HOW MANY P MARGOLIS critcs WILL see HIS FILM-and apologize?

Talk about Randy Rhoads here.

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Post by The Flying Dutchman »

MrCrowley wrote:we have to remember that this documentary is not for just us at UR and TK. This documentary is also for the public. It is aiming to inspire, or at least make the public, admire Randy Rhoads. Who very few know even existed.
What will make the public admire Randy?
His personality or his music/playing?

If people don't like the music, will they still be interested in finding out who Randy was as a person? Maybe.... I think most people admire him in the first place because of his music, it starts from there. (imo)

So Peter's approach, the choice to portrait "Randy the person" or "Randy the musician" to advertise him is discussable for sure, I don't see that as bickering. I think 2) is more essential than 1) for most people, and 1) is a bonus for those who appreciate 2) in the first place.

You can't ask, here at a discussion forum, that people should admire everything or else :arrow: .....
That's how maybe Peter would like to see it though...... :wink:
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Post by TAB »

The Flying Dutchman wrote:
TAB wrote:I don't want to fued with anyone but I can say I am a friend of "the brothers" and drug them into this mess being my fault in the 1st place. Trust me, they are not selling anything to Peter or anyone they have nor had intentions of doing so in the first place.
Does this mean they gave it for free?, or does this mean that Peter can't use that footage?

(to me it's not that import if they asked some money or not, I can undertand if they did though. I want to know if that footage will be released? )
They haven't given it to Peter and never planned to. They never sold it and never planned to. Contrary to what has been said here to get peoples hopes up. I can't answer if someday they will make thier own project with what they have. Nothing right now is in the works sad to say.
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Post by The Flying Dutchman »

Thanks for clearing that up.
But know I start wondering about the Pro shot Blizzard video as well......
Not if it exists but if it really will be released with the documentary?
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Post by Paul Wolfe »

Dutch, when it comes to the Internet, believe nothing until you see it. That's my policy.
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Post by TAB »

I am trying to clarify because it's unfair to fans to keep saying things as you say internet rumors to get fans hopes up to be let down or be let down by the Documentary casue there isn't enough Randy footage in it. I am skeptical about the Blizzard Pro shot also, course it would be incredible. Personally think again it's the same situation as my friends. Only thing we know is not a rumor forsure is the ET footage will be in it.
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Post by ammalato »

TAB - have you seen the footage yourself?
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Post by TAB »

I can't vouch for the other rumors out there concerning pro blizzard this and that and what the doc is geared to but some things I can say aren't true. The way things seem to be going with a lot bad feeling I will be happy just to see a doc come out. Ammalato, I have been good friends with them so I think that should say.
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Post by The Flying Dutchman »

What if they (deliberately) 'leaked' some (false) information (by use of Romeo...) to get some more publicity?

And why would they keep that pro-blizzard quiet if they gonna release it?
(why do we not read anything about that on the official documentary websites? It would really stir up some interest they can use very well!)
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Post by TAB »

for me in my opinion, to say that they leaked false info would be speculating. One persons info and word againsn't another. Who to believe?.. well like it was said if the Doc makes it out then we will know then.. All the fans at the boards obviously don't need any more advertising the Doc to. To use footage info to advertise to people that already know of the Doc isn't really needed. Look at the Guitar World article he did, he was pretty forth coming then about info. possible footage, what they had or might have. I dont' see why that would change now far as if there is Pro Blizzard stuff. I really don't think there is in my opinon sad to say, I hope I am wrong.. I am not defending anyone just trying to make sense of what's going on and give a point of view to your questions.
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Post by MrCrowley »

By saying 'you guys' I sincerely hope you mean the handful of people in the thread (less than 10) and not the getting onto 900 members at UR. UR doesn't have borg like views of anything including the filk or Peter.
Yes, thanks for clearing that up. When I say 'you guys' I do mean those my arguments are directed at. If you feel my arguments have a different opinion to yours, and you have expressed your opinion in one of these threads, i'm probably directing them at you too (speaking generally here, not directly to you).
By the way Horse is me, and was just a bit of light hearted fun to aleviate the tedium and non sense of the film
Understand that completely, and I can see why one would laugh at it. But I have a feeling a few members are taking it too seriously/too far. It ends up being mentioned every 3 posts in these threads. It was funny the first time.
One thing I don't understand is why Peter tracked down the girl horseback riding that day. If I remember correct, she was a ways away.
If she didn't see anything, I do see where you all are coming from. Is a helluva lot of resources spent on someone who just 'heard' the crash. Maybe she saw some of the flights before the crash, can accurately describe what exactly the pilot was trying to do (kill his wife/kill himself/have some fun etc).

