Bob Daisley speaks :

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Bob Daisley speaks :

Post by Ritchie »

Here is a copy of what Bob has just posted on his Face book page :

Documentary - Bob Daisley Speaks Out

In 2007 I was contacted by Peter Margolis requesting that at some stage I be interviewed for a film being made by Dakota Films about the life and times of Randy Rhoads. I forwarded the email to my manager, Drew Thompson and replied to Margolis's email saying that I would consider the proposal without saying that I would or wouldn't get involved. Drew Thompson in turn contacted Margolis as well, but because nothing immediate was to take place, he said we'd wait to hear back from them. Drew never did hear back from Margolis or anyone else. Kevin DuBrow (Quiet Riot) also contacted me via email with regard to the film. He warned me against getting involved with Margolis et al and told me that he was having nothing to do with any of them and that he thought the whole thing would be a fiasco. Kevin seemed to know more about Margolis and his cronies than anyone else I knew but unfortunately, I didn't get to ask him much more because by the time I'd had further contact with them, sadly, Kevin had died.

I agreed to talk to an affiliate of Margolis's called Andrew Klein on the 'phone about the possibility of me appearing in the film and eventually told him that I'd do a filmed interview which could be used in their movie. Being filmed isn't one of my favourite things, I did that really for the sake of Randy's story and to at least get some 'truth' out there in the public arena. I had many long 'phone conversations with Klein and relayed a lot of valuable information regarding many Randy-related topics such as the recording of 'Blizzard' and 'Diary', Ridge Farm Studios, dates and events, the Osbournes, my personal rapport with Randy, the record company and management and various other anecdotes too involved to list here. I spent many hours giving them free information to help make Randy's story complete.

Towards the end of 2008, Margolis, Klein and company planned a trip to England to film Ridge Farm Studios and interviews with Lee Kerslake, Don Airey, John Cook, Lindsay Bridgwater, Pete Way, David Arden and others. Originally, I was meant to go to England to be filmed as well but I had to have an eye operation and couldn't fly anywhere, so my interview was postponed. During some of our conversations, I mentioned to Klein that I had a lot of tapes of the original 'Blizzard of Ozz' band - Ozzy, Randy, Lee and myself - writing and rehearsing songs, jamming, having conversations, clowning about, and general historic, interesting material. He asked me if they could use any of it in their film and I told him that it was a possibility but that the material I have wouldn't be free, it wouldn't even be cheap, after all, that stuff's gold. Because I couldn't fly anywhere at that time, they agreed to come to Sydney to film my interviews. 'I was told that out of the hundred-plus people to be interviewed for the film, I was the most important 'key figure', as they termed it, and I would be filmed for longer than any other participant. I didn't expect any special treatment, I only wanted to keep everything business-like but they expressed a strange lack of respect towards someone who they regarded as their 'key figure'. When I mentioned to Klein that I had a lot of tapes of The Blizzard of Ozz writing, rehearsing and jamming etc., he said he'd like to hear them to see if they'd be suitable for the film. I suggested having them transferred to disc and done professionally in a studio so they could hear what I had more easily instead of rolling through tapes. They agreed to pay the studio costs of the transfers which was only a petty amount. I told them that I would reimburse their money if what I had was deemed unsuitable or if I regarded anything they chose as 'not negotiable'.

Their trip to Sydney was scheduled for May, 2009 and they wanted to film my interviews over several days at my house. Because the film was costing hundreds of thousands of dollars and I would be the 'key figure', as they put it, I enquired about payment. After all, I didn't want to give up my time and information so that some fat cat behind the scenes could make a load of dough through my input. One thing I want to make clear though, is that if it had been to help young musicians, a 'Randy Rhoads School of Music' fund or anything similar or charitable, I wouldn't have hesitated to give my time free of charge but being that it was a business venture on their part and a saleable product, I asked about payment. I was told that no one was being paid, not even Mrs. Rhoads but I found out later that that was a lie, Mrs. Rhoads was indeed being paid a sum, and rightly so, a money-making venture about her beloved son with her help should produce remuneration for her efforts.

