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Some 'splainin' to do.

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:33 am
by Sarab
Hi y'all.
Just wanted to kinda of check in and let y'all know of my MIA.

First off, Sarah has, (as my friend Rachelle & I found out), been doing drugs.
My world crashed, but we are trying to get thru this. Mike has no idea about it. She's been sober for about a month. We've discussed the friends that she hangs around with are bad news. And that also includes her cousin. I have to admit, she doesn't hang around her cousin that much, so progress is slow going.
She is a repeating freshman, which means, she has a couple of sophomore classes, but has a freshman homeroom. She failed the whole year of Algebra I, and a half a year of World Geography. I wasn't going to pay for summer school, which would have been about $800.00. She is repeating the Algebra, and they have offered her a chance to take her Geography class after school. She decided that she wants to get on with school, and signed up on her own (without me badgering her to do it.)
She was taking to a friend of mine's daughter Monday, and Sarah decided that she wanted to join Key Club. YAY! She is on her way to straighten her life. She is starting to have goal, and I couldn't be more proud. Her interim report was 2 B's, 1 P (passing) and 1 A. She is so proud of herself. Me being at home kinda helps, as she can't have any riff-raff around the house.
Well, that will be changing. I start work on Thusday!!! I will be training Thursday & Friday, and the place will be opening up on Monday.
Maybe that'll help my home life!
Just wanted to give y'all a heads up, and I'll try to get on more. There are still some things here that I need to clear up.

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:58 am
by Cpt Matt Sparrow
Hi Gina

That sounds like you have your hands full, but it also looks positive too. My dad when he retired worked for 'Mind' the mental health charity, and one thing they really tried and emphasise was just because some uses drugs, it doesn't make them a drug addict. I am sure it is just a temporary phase of going off the rails Gina.

All the grades and the new sobriety sound great!! Great to see you backxx


Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:18 pm
by RRfish
Hi Gina, welcome back. I truly feel for you, sounds like your plate is definitely full. When you love them so much it's difficult to stay logical at times. Like Matt said most likely a phase, and with a lot of unconditional love, and open communication things will turn around. Sounds like she is doing well though, and seeing her own positive possibilities in life. Just keep believing in her. Your trust and belief in her, in time turn into her own trust and belief in herself. Take care !!!!! :fish:

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:14 pm
by Paul Wolfe
Gina, my prayers are with you and Sarah.

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:49 pm
by The Flying Dutchman
Thanks for the update Gina!
& good to hear things are improving now! 8)

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:50 pm
by rice_pudding
I feel for you Gina, you always seem to come bearing a weight of bad news :(

Everyone falls down sometimes, the important thing is that there is someone to pick them up and set them on their way.

Sarah is fortunate to have a good mum 8)


Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:28 pm
by Trigger
I am glad things are getting better but I fee bad that I wasn't able to help, I was always here for you Gina.
We used to chat often a while ago but I assumed you were just sick of the dramas and you were having time away, had I known how tough things had been I would have been in touch instead of keeping a respectful distance.
My love to you and the girls.


Ps Jessica says his and Oscar gurgled.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:17 pm
by Zakk Daniels

I am so glad she has turned around and is doing much better in all aspects. I feel for you. I am happy that you got a new job as well. Keep the faith!! I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:14 am
Hi Gina i've been thinking about you and was thinking that you'd just backed off from the forum like a few people have. But i bet you got a kick up the arse when you found out. I think being a parent you just want the best from your kids and when you hear things like Drugs etc ..It does come down on you hard.. But it's the way of the world these days it is a hard thing for kids not to get involved with them in one way or another as long as its found out quickly and stopped. It is the circle of friends that they mix with and you've realised that quickly enough to stop her hanging round with them . We just have to remember that us as adults we weren't all angels as kids and i think i opened my parents eyes and told them everything. But that was me, i thought it was better for them to know but i only found out that they worried even more every time i went out and stayed out late. Just keep a watchful eye on them and remember that you cannot wrap them up in cottonwool for ever. But if you ever want a private word Gina i'm just here Gal OK your a great Mom and your girls know that for sure. Great news on the job front aswell which is a big weight removed from your shoulders u bet. Keep us posted with your new job and make sure you get a room with a view and you want access to the internet to make the day go faster OK :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 4:01 am
GINA ...!!! Doll i thought you would of replied to us canny folk. I hope your life is fine and your job is kick ass with a view :wink: .Let us know whats happening and gives us all an update OK :wink:

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:32 am
by Sarab
Hey all.
I wanted to let Shaun know, that I am able to see outside!! I can actually walk about 10 feet and open the door to the outside world! YAY ME!!!

I do have access to the internet, but "big brother" is watching, so I really can't go on sites like this and other "non-work" related.
I probably can when I go to lunch, but l want to get the feel of the place.
It's slow right now, as we are a new location, and we are only delivering to our local customers at night. As soon as we start to deliver the out-of-town customers, then I believe
we will start to get busy. I really don't expect it to get busy soon, as this is the slow season in automotive parts. People are saving thier money (what little they have nowadays)
for the holidays. Then after the holidays, people are paying for the holidays! Business usually picks up around springtime. So until then, 3 other girls, 4 guys and I chit-chat in-between phone calls. Imagine what you can learn about people in a matter of 3 weeks!
As for Sarah, she seems to be headed in the right direction. She had a College Fair at her school at the beginning of this month, and 2 colleges struck her is Vanderbilt in Mississippi, and the other is West Point in New York. She said that she is going to try very hard to get into West Point, and I hope she does do it. For the first time in a long time, I saw her get excited about something, and really wanted to set an actual goal.
The only thing that I have an issue with is her cousin. Mike's cousin's daughter is a very bad influence on her, and I try to keep her away from her as much as possible.
I tell her no, that she can't go to her cousins house, and I get the "I want to spend time with my cousin". I told her the other day, that EVERY time she hangs out with her, she ALWAYS get in trouble. She is supposed to go to my friends house Mon-Thur after school. Sarah decided that she was going home with her cousin and her mom was going to bring her home. 5:30 I call to see where she is nad the cousin tells me that Sarah is in the toilet, but they are leaving in one minute to bring her home.
Come to find out (after Mike had to go and get her, as Abby had a volleyball game that I had to take her to), Mike's cousin had no intention of bringing Sarah home; she was told that one of us woud be getting her. UGH! TEENAGERS!
We still have arguements, but not like they used to be. We still have a long road ahead of us, but at least we got over that mountain and the horizon is looking good.