New Diary pics? Some I edited.

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New Diary pics? Some I edited.

Post by P C M »






I removed the mic stand on this (love this pic)


Never seen this in full...


Somebody tried to colourize this...fixed it a bit...


Shown before but removed the crease - touched up...





I give credit to some of the rare shots to Kevin Mahon on Pintrest. Thank you.

A the Rhoads estate and the Osbournes. Enjoy the wine,keeping your brother a saint and enjoy whatever wrongful death suit,out of court settlement mom signed. Remember,Ozzy taught Randy how to write,read,play guitar. All the hours he had to mix and produce those 2 albums then edit some half assed live album and tribute it to a joker that hung out with a drugged out bus driver and half hearted seamstress/cook. Ah,the memories. Such an amazing legacy and having to deal with/fire some trumped up bums from low level bands (which Ozzy had to also teach them how to play ) and having some useless kid attempt, then had to have sir Ozzy take over and mix and produce those album (where do they find these bumbling fools). Also, thank heaven for our queen Sharon Arden for being there since 1978, helping Ozzy with the direction he wanted to go and keeping him abstence from outside foolery,drugs and alcohol or even engaging in bigamy while she held the reigns for her useless brother and father keeping Jet records alive (my god). Be thankful people. Just remember and be greatful,the prince of darkness true story movie that is being written,produce,filmed by the Osbourne (also watch for Ozzy and Sharon on Jack Osbourne's Portals To Hell),will be released sometime in 2026...maybe 2030 without much content on this...uhhh...Randall Rhoads. Due to Ozzy's very busy concert tour with slackers and many cancelations, The Osbournes have decided he will only play certain live shows at their/his descression - No More Tours/Tours III. Be very greatful, bow down and accept your new overlord. Amen.
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Re: New Diary pics? Some I edited.

Post by shawn »

Hey P C M have you ever thought of getting help for your anger problems. I can only imagine that your anger issues must take away for the enjoyment that you could be getting from Randys music with all the anger you are harboring towards these people.
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Re: New Diary pics? Some I edited.

Post by P C M »

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