On the 4th of May, Klein and a colleague of theirs called 'A.J.' who was the cinematographer, arrived in Sydney and came to my house to meet me for the first time and look through some photos I had of us with Randy, and through various other snap shots. I let them scan a few as a donation to the film on my part and told them that once I'd signed off on my input, they could use them how ever they liked. Margolis arrived the next day and the three of them came to my house on Tuesday, the 5th of May. My manager Drew Thompson had 'phoned them at their hotel that morning to ask about remuneration, release forms and to make general enquiries but he was fobbed off with, "We'll get back to you later," of course none of them ever did get back to Drew. Filming began later that afternoon and continued until around 10pm but the next day Margolis told me that he wasn't completely happy with some of the results, so I agreed to let him film what he needed again.

On Wednesday the 6th of May, a chap by the name of Scott Shelly was interviewed and filmed at my house after I'd agreed to their request to film him in my home. Scott had been Randy's guitar teacher when Randy was quite young and Scott had moved to Australia from California many years ago, hence his interview being filmed here. Like many of the other participants who'd done comparatively brief interviews, Scott signed the release forms on the spot. Lee Kerslake who'd also only done a brief interview, signed the release forms straight after his filming. Don Airey, who likewise did a relatively brief interview signed off but told me personally that he wishes he hadn't and would rather have not been involved with these people.

Later that day I played Margolis and Klein some of the treasures I'd had transferred from tape to disc and I still remember Klein's words when he heard what I had, he said, "People would just shit if they could hear this stuff!" I had termed it the 'Holy Grail' because no one else had anything like it. It is the ultimate, unique, rare 'Blizzard' material. Margolis then told me that he could possibly get my tapes released because he had the rights to the name and likeness of Randy Rhoads for three years to do the film and that he represented the Rhoads estate. I 'phoned Mrs. Rhoads to see if that was true and I didn't even get to finish my question before she interrupted me with, "I own the name and likeness of Randy, no one else."

Margolis demanded a percentage from my tapes if he was to get them released but I wasn't prepared to give that away in a hurry. Then I began to analyse the situation, they wanted to come into my home, film the so-called 'key figure' of their movie for days and not pay a cent or give away any percentage of profits, while insisting on a percentage of the 'Grail'.

My filmed interviews resumed on Thursday, the 7th and continued all day until around 7pm. During a break that day, Klein handed me three release forms and a pen, expecting me to sign off on all I had done and was to do. I told him that I never sign anything without professional legal advice and without my manager looking it over. I knew that many other people involved in the film who had done interviews had already signed off but my interviews were to be much longer, and I wanted to see the context in which what I'd said would be used. Another thing I wanted to know regarding the film was which music would be featured. They weren't even sure if they'd get permission to use the 'real' versions of material from the 'Blizzard' and 'Diary' albums with Lee Kerslake and me on them or if they'd have to use the 'substitute' bogus re-recorded versions. There was no way that I was prepared to sign off on something which would contain bogus music and be an insult to Lee, me and Randy as well. I told them that I didn't want to hold them to ransom after them having come all the way to Australia and that I'd like to be able to work everything out and sign off on what they needed me to but at the same time, I didn't want to sign off prematurely. More filmed interviews took place the following day on the top of the building where my sister lives, as there's a good view of Sydney Harbour and the bridge up there and they wanted some scenic footage to make it obvious where we were, and I was happy to oblige.

On Saturday the 9th they were back at my house to scan some more photos and some of my original hand-written sheets of lyrics that I'd written for songs on 'Blizzard' and 'Diary'. Later that night we all went out for dinner together and they left on the 10th. They had in the region of eight or nine hours of filmed interviews of mine. They returned to America with what they'd come for but not one of them bothered to contact my manager, Drew Thompson, to discuss anything, they'd just ignored him. Drew was pissed off at them and sent an email demanding payment of $10,000 for the week's work and everything involved, and then things began to turn nasty. An excerpt copied and pasted from one of Drew's emails follows...

