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Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:21 pm
by rice_pudding
Alex wrote:
rice_pudding wrote:Regardless of who Julian Assange is, or what he has done, i suspect he will soon vanish from public view and we will all soon forget his name.
I don't think he will go away, unless, of course, they make him. WikiLeaks has been an idea of his for over 15 years. He is a hacker and activist at core, with some very powerful friends, so this is just the beginning. Hell, we haven't even seen 1% of the diplomatic cables that are being released over the next couple of months!
Well i think he will be made to go away, if he ever gets dragged off to America his chances of a fair trial are minimal. Heck would he even be given a trial!?


Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:43 pm
by rice_pudding
Trigger wrote:Yes Matt it is Gary I was talking about and the whole idea of sending for trial in the USA is stupid and will further nobody except make a few people in positions of power in the USA feel happy with themselves.
He needs emptional help and stability, he needs above all understanding and and from what I undstand our present Pm and the one prior to the last election have pleaded woith the USA to drop the demand to extradite him!

I only hope we have the balls to stand up to the USA and say NO! he will stay here and recieve the care he needs because I don't trust the US government to treat him with due care because if they cared they would not be demanding his removal from Britain.

I feel really strongly about this case.

Regarding Gary, he gave an interview a year or two ago to a group interested in UFO/Alien stuff. I watched the video and the details of what he actually did and how the US government has treated the case is ridiculous.

Gary is by his own admission no hacker, he had access to limited hardware, only had a modem for internet access and his knowledge of hacking, like most people's is effectively zero. He managed to get into NASA and pentagon files because the idiots didn't set up a password, effectively the admin password was left in a default setting "guest" "demo" etc. He didn't break in so much as open an unlocked door.

When the police raided his home his computer was confiscated and sent to the US (illegaly :roll: ) since then the evidence has not seen the light of day and he has been accused of causing in excess of $200,000 worth of damage to military hardware.

He didn't find any real volume of information because his dial-up-internet connection was too slow. In the interview he spoke about what he had come across. He found no evidence of aliens as he hoped, but he did find a database of NASA images which all (or at least those he viewed) contained images of what you or i would call an unidentified flying object; cigar shaped objects, strange lights, saucers etc. He also found copies of some of the images which had the enigmas airbrushed out.

He also found a personnel list for some kind of NASA operation with collaboration from the army, accusations of militarizing space are more severe, as it would violate international law as far as i know. Of course there is no evidence of what Gary found its all a matter of what he remembers.

Aside from that, he has claims he found nothing else of interest.

Sorry for going off on a tangent, but i thought the details of the interview might be of interest particularly as it may no longer be online.


Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:40 pm
by Cpt Matt Sparrow

Re USA and UK stuff. I like to think a lot of things, like the case with Gary, are truly just misunderstandings and will be sorted out.


Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:44 pm
by Trigger
Matt these are not differences between people they are demonstrations of haow our governments behave in private and are in way a reflection on us as individuals.
The wikileaks only show how we are equal in our coruption and lack of moral values.

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:45 pm
by oth
due process is fading in the us.
Instead if we want to punish people we suspect of malice or dislike their expression we can detain/incarcerate people forever without trial just like china or iran do.We can abduct people in sovereign nations and bring em back.Its so much more easy than to have to prove somebody is actually guilty of something.
We are instilling fear not the ideals of freedom and justice.I dont want to be like iran or china.If somebody has done something bad they go to court fast and get dealt with there.If not release them.
Just look at gitmo.Obama said it was his first priority to shut it down -because it discredits our whole justice system and laws and the world hates it.Its scary that our ideals are shifting to the chinese methods of justice.
I dont know if the usa has anymore credibility around the world?Do people think we are a joke,a shadow of our former selves?Instead of showing off a just justice sytem we are copying the chinese.
The chinese are quietly waiting their turn to dominate the world-its utterly scary.They are watching us erode our ideals and waging dubious wars and cratering economy.They must think we are utter idiots for offshoring jobs and free trade and letting these banks ceo s get away with the economic collapse.

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:41 am
by Trigger
You asked if the outside world disliked the US yes they do! but that is the same for the British government as well and it stems from us going to war in Iraq and that being seen as not very well organised, planned and the British and Americans launching a War with a motive only know to our political masters.
I get the feeling though that ordinary Americans and Brit's are not hated for this though just our political overlords.

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:57 am
by rice_pudding
Cpt Matt Sparrow wrote:cheers

Re USA and UK stuff. I like to think a lot of things, like the case with Gary, are truly just misunderstandings and will be sorted out.


I think a handful of individuals are embarrassed by what happened, and they should be, throwing everything at Gary is a knee jerk reaction. In a way they should be thankful, he exposed a pretty large flaw in american cyber defenses.


Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:17 pm
by Alex

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:36 pm
by Axeman1956
The American hubris really gets to people. Americans in general are thought of as arrogant, rather dumb and uneducated, at least in Sweden.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :!: :!: :!: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :( :( :( :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's true.... :cry: :cry:

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:15 pm
by Trigger
I am looking forward to what these have to expose about our links to the countries in the middle east? We have seen that some less credible regimes were urging the USA to attack Iran but we are yet to see anything of substance with regard to Israel and its neighbours, they might show some real double dealing on the part of the USA and Europe.

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:29 pm
by Cpt Matt Sparrow
Axeman1956 wrote:
The American hubris really gets to people. Americans in general are thought of as arrogant, rather dumb and uneducated, at least in Sweden.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :!: :!: :!: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :( :( :( :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's true.... :cry: :cry:
I don't agree it's true, as some of the greatest minds in the world today are American doing the most innovative things - in the sciences and arts! 8) But... I can see why people think the opposite too, because somehow along side all the great achievements, you have people like Sarah Palin who are to be frank terrible representatives of America, as they make so many gaffs that they just feed the stereotypes ...

I suppose I am fascinated by the polarity of things. To be honest, every time I have been to the States (my seventh visit was in the Summer) I have only experienced the most courteous of people and I have realised more and more over the years (quite reluctantly too) that a lot of the traditional values of many Americans; ie self reliance, private sector pride and positivity are actually things that resonate with me!
Yet, on the other hand (the polarity thing again) I look at America and think 'how does this same country have an estimated half the population believing the earth is less than 10000 years old!' That isn't a criticism, but something I am shocked and amazed by ie how two completely different sects of people co exist!

LOL there are lots of things that make me chuckle, like on the news in Florida one report said of a disaster, where three people had died in an accident, "three people are reported dead and most importantly one was an American"

But that I suppose is the side that people get annoyed by.


Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:08 pm
by rice_pudding
Cpt Matt Sparrow wrote:
I don't agree it's true, as some of the greatest minds in the world today are American doing the most innovative things - in the sciences and arts! 8) But... I can see why people think the opposite too, because somehow along side all the great achievements, you have people like Sarah Palin who are to be frank terrible representatives of America, as they make so many gaffs that they just feed the stereotypes ...
Politicians normally do a pretty poor job of representing their people in one way or another, American politicians are among the worst in this regard. I mean check out this guy; ... 5916999374

If all Americans were like this...


Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:18 am
by Alex

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:24 am
by wareagle

Re: Wikileaks thread

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:25 am
by wareagle