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Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:44 am
by Tito
WOW!!!!EAGLE YOU ARE TOTALLY RIGHT ON THIS!!!!!!!!!!!the fda is killing more people every day with thier bullshit!!!the doctors are on the payroll to not find a cure of ailments..just to ease the symptoms,which is what?the fuckin food we eat everyday!!!!!!!!!the docs wont say you dont need pills to cure you cuz your already fucked from the eating habits you had for the last 40 they will give you a script knowing your gonna go back to the way you were used to eating and drinking poison!!!money is the cure not the fda or docs!!!

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:36 am
by oth
Corporations have taken over the govt.And now the govt simply is a sales rep for them.
Why do you think campaign finance reform was supported by only 2 of 500+ in congress?

My health insurance went from 100-125 in may then i get a notice in october that says its going to 170 and then 2 weeks later i get a letter says that after only 1 month of the new increase i will be getting another $80 increase to a total of 240$ a month.
This is corporate extortion.I want socialized medicine or medicaid now.My health insurance is a scam.I pay a lot for a scam.Its a huge tax.And i get garbage help.It still costs me 100$ to see the doctor and any treatment costs me a bundle.Like a colonoscopy is 5000$ even tho i have insurance -what a fraud!!

My health is a right not a privilege.I dont see how in a civilized country we can actually put a price on health and life.Its immoral and criminal.

Companies have been allowed to conduct their biz with no regulation.The wolves are in charge.Wall st imploded our economy so a few people could get fat rich.BP made a mess.And no one goes to jail for this?

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:51 am
by The Flying Dutchman
rice_pudding wrote:Politicians normally do a pretty poor job of representing their people in one way or another, American politicians are among the worst in this regard. I mean check out this guy; ... 5916999374

If all Americans were like this...

Wow.... this guy's speech reminds of a certain dictator living in germany about 60 years ago. :shock:
A master degree in communication? :shock: :lol:
Can only hope this fool won't be taken serious by too many people or else .......

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:49 pm
by rice_pudding
The Flying Dutchman wrote:
rice_pudding wrote:Politicians normally do a pretty poor job of representing their people in one way or another, American politicians are among the worst in this regard. I mean check out this guy; ... 5916999374

If all Americans were like this...

Wow.... this guy's speech reminds of a certain dictator living in germany about 60 years ago. :shock:
A master degree in communication? :shock: :lol:
Can only hope this fool won't be taken serious by too many people or else .......
He just needs to take a hit of mustard gas to 'gruff up' his voice a little :lol:


Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:08 pm
by rice_pudding
wareagle wrote: Its amazing how much bs our government can feed and people believe. I am so glad wikileaks is out. We should know what our government is doing... not that we just saved a park, but important stuff you know...
You cant really blame people too much though, after years of manipulation the public are basically zombies, they'll accept anything. Even if you face people with hard evidence they wont budge, people cant face having their belief system stripped away.


Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:57 pm
by Alex

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:31 am
by tedeeoo
I really had to think long and hard about some of the things that have been said in this thread before I replied back to it, I hope this doesn't come out wrong. I really don't think most Americans are arrogant, dumb and uneducated, at least not the ones I know, nor do I think we are mindless zombies that blindly follow our government, I think our most recent elections prove that. I do think our government makes huge mistakes, hopefully the aforementioned elections are a sign that regular (non-government) Americans are finally fed up with all the crap coming out of Washington in recent years. I, like Alex, do not believe our government should try to police the world, and as much as I support our troops I think, like Ian that going to war in Iraq was a mistake. As far as wikileaks, I can't really comment on it, I've been working so hard here lately that when I do have time to get online, I try to look at things I enjoy (like music), the internet is a wonderful way for getting information out, but most of the info that I have heard about coming from wiki (and admittedly I haven't heard much) is no different than things I have always read and heard about our government. Again, I hope this was taken the right way, I surely tried to write it in the right way.

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:06 am
by Cpt Matt Sparrow
Hi Ted

You are always a gent 8) I think somethings are mis understandings from country to country. One example is the American flag being on show in public so often; a lot of European countries find that very extreme and akin with being nationalistic (and not the often confused definition of patriotic). I think in the UK certainly, we mis understand the American flags inclusion etc at office desks, hotels, schools and towns etc, but that is because we are only starting to shed an issue with our own flag...

For many years the English flag was considered a taboo, as it carried a guilt; so it was the British flag that was used in sports games as a show of support etc. It wasn't helped as the English flag also hijacked by a racist political party; so all these things meant the flag became synonymous with negativity. However several years ago a revolt happened at the European football championships and the fans started waving the English flag. Now I am pleased to say it is wide spread at all sporting events and even mainstream shop outlets have kids' t-shirt for sale with the flag on them. I think to celebrate where you are from is a positive thing :) providing it is not hijacked as a way to start bullying.