The audio tapes were transferred so that your team could listen to them conveniently, with only the possibility of being used. Mr. Daisley agreed to reimburse the cost of transfer if for whatever reason they weren't used.

Mr.Daisley did mention to you more than once about a fee, and you actually told him to speak with Peter Margolis; the goal posts seem to be moved at your own convenience.

It is important to note that if the proceeds were being distributed to a charity or the Randy Rhoads Foundation, I would have no hesitation in waiving Mr. Daisley's fee, but this is not the case as you note in your email.

In consideration of the many hours acting as a consultant and the lengthy filming process undertaken by Mr. Daisley, a fee of $10,000 USD will be required for use within the documentary. Any further exploitation including, but not limited to, DVD and digital rights will require further negotiation. I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,
Dr Drew Thompson.

In the end I told them that I didn't want payment and that if we could work everything out I'd sign off on what I'd done. They seemed to think that they had the right to use some of my 'Grail' in their film just because they'd paid the pittance for the transfers, which was absurd. When I told them that what I had was 'gold' and there was no way I was going to just give it away, they got nastier. I was told that unless I signed off on my part in the film by the 1st of June, that I wouldn't be in it. I ignored that and let them get on with it, I wasn't going to be pushed or threatened into prematurely signing. Soon after, when I was trying to help resolve the situation, I offered to let them use a couple of 'snippets' of the 'Grail' free of charge. Here's an excerpt copied and pasted from one of Klein's emails in reply...

Peter (Margolis) wanted me to mention that just getting "snippets" of the grail for the film is not fair, being that he paid for the transfers. So, he asked me to get reimbursed from you in full and we will make the film without any snippets from the Grail.

Following is an email of mine to Andrew copied and pasted...

Hello Andrew,

I'm not going to debate about the reimbursement of the trivial costs regarding the tape-to-disc transfers, but I'd like to reiterate on the original terms and conditions we discussed. It seems that there's been a lack of accurate communication between you and Peter with regard to the original conversation between you and me. Does Peter think that because the costs of the transfers were paid by him/Dakota, that he has a right to choose any amount of the material from The Grail for the film free of charge? That would be unrealistic. Before we even talked about a box-set of the Holy Grail, I told you - and I remember my exact words - that if I agreed to the use of any of the material in the film that "It won't be free, it won't even be cheap." Why would I give my valuable asset away for a pittance such as the cost of the transfer? It was transferred to disc for your convenience and ease of listening purposes, to save time. The reason being, for possible use in the film at a substantial cost, not free, as I established. After all, I can listen to the tapes any time I like at my leisure, it was for your benefit. What I did guarantee was reimbursement for the costs if the material was deemed unsuitable, either in quality or content, or if some part of it was chosen that I regarded as 'not negotiable'. Recently when you requested 'snippets' of The Grail for the film, snippets in your words being, "only a few seconds here and there," and I said, "So you mean a total of a minute or so?" Your answer was, "Not even." So I told you that if that was the case, it wouldn't be a problem, you could have it and it would be free; I think that was a generous offer. I just wanted to make those points clear.


I couldn't believe that they really did think that because they'd paid for the tape-to-disc transfers, which was done for their convenience, they had some kind of unrestricted claim to the 'Grail' for their own use. Even when I offered some snippets of rare, unheard, historic material free of charge, they turned it down to get reimbursed the pittance it cost to have the transfers done.

I paid them back their money as promised and lived up to my word. I told Klein that I was still prepared to sign off on my part in their movie if I could be guaranteed that the music used would be the 'real McCoy' containing Lee's and my performances and that if I could see the pre-release edits to review how my interviews were used and in what context. There was some delay with their reimbursement and because I still hadn't signed off on my film parts, the threats and insults continued. Here's another excerpt copied and pasted from an email I received from Klein...

