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The Story Of Anvil

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:13 am
by RR-ElectricAngel
I just saw the documentary on Anvil and I just loved it! Man if you think your life sucks then have a look at life though the eyes of this band which has survived for over 30 years. There are some great moments with interviews from other guitar players as well. What is the point of life? What is my purpose? These very profound questions will finally be answered for everyone with great clarity and humor...

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:07 am
by Trigger
I remember Anvil when they were going to be the next big thing some of my friends even had Anvil shirts :lol:

Re: The Story Of Anvil

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:17 am
by kristinedrake
Anvil shirts are great for everyone

Re: The Story Of Anvil

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:31 pm
Yeah i seen this back in December and then it was on British TV a few weeks ago. It's the passion of 'Lips' (Stephen Kudlowicz) who makes the film. You can feel his desperation for the band to be huge again. When they are playing clubs in Europe to just a hand full of people. Instead of being limo driving to the venue they are catching trains and buses to the next gig. They pull out all the stops to get a record deal, Lips hand delivering CD's to record companys in LA. He even lends the money from his sister to record the new album. At one point during recording the album 'Lips' breaks down in front of Rob Reiner (drummer) and best friend. "Hey man i love you like a brother Man". That's when the lump went in my throat... but a very touching film. It was made by the same people who put the Iron Maiden 666 Flight of the beast & the latest Rush film which came out a few months ago.

Re: The Story Of Anvil

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:38 pm
by Cpt Matt Sparrow
I love documentaries and Flight 666 was so well made and thoroughly enjoyable; so this, even though I don't know Anvil's music, sounds right up my street!


Re: The Story Of Anvil

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:15 pm
by Trigger
It is really gripping Matt, I was going to turn it off half way through but I just had to see it through to the end.

Re: The Story Of Anvil

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:47 pm
Cpt Matt Sparrow wrote: even though I don't know Anvil's music, sounds right up my street!
Metal On Metal... March of the Crabs.. 666.. You'll be humming them for days afterwards..

Re: The Story Of Anvil

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:20 pm
by Gata
Yes, I saw that documentary as well. Like Trigger, I did not intend to watch past the first minutes but finally could not turn away from it. I don't think I had heard of Anvil before but it does not matter. These guys and their story are very touching, a kind of story that teaches you things about life, even though you may not have the same expectation from it. Highly recommended.


Re: The Story Of Anvil

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:15 pm
by shawn
The Story of Anvil

I was given this documentary by someone that is not into metal. They came around to mine and said "do you remember the band Anvil check this out". I had never heard of them, so was not really that interested but they insisted that I watch it right then and there. No regrets, hell on the contrary I ended up taking it to my mates place and getting a group of people together and watching it again the very next weekend.

It is more than a documentary on a band and their dreams for their music. Love for life, music, family, friends and how they are things that we all have to persist with and work at. It incorporates life's dreams, disappointments, realities and philosophies. It is much deeper than just a music documentary.

I loved it!

Last weekend I watched The Yes Men Save the World, another must watch documentary.

Re: The Story Of Anvil

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:00 pm
by Trigger
I found myself feeling a lot of love for them and respect, yes they were pathetic and had become a joke but I have thought about the film many times since and think about the broken dreams when they were falling from grace and all the effort they put in to never giving up.
This film is a beautiful story about two close friends who just are so caught up in the subjects that they are the only ones unaware of how futile what they are doing is!
As I sadi a very sad but beautiful story.