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Massive Protest In Moscow Over Russian Election

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:40 pm
by RR-ElectricAngel
If you watched the election results last week (128% election results) you can only assume more protest is to come. This has to be THE year of protesting...


Re: Massive Protest In Moscow Over Russian Election

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:49 am
by Trigger
The New russia is so corrupt! it demonstrates itself as an open western nation with freedom and democracy but what underlines it is the same old controling contrived bunch of crooks etc! I admire nations who are willing to stand up to us (the west) but to do that you have to be better than us! with Russia they have a longway to go to remove curruption and its gangsters who have vested interests in keeping Russia undemocratic. i wish the protest well, this is what the Arabs are now fighting for so perhaps it is fare to call it the Russian spring.

Re: Massive Protest In Moscow Over Russian Election

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:34 pm
by Paul Wolfe
Trigger wrote:The New Russia is so corrupt! it demonstrates itself as an open western nation with freedom and democracy but what underlines it is the same old controlling contrived bunch of crooks etc!
Sounds like the States!!

It is nice to see the common man standing up, finally, around the world - Egypt, Russia, China, et al... instead of running to another country to 'start over'.

It'd be interesting to see what the 'Occupy' movement in the States could do if there was a turnout like those in Russia and Egypt!

Re: Massive Protest In Moscow Over Russian Election

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:44 pm
by oth
Trigger wrote:The New russia is so corrupt! it demonstrates itself as an open western nation with freedom and democracy but what underlines it is the same old controling contrived bunch of crooks etc! I admire nations who are willing to stand up to us (the west) but to do that you have to be better than us! with Russia they have a longway to go to remove curruption and its gangsters who have vested interests in keeping Russia undemocratic. i wish the protest well, this is what the Arabs are now fighting for so perhaps it is fare to call it the Russian spring.

Actually,the current Russia is what the West is aspiring to:corporate control,concentrated wealth and political influence, amongst billionaires(rupert murdoch,koch bros,GE,).Trickle up, baby!We have oligarchs in this country too ,theyre called steve jobs,bill gates,warren buffet etc...and their companies are holding trillions of dollars in the bank and not investing in the USA just china and india.Yeah,you know ...the job creators!