If you can't afford to pay Peter back, then you need to FEDEX us a copy of the Grail. This CANNOT wait any longer - you promised not to hold the film for ransom and you promised to pay us back if you would not let us have a copy of the Grail. Now, here we are. I don't do business this way and I am blown away at the way you have conducted yourself. I can tell you without a shred of doubt that if this situation does not have a happy ending, the worst shit storm you can ever imagine will rain down upon you.

I sent that email to my lawyer in L.A., just to have the threat on record. After seeing the threats, demands and insults which were sent from Klein on Margolis's behalf, my lawyer advised me to dissociate myself from the project. There was no guarantee which version of the music would be used in the movie and my requests to be able to review the edits of my extensive interviews for the film had been ignored, and my lawyer was not happy about that either.

Later down the track Margolis relinquished his claim to a percentage of the 'Grail' and discussions about my signing off on the film continued. Then I began to hear through the grapevine that Margolis was badmouthing and slandering me every chance he got but coming from someone such as him, that didn't bother me in the least. I wanted to be able to sign the release forms and be a part of the historic tale of the great Randy Rhoads, for the sake of his memory and out of respect for him but not if it meant bowing down to unprofessional, unreasonable, insulting, slanderous people such as Margolis. Maybe one day someone with more class, intelligence, professionalism and integrity will make a proper, credible tribute to Randy Rhoads movie. I certainly hope so.

Bob Daisley.
April, 24th, 2010.
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Post by GUITARIDOL5682 »

WOW!!! Well that was an eye opener and i think it was about time some light was shone on this documentary. It's definatley opened a big can of worms or should i say leaches. If this has happened to Bob how many other people have decided to pull out, that he hasn't mentioned. I never thought the docu would be any good with a load of people spouting off about how great Randy was etc. But all the main players have decided to pull the plug on this film. So it is looking very much like a piss poor attempt and a somewhat binned project ?. cheers Ritchie for posting that up very interesting especially Bob's 'Holy Grail' :o
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Post by Ritchie »

Yeah that was an eye opener for sure , but not too off the path of what I imagined happened between Bob and those other guys . The part that chaps my ass probably the most is where Margolis said he had the rights to Randy Rhoads' images and likeness for 3 years and yet when Bob called Mrs Rhoads she said that just was not the case .. guess Bob the smelled the foul stench of bullshit right there huh .

I know there will be people saying what Bob has issued here is not the case of what went on , but I'm making my own mind up on this and I believe that Bob is being honest about it , reason being is that have been too many other people who have said a similar thing about Margolis , Kevin Dubrow was right the whole time .. yet because the idea and concept of a Randy Rhoads film was too good to jeopardize or even question at that stage Kevin was considered a whiner and a wrong doer ..... 20/20 hindsight is a wonderful thing
Last edited by Ritchie on Sat Apr 24, 2010 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bebebear »

hmm, first Kevin, then Kelly G. & now Bob!! How such a "beautiful soul" such as Randy made so many people want to do the RIGHT thing for "his memory"AND then to have a bunch of amateur, double-talking, threatening to ruin "their good names", CREEPS from LA come in & try to play them all that way.....How sad! That is why there is so much pain, hurt & distrust going on. Thank You, Bob for showing what has been said all along!
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Post by wareagle »

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Post by bebebear »

I think a very tight group, as mentioned already, Kevin, Kelly G. & Bob have & had mentioned ALL along, they had alot of fears & reservations AND expressed them- only to be put threw the ringer & called names for expressing those fears. There are many more "bodies" piling up, of people who have been mistreated, maligned & threatened because of the people who misused their "authority" connected with this film. It's caused alot of broken friendships & pain, ALOT of pain. Something Randy never would have wanted to see his friends go through.
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Post by Cpt Matt Sparrow »

What ever which side is taken, it is a huge shame that most of the key performers/musicians who all played alongside Randy, have had such negative experiences with the documentary and equally that the film crew found such negativity with them! The Randy Rhoads community on this level is one of the most unpleasant artist communities I have found on the internet. Non stop online battles with people who should know better, tabloid-esque expositions in videos, name calling, trolling at enemy sites by 'people' that should know better (given their affiliation!)

