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Re: Van Halen at the Super Bowl

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:13 pm
by RRFan4Ever
IMO the problem we're having is that both views are subjective and difficult to either prove or disprove- but I can tell you with certainty that Maiden here is still turning on younger generations. I work inside a concert venue that attracts fans from other states regularly- I see a lot of interest in Maiden whether it's played on the juke in the bar or even before a gig.

And I agreed with you earlier- that indeed a superbowl act would have to be commercial/mainstream, but I disagree with the premise that Maiden has cult status. I can't accurately gauge their radio appeal, but I can say that they generate a lot of hits on youtube regularly.

But it's neither here nor there, really.

Re: Van Halen at the Super Bowl

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:28 pm
by Paul Wolfe
Yes, I'm sure Maiden still has an influence on those who like that genre. Grunge is still very popular with some people. All I was saying it that Maiden doesn't have the popularity/influence they used to have.

Agreed, it's neither here nor there.

Re: Van Halen at the Super Bowl

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:21 pm
by RRFan4Ever

Maiden in Chile last year- check out this crowd Paul- I can't imagine many other acts that can pull this off 36 years into their career- Maiden is still kickin ass n takin names:)

Re: Van Halen at the Super Bowl

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:04 pm
by Paul Wolfe
ummm yeah, but Chile isn't in the United States... my first comment on Maiden was that they haven't been big in the United States since the early '80's...

For the record, I very much like Maiden. I've seen them 5 times and, if I weren't so broke, I'd take my son to see them at the end of July... Maiden is phenomenal, just not popular in this country to a level that would get them a Super Bowl slot.

Re: Van Halen at the Super Bowl

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:23 am
by RRFan4Ever
They are popular- just not *commercial* like a SuperBowl act would be. God, they wouldn't be Maiden if they were! I don't know about where you live, but Maiden is still popular here. And it would be with metalheads because I don't see a country fan wearing Eddie. lol I chose that video because one can clearly see how many people are there and how many are younger audience, though I could have looked for Maiden/Ozzfest- but we all know how that ended. A lot of people came out for Maiden at O-fest.

Otherwise, it seems that touring the states isn't what it used to be (and I have friends that tour extensively that have confirmed this) Even some friends of mine that are supporting acts got a shot opening some gigs across the pond several months ago. Weird, huh?

Re: Van Halen at the Super Bowl

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:09 am
by The_Scratch
I believe MAIDEN are the highest selling Heavy Metal act of all time in record sales... surpassing even Metallica and Black Sabbath.

I was speaking for my personal preferance of whom I would like to see. I know Maiden would never get a Superbowl... not because of popularity, but because it's not the music genre people at home want to see. Can you imagine |666 - The Number of the Beast being blared into the living rooms of Christian homes? Or howabout "White man came, across the seas, he brought us pain... and misery" A song about Americas genocidal annihilation of it's native people?
Ain't gonna happen.

Although I think Metallica would go over huge and thats metal too.... go figure.

Re: Van Halen at the Super Bowl

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:24 pm
by dannyahansen
Metallica has sold over 100 mil and Iron Maiden has sold 85 mil. Per Wikipedia.

Metallica is one of the most successful bands ever.

Just fyi.

Although to Iron Maiden's credit they did it all with out media hype and having a lost of air time in radio.