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Post by Shockwave »

I agree about the Sharon thing, that is, she does her job and she does it great. You can all think she is in it for the money only but at this point i seriously doubt it, and even if she is, its her job.

The best business people in the world are usually considered the biggest asssholes, they take down anyone around them to get to the top, and honestly that's the best way to do it and i hold nothing against her for doing it.

As I have always said, you can tell how much Randy meant to her in the Japanese documentary, when she breaks down towards the end its just :( . Anything Randy related i would trust with her no matter what. And on that subject i hold nothing against them if they keep stuff for themselves, we can beg all we want. We never knew Randy, they did, they were friends with him and saw him daily and went from the bottom of not being sure of whether or not Ozzys solo career would take off to the one of the biggest concerts of the early 80s. I have no doubt at all they have 100's of hours of behind the scenes stuff with Randy, site seeing, on the tourbus, backstage, during concerts shot from behind the stage or side stage at minimal length. During events such as birthdays as we all saw.

There is no doubt we will never see this stuff, maybe one or two small things will leak out over the next 30yrs but nothing else most likely. Kelly and Jack will inherit all this stuff and just have it to show there own friends who may be interested in Randy after Ozzy and Sharon pass on.

As far as footage, I think Sharon probably had a few of the early blizzard shows taped with the original band, They probably stuck by the fact that nothing exist because of the royalties situation with Lee and Bob, why admit you have something and be bother non stop about it for years and years if you know you will never be able to release it anyway.

So with that...In a few years Sharon will settle with Bob and Lee and then release the original albums remastered with the original tracks and then release a video of the original band playing somewhere to promote it :D

Ok those last two paragraphs are speculation but I would say I am 75% believing they have footage from the original band playing :)
Paul Wolfe
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Post by Paul Wolfe »

TAB wrote:your slag you just proved you are no better than tk and why I hate all these boards. Go further up Kelly's butt :P I am done with all these places..
How did I prove anything? If you want to talk, do it in a way that explains your point of view. And what does Kelly have to do with this? He and I have gotten to know each other away from these boards and I consider him a friend. I'd feel the same regardless of Randy Rhoads.

If you are truly done, then good luck in life, I have a feeling you'll be back, tho'. It's a shame you are getting bent with me over a comment not directed at you in any way, but, C'est La Vie.
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Silver Rhoads
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Post by Silver Rhoads »

Paul Wolfe wrote:So Sharon has made a reputation for herself.

Now, if the general perception of you was that you are an asshole, and people on sites like this continually called you an asshole, how inclined would you be to give ("make available" for you jokesters) those people something which belongs to you which they insist they 'deserve'?

As for emailing Bob or anyone else who is in the limelight... it is my personal opinion that writing them and asking questions is fine - especially if they have published their email on their own website. It's the emailing and begging for things like these tapes Bob has. Not that anyone here has. Or posting on a website begging for more material that bugs me. This younger generation is the epitome of 'I want it NOW!' You are used to getting things quickly and easily and simply want MORE. When I was younger, it was half the fun to have to search for what we wanted. It makes things more valuable to have to work for them.

At least this place is a step above tk. I've noticed that they turn on everybody in a heartbeat - especially if they say anything negative about Peter Margolis. Kevin DuBrow was a hero there, until he decided not to back this documentary. Kelly Garni was a hero until he spoke badly about Peter M. Bob Daisley has recently been slagged for commenting negatively about his dealings with Dakota. I'd bet that if Delores Rhoads published a statement about negative feelings towards this film, tk would turn on her, too.
Paul you have made some very good points, but at the same time not everyone here thinks they deserve anything. Many of us are just regular passionate fans that appreciate anything that comes our way. I read everything most of the time and just want to be informed about Randy and what might be released.

How do you know Bob was "slagged" for his recent comment on the documentary?

My opinion is this, and it's just an opinion, maybe Bob shouldn't have commented on his negative business dealings in public. Maybe he shouldn't have mentioned the "RR gold" he said he has until it truly would be released. It's obviously just causing more frustrations for everyone. All of this bickering has grown tiresome. What if this material Bob has can never be released because of legal issues? Now, all of the fans know that it's rare material they may never hear.

Out of sight, out of mind is best.

I also just wanted to mention, I don't have any issues with Peter, Bob or anyone else. I don't know them personally and I have never commented negatively about any of them. I'm just a fan of music and that's all.

Many people on the Randy forums have given each other a hard time and may not have thought before they spoke that is why many people are refusing to post anymore, celebrity or not.
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Post by Paul Wolfe »

Silver Rhoads wrote: Paul you have made some very good points, but at the same time not everyone here thinks they deserve anything. Many of us are just regular passionate fans that appreciate anything that comes our way. I read everything most of the time and just want to be informed about Randy and what might be released.
Oh, I agree, there are a lot, dare I say most, members here who are simply looking forward to the possibility of something new and enjoy discussing RR. It's the vocal minority who I was addressing.

As for Bob being slagged, that was based on comments I read at .tk.
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