Sadly here at UR and at TK there are people who are just ordinary fans, who just don't the headache anymore and stay away.

Having a break from online activity for a while to concentrate on music. Please email if you need to get in touch. Matt
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Post by Trigger »

I understand that Matt which is why it is sad that so many people blame the forums for the bad feelings that have emerged recently (the past few years). That ignores the fact that a few people have exploited the forums to create bigger issues and then point at the things they have created and go on to complain about them!!!!!!!!
When you read things like Bob has said and then consider evryone else who has started to feel uneasy about the film it is impossible to not notice a patern, that mixed with certain individuals attaching themselves like parastites to the action and us fans really have had a raw deal. And the forums have had to deal with every matterand every creep that exploited them.

I hope one day for a film but I suspect that the film we deserve will come out but I believe that film isn't even in the planning yet, I also hope that the material that Randy made that we have yet to hear will emerge with a different set of principles/ideals by those who hold it.

Perhaps when this whole fiasco is done with and we fans come to terms with the fallout we might also grow and learn from it. Other RR fans who have been critical or didn't understand and stayed away might also appreciate the work we have all done on to keep the torch burning for RR, after all hindsight is 20/20.
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Post by rice_pudding »

wareagle wrote:how did mr.margolis even get in his position of making the film? surley someone would have sniffed bull from the beginning and blew the whistle?
I find myself asking that same question, but the truth is simple; the media industry is vicious, and you dont get far without being a cunning bastard.

Its easy for me to say this in hindsight, but i had long suspected that Margolis and his crew might be of an unsavory nature, ever since smoke was first errupting years ago (has it really been that long :shock: )

Truth is there are a lot of cunts in the industry, believe me, i know this first hand and as much as i believe Mr Margolis has good intentions, that being preserving Randy's memory, it doesn't change a thing.

What appals me is the hideous lack of proffesionalism and general poor attitude surrounding this project. In England we call scam tradesmen "cowboys" I dont know if the slang translates, but thats exactly the perception i have of this ramshackle film crew. Quite how this project is costing hundreds of thousands of dollars is beyond me. Artists like Bob are willing to waver fees in the name of charity. If a film was made for charitable purposes i am confident it could be completed for thousands of dollars.

When Peter started thia project much of it was being paid for out of his own pocket and he gave up paid work to pour his efforts into this film. But this has become more than just his baby. Its turned into an overbudget, overschedule epic. Frankly, i think Peter sees this film as his chance for fame and fortune, his references to top rate festival entry is evidence enough of that. I havent wanted to say this in the past, out of respect for Peter and Dakota, but to be honest there is absolutely no reason why anyone on this board couldn't make a decent Randy film. Anyone who tells you otherwise is telling you fibs.

As Matt sais; its a shame for the UR and TK faithfull, who just want a film to pay tribute with. I havent been on the boards for a year, i know shit has been hitting fans and people on occasion, luckily i've missed the stress. But in the end, things nver change...

Thankfully i no longer consider myself a hardcore randy fan, so im not dissapointed either way the wind blows but there must be some unhappy people reading these messages :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Post by RR-ElectricAngel »

All the drama that has unfolded these last three years usually will bring a better outcome later down the road. I'll stick it out all the way. What is so "funny" is that we are not talking about millions of dollars but rather hundreds of thousands instead. I think this project was being done on the cheap side and that lead to all of this drama. Imagine how easy this film would be to complete for someone with the means to get it done the right way. I thought I'd never say it but I'm glad it happened. Why? Because it was the only way to see how to do it the WRONG way. Just wait, something better is on the horizon. Do you have the endurance to see it through. Hell I do!!

