Problem is shred1, there isn't much of a story to tell about Don and David Arden, they were sued successfully over non payment in regards to the BOO album, so in that regard why would Bob keep bringing it up, that part, at least, is done with, finished. Bob has put that to bed. The continuing royalties for the BOO album however, were, after Sharon became the manager, suppose to passed onto Bob and Lee, and never were. So that IS still an unpaid debt, likewise the DOAM royalties. But that is no longer and issue with Don and David, it's an issue with Sharon.shred1 wrote:Guitaridol, this thread started as both an unwarranted shot at Rudy Sarzo for 'misleading' people about his presence at the accident scene, as well as a piece of low hanging fruit that was in my opinion, 'begging for a rebuttal'.
We have discussed all this before. I believe Mr. Daisley has been misleading the public as to WHO was the main culprit in his fleecing. I believe I have offered enough evidence to suggest that both Don and Dave Arden are just as responsible for what happened. Bob's well-rehearsed telling of the story rarely, if ever mentions Don Arden.
I believe it is misleading. That is where this thread started.
And if Bob did get paid, as many here have confirmed, then what the f**k is he still bitching about?
The fact that Bob has spilled his story again suggests that Mr Daisley has NOT let sleeping dogs lie.
In a nut shell.......Don And David don't owe Bob anything anymore, Sharon does.
I don't see anything misleading about it............making a bold, concise statement about something, however, isn't something that can then be open to interpretation, or double meanings, ....what is said, is said, and taken, by most people, at face value, which can be very misleading to those who don't know any different.