As far as the US and people's perception of them around the world; it seems that that stuff that often makes the world headlines does involve stories that fuel the view that people who are American are often arrogant (not to mention very insular). In life, it has to be only a small minority who are loud and arrogant, but if they make themselves noticed by their brashness and decibel level, they gain attention for all the wrong reasons. Before long, people think all the country is like that as that is all they see when they see people from that country.

I blame the media for all this misrepresentations - and back to Wikileaks; is a group that wants to destroy the corruption caused by misinformation a good thing?...
I think if it acts within the law and maintains integrity, then yes it is. In my opinion far from stirring up trouble, Wilileaks has the potential to use transparency as a means to, in the future, build trust country to country and actually help us all to start getting on more.


Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:21 am
by oth
The recent elections really do show how stupid we are.Why would anyone vote again for the party that destroyed our economy and country?Im disappointed in obama that instead of making drastic changes and throwing half the bank ceo s and wall st in prison,and not taking us in the opposite direction of the bush-deregulate-everything proponents, he let the wolves take charge of the chicken hen-again.He s kinda spineless.My health care rates have gone up 100% this yr alone!!!.Healthcare is not an option or privilege it should be a right just like we have a justice system to prevent us from being harmed by criminals.How anybody can vote against govt healthcare for themselves is simply astounding.People in the uk and canada are so lucky they dont have to deal with extortion when it comes to healthcare.

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:15 am
by Tito
very true oth!!!i work for the city last 11 years..we used to have awesome insurance...well this year the only option we had was to choose united health care..they want to know if you smoke(i do)if your family history has any diseases etc...they give you the option of taking an ONLINE ASSESMENT to list any heart problems you may have diabetes asthma la la la...if you choose this option it is cheaper out of pocket for you GIVEN that they can prove what you put down!!!!!i chose the latter 18 bucks more a week for me and my online my sons mom wanted to take him to the hospital he has the flu and when he was a baby he had a sezure cuz of his high fever...sooo i called my ins company to make sure my new ins kicked in and they tell me yes but if your son goes to the hospital its 200 dollars just to show up!!!!!!its a long story but i feel what your saying oth my dad is 83 and hes goin through hell with all these costs going up,and he worked for the city 28 years so god know whats in store for me!!!!its not obama or any puppet representing th us its the machine!!!!!fda drug companies and doctors all are the real organized crime in my view...

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:40 am
by wareagle

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:40 am
by wareagle
Sorry for all these big paragraphs... I get really riled up about this. and being so informed its hard not to voice my opinion.

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:22 am
by oth
Unions and govt jobs are the last bastions of job security but they are being attacked also.Many people hate unions and they arent perfect but i think they are the last of the people getting a living wage and safety net.The best standard of living in this country was when unions peaked.Since the 1980s its been nearly impossible to raise a family without both parents working.
We are in a race to the bottom.Stagnant wages,no loyalty to employees,offshoring good jobs and importing made in china junk and wall st mortgage scams.Why do people want more of this mess?Why do they vote against their best interests.Corporations certainly dont-they vote for whats good for their bottom line so shouldnt people do the same.
I have to buy my own health insurance.I dont get it thru my employer.People who do are lucky but that will be going away soon if companies get their way.But i see that its also ludicrous for companies to have to buy their employees hc.HC is a tax but i would rather have the govt control taxes than some profit motivated industry who just jacks up rates 100% in 1 yr.Its nothing less than extortion.Have money or lose your life.Ridiculous in a wealthy nation.
Its absurd to have for profit healthcare.My health is not a commodity and nobody should profit from it.Just like nobody should profit from what laws get upheld or whatever.Thats what having a civilized country is all about.Protect your well being,good schools and justice system.

**McGuire's exit compensation from UnitedHealth, expected to be around $1.1 billion, would be the largest golden parachute in the history of corporate America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:48 am
by wareagle
EXACTLY. ITs fucking rediculous to have for profit health care. ITs fucking rediculous to have for profit meds. However its even worse, not only is health care for profit, its basically them betting on you to die. Pharma is similar with meds, expecpt instead of them betting on you to die, they kill you outright. ANd then in addition make money off of it. Excuse me while a throw up

By the way, our nation is by no means wealthy. WEre in an INSANE MULTI TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT.

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:35 am
by oth
wareagle wrote:EXACTLY. ITs fucking rediculous to have for profit health care. ITs fucking rediculous to have for profit meds. However its even worse, not only is health care for profit, its basically them betting on you to die. Pharma is similar with meds, expecpt instead of them betting on you to die, they kill you outright. ANd then in addition make money off of it. Excuse me while a throw up

By the way, our nation is by no means wealthy. WEre in an INSANE MULTI TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT.
I think our healthcare extortion system is the ultimate litmus test of our morality or lack thereof.

Notice many of the people who are against govt healthcare dont pay for their healthcare,they get it free from medicare,the VA: GOVT agencies!!!Every politician in washington gets free healthcare paid for by the govt.Every politician that votes against healthcare should be denied their govt paid for healthcare,no?
The selfishness and greed is obscene.