Hey Ian, Bob's Blog has to go into the DRAMA timeline. That's right, I haven't forgotten about it. :wink:
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Bob Daisly Responds about film...

Post by Shockwave »

Someone posted it over at TK, figured i would copy it here....

GREAT READ...very in depth, i have been reading it for like 10minutes and im still not done!
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Post by The Flying Dutchman »

RR-ElectricAngel wrote:All the drama that has unfolded these last three years usually will bring a better outcome later down the road.
Yep, one could read the first signs of the 'better outcome' at Twitter already a couple months ago. :wink:
And of course the 'church' know nothing.....

Still, what a mess.......
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Post by Ritchie »

This below was also posted on Bob's website :

Randy Rhoads Documentary - Bob Daisley Speaks Out
Bob has received several messages via his website, MySpace and Facebook pages regarding insulting comments written on a Facebook page by Peter Margolis, the director of a film about Randy Rhoads.The comments were recently removed but not before they were circulated and discussed on various forums by fans wanting to know what happened between Bob and the film maker to prompt such animosity.

The following comments were made by Peter Margolis…

‘I interviewed 2 people in Australia.
One of them was one of the worst human beings that I have ever encountered in my years on this planet. The other was Scott Shelly, who was possibly the nicest person that I interviewed for the film.’

When asked if Bob and Lee were going to appear in the Randy Rhoads documentary Margolis wrote:

‘I interviewed both Lee and Bob.
Lee in England and Bob in Australia
Lee was a really great guy.
Does that answer your question?’

He was then asked..

‘Peter, I hope Bob wasn’t the other person you were talking about , when you stated that Scott Shelly was perhaps the nicest person you had ever met???????????????’

To which Margolis replied:

‘I met some of the greatest human beings while shooting this movie, and some of the worst.
People that don’t deserve to occupy space on the same planet that we all reside on.
That is all I will say on the subject until the film comes out.’

If the rumours are true, we may be in for a long wait to hear more ‘on the subject’ from Margolis. Fortunately, Bob has agreed to speak out and tell us exactly what went on during his involvement with the makers of the Randy Rhoads Documentary
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Post by NoQuattro »

This whole thing is just fucked.

Give me a pro-shot live show and I'll be happy.
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Post by Trigger »

What a fucking mess, and bare in mind that about 2 or more years ago UR was being blamed for creating problems for the doc'?
One crappy decision after another with us as fans being either blamed or attacked for asking questions, then it was all the fault of some of Randy’s ex band mates/friends etc! We can’t be accused of not caring and it can’t be said that we didn’t support the principle of the project but as soon as we questioned things the most revolting tries at splitting the community were attempted. We have been strong enough to get through this and really bolstered friendships with people that prior to this crap had been very distant.
Perhaps we should now take the opportunity to understand and accept those that spoke out against the tactics being used by the film makers, understand that they had real reasons to object or change their minds and come out in active opposition.
We lost a person a while ago that loved RR and loved us fans, Kevin withdrew support and in turn became the target of some people and sadly we can never speak with Kevin and make amends for what was said. So many people close to Randy have stepped back from this film and so many dirty tricks have been attempted to discredit them we still get dirty tricks now because this whole squalid chapter has left us with some real pieces of work to have to deal with, How long before we are rid of these hangers on?

Well I support a doc’ about Randy and I hope that somebody can step up to the plate and create it a worthy project, also have we as a community learned from the lessons of PM’s film? I bloody well hope so!
Cologne she'll wear silver and americard, She'll drive a beetle car and beat you down at cool Canasta. And when the clothes are strewn don't be afraid of the room touch the fullness of her breast feel the love of her caress she will be your living end.
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