I posted a few of these photos up a few weeks back and it started a frenzy of rare photos being posted up by Nic and myself. Well i have just been told from the owner of these photos that they are now available to buy in a 20 6" X 4" photo set. These are from the 31st January 1982 Richfield Coliseum Richfield OH and the 8th February 1982 Cobo Hall Detroit MI. Plus some candid photos of Ozzy, Randy and Tommy. These are an exclusive to UR and are in a limited supply. So if you want a set of these awesome shots, which have only become available to buy for the first time here in a set of 20. If you contact Norm at norman.wonderly@gmail.com

Ozzy Blizzard tour 11th May 1981 Music Hall Cleveland OH (this one is not in the set of 20)

Randy Diary tour 31st January 1982 Richfield Coliseum OH

Randy Diary tour 8th February 1982 Cobo Hall Detroit MI