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Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 2:27 am
by Tito
also the only "state" that has a legitimate cause is PALESTINE!!!not the taliban or al qaeda!!

Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 6:32 am
by oth

Yeah killing him means this war is over and we can stop wasting money in these bogus wars(war for profiteering).

If there was a conspiracy it was to NOT find obl.
Without bin laden there is no more reason for war-and no money to be made by all the military contractors like boeing,ge,haliburton,raytheon etc.You can be sure those ceo's arent celebrating much over the prospect of no more war.

Bin laden was the boogey man and the face of this war.He s dead and hopefully so is this idiotic war.

Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:26 am
by Trigger
How much has what followed September 11th 2001 cost the american tax payers? the figure given this week in the British media is over one trillion dollars based on older calculations, that is an astonishing amount. Are there any up to date figures being mentioned in the USA at the moment?

Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:03 pm
by RhoadsRockPhotographer
oth wrote:Yeah killing him means this war is over and we can stop wasting money in these bogus wars(war for profiteering).

If there was a conspiracy it was to NOT find obl.
Without bin laden there is no more reason for war-and no money to be made by all the military contractors like boeing,ge,haliburton,raytheon etc.You can be sure those ceo's arent celebrating much over the prospect of no more war.

Bin laden was the boogey man and the face of this war.He s dead and hopefully so is this idiotic war.
Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.

You really have no idea, whatsoever.

Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:49 pm
by Trigger
RhoadsRockPhotographer wrote:
oth wrote:Yeah killing him means this war is over and we can stop wasting money in these bogus wars(war for profiteering).

If there was a conspiracy it was to NOT find obl.
Without bin laden there is no more reason for war-and no money to be made by all the military contractors like boeing,ge,haliburton,raytheon etc.You can be sure those ceo's arent celebrating much over the prospect of no more war.

Bin laden was the boogey man and the face of this war.He s dead and hopefully so is this idiotic war.
Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.

You really have no idea, whatsoever.
Expand on what you mean.

Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 6:42 pm
by oth
RhoadsRockPhotographer wrote:
oth wrote:Yeah killing him means this war is over and we can stop wasting money in these bogus wars(war for profiteering).

If there was a conspiracy it was to NOT find obl.
Without bin laden there is no more reason for war-and no money to be made by all the military contractors like boeing,ge,haliburton,raytheon etc.You can be sure those ceo's arent celebrating much over the prospect of no more war.

Bin laden was the boogey man and the face of this war.He s dead and hopefully so is this idiotic war.
Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.

You really have no idea, whatsoever.
Speak for yourself.
Read a few books and youll understand the business of war.
I said:' If there was a conspiracy...' not that there was one.
Iraq is one of the most blatant examples of war business.It served no purpose and was in no ones interest but big business'.
I dont know what the exact motivation was for going in there besides oil business but staying there was great for no bid contracts and other business.

Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:02 pm
by Trigger
oth, you might not agree with my insistance on wanting proof of BL's death and my unwilingness to accept only an official statement with refference to it, but I do agree with you 100% on the Iraq war and I would say much of the war on terror was fought for business interests of a few corporations.

Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:07 pm
by rice_pudding
RhoadsRockPhotographer wrote:
oth wrote:Yeah killing him means this war is over and we can stop wasting money in these bogus wars(war for profiteering).

If there was a conspiracy it was to NOT find obl.
Without bin laden there is no more reason for war-and no money to be made by all the military contractors like boeing,ge,haliburton,raytheon etc.You can be sure those ceo's arent celebrating much over the prospect of no more war.

Bin laden was the boogey man and the face of this war.He s dead and hopefully so is this idiotic war.
Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.

You really have no idea, whatsoever.
Oh for fuck sake c'mon man. This thread has been running at a high temperature, it was always going to, but everyone has done a reasonable job of explaining themselves. You might say oth "attacked" me with his comments but at least he had the dignity to back up his point with a logical framework, and he gets marks for that.

You hear something you don't like, so you insinuate that oth is crazy and lacks intellect?

Its funny how how whenever anyone mentions conspiracy it is usually followed immediately with the insinuation that conspiracy theorists are all idiots and fucking crazy. It doesn't prove anything but its stops people paying attention to evidence, and casts doubt on its validity. Who's getting smarter?

I bet you made that comment without ever having investigated the issue beyond paper-thin headline news. So ok, oth has "no idea, whatsoever". So what the hell do you know?


Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:36 pm
by rice_pudding
Trigger wrote:oth, you might not agree with my insistance on wanting proof of BL's death and my unwilingness to accept only an official statement with refference to it, but I do agree with you 100% on the Iraq war and I would say much of the war on terror was fought for business interests of a few corporations.
Trigger wrote:oth, conspiracies !I don't like them and see them as a distraction, apart from that I have said what I have to say.
Ian, i agree with you entirely, conspiracies are tiresome.

But half the battle is in the branding. It is ingrained in our culture that conspiracy means crazy/whako/false/no substance.

I've taken a lot of time over the years in chasing the news from various sources, i currently watch 6/7 news channels. I've also come across (via largely the internet) many of these so called conspiracies. Some of them, where i see merit or something hilariously I stupid have investigated. I can tell you with certainty that probably 80-90% is garbage, it gets particularly tiresome when you chase a lead only to find it is based 100% on someones opinion or some kind of faith. (probably 70+% is opinion)

In spite of that, i have come across stories that are absolutely bat shit crazy and yet there is evidence. Evidence that, were it concerning a less uneasy subject, would be valid in any balanced academic essay. Reliable sources (i always say that cautiously), scientific evidence, disinformation campaigns. Some conspiracies have them all.

Point is dont entirely give up on the crazies, if you can stomach the crap that is, cos there is a lot. :lol:


Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 10:22 pm
by Trigger
Rob I agree with you on both the posts made above, the problem with 'Conspiracy Theories' is that yes some are valid but branding everything that disagrees with the official story a 'Conspiracy' means ideas and questions remain stored away or mocked! what happens is the most easily manipulated minds ie, people who don't allow themselves the luxury to think freely jump on those who question things and insult them without mercy.
Such things remind me of those despotic nations who rally in huge numbers celebrate 'the great leader' blind to how crappy things are for them but stupidly swallowing all the bollocks fed to them.

That is why I said I don't like 'Conspiracy theories' because half witted followers jump on them accuse you of being stupid and claim the moral highground without once straying from what they are told and continue to follow like lemings.

Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 5:11 am
by oth
Today the usa spends something like 20 times more on its military than china,russia,india,europe etc COMBINED on a per capita basis.I think in actual dollars its 2-3 times.We are responsible for almost half of all actual global military expenditures.
"beware of the military industrial complex"...these words were uttered 50 yrs ago not by a liberal but by conservative/republican president Eisenhower!In the early 50s he and the brits staged a coup d'etat and overthrew the iranian prime ninister and installed the shah-and we know the horrible effects of that to this day.That conspiracy was all for control of oil.That is an actual conspiracy.UFO's,birth certs, are just witch hunts based on hype and hysteria.
Our entire economic and security policies are based on our access to oil.It is our #1 priority above anything else.Our society would crumble with the economy without oil.

Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 12:07 pm
by Alex

Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 12:09 pm
by Alex

Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 6:43 pm
by rice_pudding
Alex wrote:Oh, and there's also this. :lol: ... pound.html

"The head of the CIA admitted yesterday that there was no live video footage of the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound as further doubts emerged about the US version of events."

Staged! ... staged.htm

"While the photo that ran on many newspapers and websites the next morning appeared as if it were taken during Obama's address to the nation the night before, it was actually the result of an elaborate post-speech production."

Came across those stories last night in the LA times, seriously what the fuck are they doing. The level of stupidity just seems to increase. I mean if there wasn't a live feed don't admit it, :roll: i sure as hell wouldn't. CIA recruiting standards must be dropping, either that or that don't like Obama?!

Oh also, they have changed the story again, apparently the SEAL's were told that they could decide whether or not to kill Bin Laden. Most well funded and sophisticated intelligence network in the world going after the worlds most wanted man, and they have changed the story how many times now? Whether or not anyone has time for conspiracies this is a complete farce.


Re: Bin Laden

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:03 pm
by The Flying Dutchman
oth wrote:
The Flying Dutchman wrote:Has BL been killed?
My honest answer: I don't know...... Maybe he is, maybe he is not, maybe he was already dead for years? He hasn't been seen for years really.
(yes the US government says so, but show no evidence..... and they don't even try....)

I assume nothing, and I don't bother the world with a strange story like this, but one thing I can say is this:
Zero evidence has been shown that BL has been killed indeed.

Fact remains. (if people like it or not...)
Do yo have to see obl's dead body in person to beleive he s dead?
With this standard of proof you might as well dismiss every non fictional thing youve read in your life.Ronald Reagan isnt dead nor is MAO or Winston churchill.
No I don't have to see obl's body in real life to get convinced. And yes we can't verify all the things by ourselves. Life is too short for that. We have to assume things from others or else nobody ever needs to school either!

But would you believe it when out of the blue they come with a statement "we put a man on Mars" but they are not gonna show any of it? If nothing else I wouldn't be convinced..... Yet I'am convinced people did walk on the moon. Why? Because there is lots of information (photos, vids etc.) of that event out there to be jugded. Of course there will be still always people who won't believe it and say it was all fake. But not showing any evidence because there will be some people who won't believe it anyways is a weak excuse imo.

Governments can't be trusted blindly, they have to back up things or else they can do whatever they want...... Recently more information reaches us, also there is the confirmation from Al-Qaida themselves now. So to me it's already a bit different now.