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So where the hell has Simon been then?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:10 pm
by JustTakeAPebble
Lots of questions arised, but none answered. Fear not, for heres the answers!

I have had so much to do, I have had to do a Jack from The Shining and shut myself off from UltimateRhoads, Facebook etc to get on with the workload, which I may add still haven't finished.

I was at my grandparents in Norfolk for a week last week, and also stopping at my grandmother's in Manchester, a much needed holiday I needed from stresses and frustrations I've recently had. Oh and my nana has passed on a tape to my mum of my granddad playing his organ, if i can i'll try upload it for you to have a listen, that is if you want to.

So what of these stresses and frustrations?

Well aside from worrying about my appointment thats next week, with a surgeon who's going to put a camera in me to find out what's causing my health issue i have at the moment. I have also had to deal with people from my past trying to wreck my future, however this has calmed down and has stopped, I am happy.

So whats the workload that built up? I had to write a 50 page script for uni, (three drafts too) i struggled for the past 2 months to write something more than the 7 pages I had, but then my holiday to see my grandparents, and being at a change of scenary helped bring out the creative juices and I am now at 20 pages, yes not exactly 50, but I am getting help with fleshing the story out more as it turns out, a friend of mine, actually lived the life of the main character of the script and she has agreed to help make the story have a bit of an edge. If you want to know more, ask :)

Guitar playing?

Neglected... however, I have been playing around bits and pieces, I now can control my volume on guitar without using volume knobs so means i can play gentle blues one minute then scream out orgasmic blues the next! I've been taking a lot of inspiration from Jeff Beck's Cause We've Ended As Lovers, a beautiful craft of blues in my opinion, even when it's written by Stevie Wonder :) I also had fun tinkering with my effects pedals making my guitar sound like a church organ (try playing Mr Crowley Intro on THAT so fun!! :D)

As Matt found on facebook, :) yes I am in a relationship now, weird huh? made a vow "No girlfriend's at university" and here I am with one :lol: well let's just say she is unlike any girl I have ever met, we actually help each other with each others coursework and we've been together for a month and a week now. I must say, after not being in a proper relationship for 3 years, it's certianly been nice to have one with a girl so doting and caring for me, and hey, my tutor said he's proud of me for being "a loved up puppy" and said that it's great to see me so happy and he now (or so he thinks lol ;) ) understands why I catch the train to get to uni (as me and my girlfriend both met on the train and both catch the same train to uni) oh and Matt, remember you introduced me to Jalapeno peppers? My girlfriend recognised this and has got me unchopped Jalapeno's from where she works :D as the ones ive been trying since trying them at your house, were pickled in wine and chopped. :)

I apolegise sincerely for not talking as often on here, it has become a bit of a bad habit, but i will try make it on here more regulary. I do miss you guys believe it or not. I honestly do, from what I see here, I appear to have missed a lot of stuff, and eewow on finding new pics of Randy, hehe, they're so cool :)


How is everyone? this includes...

Trigger - Hows everything at your end?

Gina - Hope you and your family are well!

Matt - Hope you, suzie and Mama are good!

Suzie - Hope you, matt and Mama are good, oh and how's the degree getting on?

Skezza - Did you get that song sorted? I'm sorry for not writing the lyrics to the music, I'm sure no matter what the outcome, it's gunna sound great.

High Priestess - Hows you and the family?

NicDots - hehe i love the display pic of the dogs :) hope you are well!

Paul Wolfe - hope you are well :)

Stewie - we talk now and again on msn, how are ya anyways?

Flying Dutchman - we rarely chat, but hey! how are ya? :)

Frank also! :) - Been a long time, I hope you are well, hope meridith and the girls are good! how's Simon the Cat?

etc etc :P and btw that list was in no order of favourites, so no arguing.

P.S Oh and cool on having a photographer who took pics of Randy while he was playing live, must have been electrfiying taking pictures of him


Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:13 pm
by JustTakeAPebble
That, was one long post :) whoops! :) Hope you dont fall asleep reading it :)


Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:50 pm
by Mr Charming
I enjoyed it Simon and it seems you have been a busy guy :D

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:29 pm
by JustTakeAPebble
Thanks Mr Charming lol :)

How are you this fine evening?


Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:06 pm
by Sarab
Good to hear that you are doing well.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:34 am
by skezza
Hey Simon.
I have recorded a demo for it. Me and a close friend jammed it the other day and had a great response from people watching us. I'm going to record it in a few weeks time ;)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:51 am
by JustTakeAPebble
Sarab wrote:Good to hear that you are doing well.
Thanks Gina! :) Hope you, mike and the girls are well also! :)


Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:51 am
by JustTakeAPebble
skezza wrote:Hey Simon.
I have recorded a demo for it. Me and a close friend jammed it the other day and had a great response from people watching us. I'm going to record it in a few weeks time ;)
Looking forward to it Skezza! :)


Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:38 pm
I guess i didn't make the list then :oops: :cry: :oops: But good to see your settling in mate and a chick on your arm who likes jalapeno peppers HOT! HOT! HOT! :twisted: ... :wink: Keep in touch OK, your all work and no play.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:39 pm
by JustTakeAPebble
Sorry man, I did notice I forgot about you :) here, have a hug, *Hug* there now all better :P

I'm gunna sound stupid now, but ive only just realised your name GuitarIdol5682 is Randy Rhoads all over xD

And hehe, she's such a great girl, she really knows how to make me smile and feel on top of the world!


Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:07 pm
JustTakeAPebble wrote:Sorry man, I did notice I forgot about you :) here, have a hug, *Hug* there now all better :P

I'm gunna sound stupid now, but ive only just realised your name GuitarIdol5682 is Randy Rhoads all over xD

And hehe, she's such a great girl, she really knows how to make me smile and feel on top of the world!

Randy by name and Randy by nature :twisted: Yeah it fools a few people i think i had Melanie asking about the same thing awhile back. She must of thought it was my vital statistics :idea: LOL!. It's Good that you have found someone who is making you happy again mate. You had a bit of a bad time last year, you deserve some good in your life mate. :wink: