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If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:19 am
OK you have my attention, you know that boring blog that you see on facebook about I know people view my wall but i would like to see who reads it... If your a visitor here could you be so kind as to say what makes you come here.. I know the obvious answer, but why do you not post anything ?. A few words and just to see how many will actually say something... Go on say Hello i dare you...

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:57 am
by Cryptic Night
I rarely post these days because I just have nothing to say for the most part. I think I still check these forums (Even RR.TK too, though that's even deader) more out of habit than anything.

It's kind of a case of "everything's been said and done" these days.

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:04 am
by Trigger
I think that it was great when their was hope of new things and our own way we were a small pressure group, but after the 30th releases of blizzard and diary it felt like nothing mores was coming.
I am hopeful that more can happen and more is to come because we know that at least the 30th album of blizzard was changed prior to release. And perhaps the doc will finally see the light of day?

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:40 pm
It doesn't have to be something new that needs to be discussed. When i first joined here i was posting on a daily basis when nothing new was happening. I was just picking up on the old threads and asking questions and getting to know more about RR the man the guitarist the performer etc.. We must have young guys who are new to hearing RR for the first time and are eager to talk about his music and sound, playing live, his style etc etc.. The traffic the FB Rhoads related pages are getting could be a knock on effect has anyone who visits there thought of adding a link to this place ?...

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:45 pm
by orion_damage
GUITARIDOL5682 wrote:It doesn't have to be something new that needs to be discussed. When i first joined here i was posting on a daily basis when nothing new was happening. I was just picking up on the old threads and asking questions and getting to know more about RR the man the guitarist the performer etc.. We must have young guys who are new to hearing RR for the first time and are eager to talk about his music and sound, playing live, his style etc etc.. The traffic the FB Rhoads related pages are getting could be a knock on effect has anyone who visits there thought of adding a link to this place ?...
That's a good idea, I don't know who runs the most popular RR pages but that'd be a help for sure.

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:24 pm
by Cryptic Night
GUITARIDOL5682 wrote:It doesn't have to be something new that needs to be discussed.
In my experience, when people ask something that has been brought up before, they get told to search the forums before posting. (I am guilty of doing this, as are others)

That, and you can only talk so much about Randy's "Chip pan" pedalboard configuration and amp settings so many times. haha

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:32 am
by Nick
Cryptic Night wrote:
GUITARIDOL5682 wrote:It doesn't have to be something new that needs to be discussed.
In my experience, when people ask something that has been brought up before, they get told to search the forums before posting. (I am guilty of doing this, as are others)

That, and you can only talk so much about Randy's "Chip pan" pedalboard configuration and amp settings so many times. haha
We already have the settings for the chip pan form the book in great detail

I would like to post something in regards to what amps,pedals, and guitars Randy might have been using today if he were still with us

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:07 am
Well you would be surprised at how people mention something that no one had known about his gear .. I was very surprised to learn about the 12 string Gibson Firebird Randy used in the studio when recording both Blizzard and Dairy. It had been seen many times in photos from Ridge farm and the insert cover pics on the Tribute album. Just a simple question to the right guy and i found out the history of that guitar where it came from and what tracks it was used on. I honestly thought it was a guitar that had been in the studio and Randy had been using it for tone for effect on some guitr tracks etc.. It went home with him and was never mentioned as part of Randy's arsenal of guitars. So just asking the right question and the right time it can start a big discussion. So if ytou want to ask about something ask away... I know that some guys get sick of repeating themselves and direct you to links but i would rather talk and add the link to show all the info.

Nick i understand in hindsight about what your wanting to discuss but it is pure speculation going on what the top guys are using today.. some guys prefer to use vintage amplifiers and cabs. They love the old stomp boxes, some guys have gone down the Kemper road on an amplifier with so many settings you can sound like whoever you want. Woud Randy of been a Kemper user or would he of been more of an old school type ?.

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:46 am
by Nick
Here's a question I have about Randy's chip pan.
Why did it buzz soo bad ?

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:04 pm
by Tito
too many boxes Lol!!!!!!

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:13 pm
Bad earthing problems on the all metal box and if he put a few more chips in the pan it would of drowned the extra fizz out.. :-p

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:50 pm
by dinomite
I browse here or at least try to daily and have been ever since I joined. When I joined over 7 years ago, this place was very vibrant and I'm pretty sure the reason I did sign up was because I even wanted to add my 2 cents on the whole Documentary Saga. I was lurking here long before that anyway.

You're right Shaun, the obvious answer to people coming here is that we hope one day something like a Holy Grail will turn up and all us Randy nuts can die happy! Haha! But to be fair to the members here, what there is to say has already been said. There are thousands of topics here dedicated to one person and while yes there has been quite a lot done in terms of his legacy, everything could have been done so much better. What I think has been so frustrating on so many of Randy's fans is that WE KNOW what is out there, we know what a few certain people have access to, yet there always seems to be red tape.

Who knows? Maybe 2016 will be the year? As sad and unfortunate as Delores passing was last year, maybe it's what needed to happen to get the ball rolling? As the song says, 'I don't know'

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:16 am
by Paul Wolfe
I still want to know why everyone loves to talk about Randy's gear but no one ever wants to talk about his actual musical compositions. No one talks about how he used modes, how he put chord progressions together, how he created the licks he used as fills and the licks he used to tie scales together to create solos...

The gear has been talked to death. Randy was a musician who created great music. Why don't we ever discuss that?

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:08 am
by Tito
i love the way he understood the modes and how he danced around the way he threw a mixolydian and locrian in one sequence..

Re: If you come here just as a browser i have a message!!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:57 am
Paul i only see guys who actually play guitar who are interested in the structure of his skill. I don't play but are familiar with guitars and gear etc.. Yeah i get what your saying but i think that question can be heard instead of being actually discussed if you get what am saying...don't talk about it just listen ;-)