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Eddie Trunk interviews Axl Rose 2011.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:16 pm
by oth
Wow,talk about a snorefest.Eddie certainly displayed all the techniques for a boring interview-no interesting questions or follow ups.Axl can be vague with the answers so that is why u need follow ups-ie: asking axl about what he listens to and axl talks about his ipod-good place for a follow up or redirect,eddie!I cant believe that eddie came with prepared questions cause we would have come away with some better insight of Axl.

Re: Eddie Trunk interviews Axl Rose 2011.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:53 am
by RR-ElectricAngel
I think Eddie felt if he asked Axl the wrong question Axl would of stormed off pissed or worse.