I can't definitively answer that as I don't know Peter's intentions with her being in the film and what exactly she was witness too.
what was up with the bars on the window business? We've been told about the 10 hour shoot concerning the bedroom window, and that the Rhoads family wasn't very keen on that particular ordeal.
As for the 10 hour thing, it does take quite awhile to set up and film, especially if you want the shot to have a particular effect you have to wait for perfect lighting etc.

If I were Peter, i'd probably use the shot of Randy's window with the bars to symbolise how inspired he has made his fans. How dedicated his fans are, how important Randy is to them. So important, Dee had to put iron bars on Randy's room window.
but why interview someone who flat out didn't like Randy?
Fair point. Maybe Peter wants to show contrast, EVH vs RR. How it was back then. I've heard that there was quite a bit of rivalry and you were either with EVH or RR.
Peter has a tough time getting along with folks.
Yeah I can imagine, like I said before I don't know all the details but I do know a lot of directors can be real assholes. After all they've spent their lives holding microphones, focusing camera lenses, operating lenses, running to get coffee for people, holding a large tinfoil sheet to reflect light etc...they get stuck with pretty crappy jobs before they get to be directors.
On the film being made for the future.
Like I said in my other posts, I want to stress that I did not mean only for the future. Another way of looking at it is that the film is made for future Randy fans. For people living now who will be inspired by this documentary.
However, if the community of fans in the here and now did not exist, there would be no interest, and ultimately no need for a film.
Mostly true, thenagain people do make documentary's out of no one and make them famous (Winnebago Man (2009) etc). But yes, this doco is important to us also and we should be kept in mind as well, that's why I have no problem with reasonable discussions about the film but immature arguments are definitely not the way to go. We'll just have to hope Peter respects the fans enough, him being a fan as well, to make the doco right for everyone.
So Peter is making this film for future generations of fans? Maybe, but I doubt that.
Read my posts correctly, thank you. I want to stress that this film's market will be people who have never heard of Randy Rhoads, otherwise this flm would be targetting several hundred people if it were made for us. There's no money in that.
Is Sundance to get more publicity for this film so it will get a wider theatrical release or is Sundance to give Peter and Dakota the opportunity to hobnob with the celebrities?
I believe that it will definitely give Dakota pictures more publicity and for them to get in with the big crowd if the film is received well. Publicity for Peter is probably a cherry on top for him. He still has to make the film well otherwise he'd get bad publicity. So it's a risk for him too.
just raising a different point of view.
Which is much appreciated. I'm glad you made a valid and reasonable argument as well.
The concerns Kelly has demonstrated match those of ours, the difference is we have stated them for longer and while we were at one time targeted for abuse by certain people because of it, we are now noticing many other people sharing our concerns
I think i've only addressed your concerns when it comes to what Peter is actually doing with the film (all the interviews you guys think are not needed) and the way he treats people like Kelly. Ifthere are any more concerns, it'd be great if you could mention them and save me trawling through the forum.

I'm not here to be a pain in the ass, argue for the hell of it etc, just here to perceive the story from a different angle. None of what I say is usually more than an educated guess when I discuss what Peter might do with the film, but I still think they are valid reasons.
What will make the public admire Randy?
His personality or his music/playing?
Well for me it's mostly his personality as I don't play an instrument, but his personality is part of his playing. Such as how he constantly practiced, was focused on learning classic guitar, sought teachers while he toured, didn't want to just show off, but wanted to inspire etc.

What will make the public admire him is mostly up to the public, and partly through how Peter portrays Randy in the film.
I think most people admire him in the first place because of his music, it starts from there.
Yeah quite often. With me, it started out listening to some Ozzy songs. I always get interested in things I like, I tend to research them quite deeply. That happened with Ozzy, I researched, found Randy and became interested in Randy, and 3 or 4 years later, here I am. If I ever did learn guitar, his music would definitely inspire me, I love it.
the choice to portrait "Randy the person" or "Randy the musician"
Like I said, for me, they are almost one in the same.

Sorry I didn't name the quotes, if you wrote what I quoted, you'll know it's yours :)

Thanks for keeping things civil this time round. Nothing is wrong with a good discussion as long as it's civil.
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Post by Phineas J »

If the story about the band Anvil can get as much press as it has, then a well constructed RR documentary could be pretty darn popular.

Hey TAB, are you saying that Peter does not have the Diary footage that we have heard about? Is Romeo wrong about whether it will surface? I would surmise that whomever (the brothers) has the footage, it would be worth more now and maybe more after the documentary is released, when Randy's name is on the lips of more people. If Peter cant pony up the cash, then maybe Ozzy will?
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Post by TAB »

you are correct Peter does not have that, and actually it's not about the what it's worth for them.
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Post by MrCrowley »

Do they have a reason for not releasing it?
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Post by RRfish »

No disrespect intended, but OCD comes to mind when I have read these posts, not you TAB/Phieas3 ! :fish:
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Post by demon »

that just added so much to the conversation RRfish. :roll:
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