Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

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Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by thepolkadots »

Is it true that Ironface & Halorising have 100's of photos Mike Smalt took of Randy Rhoads?
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by matt21 »

Never heard of Mike Smalt, but I wouldn't doubt it. There are some guys that have tons of Randy photos in their collection but may not put them out due to copyright reasons
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by dmnjr »

As in Sheriff Mike Smalt...who conducted the accident investigation. Where is the question going? If they have pics, I guarantee they will not share them with anyone.
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by thepolkadots »

Well Mike Smalt shared them with Peter Margolis, that's a fact. Also Mikes number is in whitepages.com in leesburg FL. I've been thinking about making a inquiery as to getting the photos myself.
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by Tito »

well learn how to spell first and who gives a shit if you look for the pictures!!enjoy them if you get them!!!!
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by thepolkadots »

As far as those pics, I'm just curious.

Also am seeking the truth about why Peter wanted them so bad and why it's rumored halorising and the other guy has them.

Only person I have beef with is the wannabe photographer Dave Johnson that's being a jerk to slingblade here for sharing photos with us in the photo section.

he is mad cause some pics are posted here of his without watermarks in full size.

I say screw him, he dosen't deserve to profit from photos of Randy, nor does anyone else. All photos of Randy should be distrubuited 100% free, ALL photos of Randy should be turned over to the public domain, and even the crash photos may as well be made public, there's no point in select members here getting to see them but not everyone else.

Let's end the secrecy.

Same thing with video, those 2 brothers need to release the footage for free.
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by Tito »

look these photographers were around making a living on their art doing what they did best to get awesome shots out to the fans probably way before you were born and this is the only way we got to see our heroes back then!theres no reason why these pics should be circulating without the proper channels bieng checked with....musicians are still getting paid for work they did 20 30 40 years ago!!!photogapghers are no different if it werent for them what the fuck would we have today!!!!????the photographers from back then still DESERVE to make thier money for the work they did!!!!so please with the everything needs to be out front and center for free!!its a fuckin business and the sooner you learn that the better!!!
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by thepolkadots »

First off, I don't have anything to learn about that. Second, photography of rock stars is NOT something I consider to be a "art", ART is Picasso not Dave Johnson. There is no such thing as a "bad" picture of Randy Rhoads, any pic of Randy is good because there's not much of Randy.

As far as photograpghy, of people, it's all point and click, there's no "art" to it. Dave Johnson is no artist. He's just a hack who thinks he's someone bigtime like Zloz, just because he took a few pics of Randy.

When I look at pictures of rockstars I don't give a crap who took the photos!

All this business about "proper channels" is pure crap.

I will do anything I want to with all footage and photos I get my hands own, anyone that feels froggy can come try to jump me with their lawyers, I don't care. I fear no one.

Even people like Jay Branbery or whatever, I don't give a crap about how well he "thinks" he photographed Randy, I would like a picture taken by a 5 year old just as well.

Photographers of rock stars are not artists, they are merely people lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time with a camera.
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by dmnjr »

Polka, I think they were able to obtain them through the 'freedom of information act'. You might want to try the same avenues. Just saying...not sure a sheriff wants you looking him up and calling him for accident scene polaroids from 30 years ago, know what I mean? I understand the curiosity and am not bagging on you. I've been intrigued by that fateful morning and have sought out pics of the house/bus damage...and would love to see pics of Randy PRIOR to boarding the plane....but NOT after. I have seen plenty of nasty accident pics and videos on the web to know what happens to someone in that scenario.

I prefer to remember my superman in all his youthful glory...not what was left of him and taken to the morgue.
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by thepolkadots »

And NO, photographers of rock stars don't deserve to make money on the photos, I don't care about their so called "making a living". If slingblade and us posting their pictures all over the net and do what we please without getting their permission or giving them credit, causes them loss of income, THEN SO BE IT! Let the photographers rot on the street homeless & hungry for all I care, maybe they should get jobs at Taco Bell if they need money!

Like I said, you people in this group like Dave Johnson, RhoadsRockphotographer keep on angering me and I will see to it that it becomes harder & harder for people of your likes to make another dime on a photo, I will get every unmarked photo you've ever taken of Randy and create sites all over the web for people to download them for free, or maybe I'll just sell them myself and profit off your photos you took, see when it comes to photos & music etc,, downloadable things, you can talk all this copyright law stuff you want, but in reality there's very little if anything you or anyone can do to stop me with doing as I please with any photo of Randy I get my hands on. Perhaps if you had the money & lawyers someone like Sharon O$bourne has to fight me, but other than that, when you try to threaten, or intimidate me or others like me who distribute Randy Rhoads footage, you will only be adding fuel to my fire and hurting your ownselves as you will have my wrath & fury to face!
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by thepolkadots »

@dmnjr, I never thought of that freedom of info act, i will pursue that.

yeah I would like to get those ics i think the keyboard player took of randy right before he got in the plane, don airey i think it was.

i'm also wondering what the hold up is with Randys brother Kelly and his audio recordings of Randy he has been holding on to.

