dog was relatively happy up until the end, but the second always looked sad like he was just waiting to die and honestly he had no quality of life, he would just lie around all day and occasionaly struggle to get up for food, he'd barely respond to human contact. I loved that dog but it was inhumane to keep him alive.

Only you really know how your pet feels, you need to weigh things up. Just wait a week and then ask yourself is the cat happy. Everyone gets old but that doesn't mean life is rubbish despite the aches and pains. Its a terrible choice to make but it comes with being human. I have lost many animals and i have an old cat too so i know how you must feel.

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Post by RRfish »

Thanks, you guys are all so thoughtful. I guess the important thing is that I do have to think about her quality of life. At least this morning she was purring and doing her favorite thing, licking my toes to wake me up. Ian, if it was up to me I would probably adopt every homeless animal on earth. Pets have always seemed to find their way to my home unexpectedly. I found a cockatiel in my tree who could whistle Yankee Doodle Dandy, tried to find it's home, but never did. So had him probably 11 years. Took in an baby iguana who grew to 6 foot, had to have a huge aquarium built for him, Guineas, that were left at a vacant home, etc. Friends and neighbors would often call my home the "Wild life Way Station." I can't go to the pet store on Saturdays or Sundays, because they have pet adoption days then, and have so many pets that have been left behind or given up, during this horrible time when many have lost their homes in California. Right now I have a nest of baby doves in my backyard, two cotton tails ,with one baby bunny, and every year, two mailards whom seem to find there way to my pool with their baby ducklings, so I'll never be without wildlife. When I do get another pet, I would only adopt, because as you say there are so many unfortunate pets out there. I can't do it now, no matter how tempted I've been, Cali needs all the attention she can get right now. Because Cali was born with a heart defect she was not suppossed to last past two years old, so she is quite a miracle cat, but with the heart problem there are many medications she can not be given, steroids, anethesia, certain pain meds,etc., so today I'll get her blood results back and see where to go from there. Thanks again for all your warm thoughts and I'll let you know what happens. :fish:
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Post by cableguyxx »

Fishy, my thoughts are with you. I am very much an animal lover as well. It's amazing how an owner and pet depend on each other so much. I've had to put down 3 dogs in my 20 years of owning my own pets, including our Chocolate Lab, Charlie Brown, last month. Our kids grew up with him. He was the sweetest dog you could imagine. All he ever wanted was someone to rub is belly. Never aggressive against people or other dogs, just a big, happy boy. He had been having hip problems for some time, but we kept him pretty health through joint tablets and medicine. He was to big, and clumsy for inside the house, so we made him a pen in the basement, and kept him comfortable with blankets, fan in the summer, heater in the winter, always a humidifier. He always had lung problems and ear problems, but was always the first one to grab a toy to play tug, even up till his final month. That last month changed drastically though. He started really losing weight, and having terrible diarrhea. He was already past his expected time in years, so expensive procedures were just not an option for us. When we finally saw that he was not comfortable anymore, and was just hanging in there for our sake, we realized, it was time. He had lived a long, and loved life, and we could just tell he wanted to be at peace now. It was a very hard decision., but when we got him to the vet, they said were making the right decision for him, and that he was just hanging on for our sake, but was probably very uncomfortable at that point. We also were hoping he would pass at home, but it was becoming very obvious he was no longer comfortable. They were kind enough to take care of the procedure in the back of our wagon, so he didn't have to be dragged into the vet on a gurney. My 16 year old was very brave to have stayed with him the entire time. We got Charlie when my son was 2 or 3, so they were lifelong pals. Afterward, we brought him back, and buried him behind our house, down the slop @ the foot of the woods. My brother in law will be making a nice wooden cross marker for him, and my son has made a nice little sitting area by his grave. So many things about him we miss, but we know he is no longer in pain, and will always be in our hearts.

I wish you the best during this time. Just know you that you are Kittie's world, and have provided her with a life she never would have had without you.
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Post by Trigger »

I am sorry to read your story Darin but I am pleased you were there with your pet right at the end when he needed you the most.
This place really has some caring people, I know friends who think I am to soppy when it comes to our pets. I think the devotion we show to those who are unable to speak for themselves demonstrates if we have compasion or not.
Cologne she'll wear silver and americard, She'll drive a beetle car and beat you down at cool Canasta. And when the clothes are strewn don't be afraid of the room touch the fullness of her breast feel the love of her caress she will be your living end.
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Post by RRfish »

Thanks Darin, and I am so sorry about your pup. I have never had a dog before, but a friend had a Chocolate lab that I just loved. he was huge, and the sweetest pup. I used to put my friends leopard slippers on him, his feet were so big that the slippers fit. The Vet had an emergency yesterday, so wasn't able to get back to me, but his asst. said Cali has way to high Thyroid levels, and either will need surgery or radiation treatments. That is something I don't think I'm willing to put her through at her age. She probably wouldn't last through either procedure, and be suffering with them. Hopefully I will hear from him today. She doesn't like going to the Vet, let along the car ride over, so what ever happens, it most likely will not be pleasant for her. And, even though she hates having a bath, yesterday she actually felt comforted by it, and seemed to be more restful the rest of the day.

Anyway thanks for your kind thoughts and words, I know it is something I need to reconcile, I am just a noodle when it comes to animals.

Like you said Trig, animals can not speak for themselves, and are just innocent beings in this world. I wish more people felt that way. Thanks! :fish:
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Post by Alex »

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