And the audio lesson of Peters lesson with Randy, if he isn't releasing the documentary, why not at least release that.
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by Tito »

thanks d!!!!dots i beg to differ on photographers capturing pics but ill end it here ill let the pros reciprocate what i was trying to explain...also bieng curious is natural..anyway good luck on your search....im not a part of any group just laying out the facts...you sound very familiar btw.....you wont post anything i havent seen dude but good luck anyway....take it ez
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by thepolkadots »

all i care about is for everything realting to randy rhoads to be released & be made free to the public. i don't care about photographers so called "rights". really the only photographer i have a issue with is rhoadsrockphotographer, slingblade posts about 1,000 pics here of randy then along comes rhoadsrockphotographer dave johnson trying to threaten a lawsuit or intimidate him to remove some of the pics. screw that. i hate people that try to hoard stuff related to randy or only share it if it's paid for or watermarked. it all should be free, and available to everyone, anything else is a slap in the face to fans of randy rhoads. i mean randy is dead, what ever people have is all we will ever have of randy, so it all needs to be released. if these photigrapgers wanna make money, let them make it on the dead. we randy fans that have been waiting all our life and have only gotten handed crumbs, we deserve more, we deserve it all, right now!
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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by scooterh67 »

thepolkadots wrote:I will get every unmarked photo you've ever taken of Randy and create sites all over the web for people to download them for free, or maybe I'll just sell them myself and profit off your photos you took,
Wow! Stop this train I want to get off!! Listen Polka Dots three different members in this thread have tried to explain to you why it isn't right to do what you are trying to do. What gives you the right to "take credit" for a photo that YOU didn't take? Let me guess to make a fast buck or two :roll: Why do you WANT everything handed to you, especially for free?? Just to make a profit. That is %^#$ up!!! Let me tell you nothing in life is ever free, Why can't you understand why R.R.photographer is mad when he sees a picture that he took and he sees people like yourself trying to make a fast buck off his photos. He has every right to take credit and sell HIS pics he took them! Not you!!!!!! I usually don't get involved with other peoples business but what you are trying to do is totally wrong. I am only guessing that you are really young, if not?? It's time to grow up. I'll leave it at that, I said enough.

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Re: Mike Smalt photos of Randy Rhoads

Post by thepolkadots »

i didn't say i was going to sell pictures per sey, i just said if i chose to i would, and if he keeps being a jerk about it i will do everything possible to screw him over.

as far as owning pictures, that's bs, he dosen't own the pictures. GOD owns the pictures. try to wrap your brains around that. You see a photograpg is a image of life, God created life, it was Randy Rhoads flesh & bones that these images are of, Randy Rhoads owns his own flesh & blood, and God owns Randy, you see all this copyright bs is just MANS madeup legalities, I don't follow MANS laws and ethics, I live by my OWN laws & ethics. To me a image or a photograph of something is the same thing as a tree or the water or the land, NO ONE really own trees, nature, water etc. Because it's not ours to OWN. Same thing with a photo, because a photo is just a image of something God created. Zloz or Dave Johnson did not CREATE anything at all in their photographs, all they did was point & shoot, the camera only preserves a moment in time that God craeated, and these moments are not for Man to hoard or sell. This is the higher dimension I exist on, and I will never change my beliefs or be persuaded to live differently or think otherwise no matter what anyone here has to say.

These photographers had NOTHING to do with Randy Rhoads, all they did was merely document or save a second in time of HIS image. There's nothing special about what they did. If people want to give them money or praise them, or buy their photos that's fine.

But I will not stand by idle and listen to people like Rhoads rockphotographer try to intimidate or bully anyone on this forum or elsewhere for uploading pictures of Randy Rhoads, regardless of who took them.

Just because you take a picture of something does NOT mean you own it.

You may have legal copyrights given to you by MAN, but that don't mean crap to me, and if you stop and try to think on a higher dimension about it, as I do, then you will understand where I am coming from.

It's not anyones to sell or try to hoard.

Images are like butterflies and should remain forever free.

Just like how Native Americans believe a photo steals your soul, You can't sell Randys soul. You did not CREATE the image that's in your photos, therefore they are not "truly" yours to do with as you please or MOST importantly try to restrict what others do with them.

It's a image, a mere image. The same images of Randy Rhoads I would have seen of Randy had I been at his concert at that time, it is FREE to look at people and we store the images in our minds. No one owns them, I can look at anything I wanna look at in life, all of life, everything we see is simply made up of IMAGES.

Photographers can't just go around stealing Gods images of Randy and trying to intimidate others by trying to bully them with MANMADE copyright laws. God did all the work by making Randy, the photographers are simply taking a photo of it nothing more, God did all the craeting, not the photographers. Just like if you go to a Randy Rhoads concert and bootleg record his audio, you didn't compose his music or play his music, you just simply recorded it.

No one owns a image anymore than anyone can try to lay claim to a sunset.

Argue with me all you want, but you shall never sway my belief system on this.

Bottom line, only problem I have is RockRhoadsPhotographer being a jerk.
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