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Re: Say its so

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 1:33 am
by RRfish
:wink: :fish: "If it dosen't make sense it isn't true ! " Love your comments Ian..................Perfect

Re: Say its so

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 4:52 am
by shawn
Tito all good man did not take it that way was trying in a small way to say that I started it not Paste. Still can not understand why he is defending steve though, but it is all good in the big picture.

Must add mitt that I am as a friend would say "gob smacked" after reading about the 30th reissue of Blizzard and Diary with the original tracks. If this is true I would say that we indeed could be looking at a pro shot concert being released, the re release would increase the selling power of a ozzy Randy DVD and vice versa. Waiting but not holding my breath. There will some be seriously pissed off neighbors if I get my hands on a live Randy gig, if they are not all ready that is mmmmm. Actually I am surprised how tolerant they are living next to someone that loves loud music.

Re: Say its so

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:23 pm
by Paiste2002
By the way guy's I really wasn't thinking about the new site layout, but I love the colors and top part of the page. You did a slamming job with it. Sorry if peoples feathers got ruffled in all of that nonsense. So forgive me, I have no issue with any of you. God Bless and have an awesome week.


Re: Say its so

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:15 pm
by Trigger
All is fine Craig we were not judging you, take good care.

Re: Say its so

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 11:02 pm
by Cpt Matt Sparrow
Don't sweat it Craig baby. I think most people read all the online disputes and think it is just RR internet nonsense (which it basically is).
It is best to just take a step back every now again and remember what REAL life really is.
Bless all that sail in The Black Pear of the RR communityl

Re: Say its so

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:55 am
by skezza
You know, I saw a very interesting documentary the other day. It's in no way related to music, it was about a football (soccer) manager. Guy is called Avram Grant. He is someone who I've had very little respect for until just lately. It talked about his background. He lived an incredibly rough childhood, in a very poor area of Israel. His father was a holocaust survivor and often screamed at night having nightmares of what went on.

It put a lot into perspective. Not only football, but just life in general. I sometimes think we should take a step back and let shit flow. The universe unfolds the way it does. Life.

Re: Say its so

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 10:40 pm
by Alex

Re: Say its so

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:10 pm
by Cpt Matt Sparrow
Alex wrote:I went on vacation for a couple of weeks recently, and when I came back I realised how little all this squabble really means. One day I will be gone from these forums for good. I will go on with my life, blissfully unaware of anything going on online, and these past events will have had zero impact on my life.

It is a soothing realisation.
Sadly (well maybe not sadly for their sanity) a lot of people have chosen not to post anymore on the RR forums and if I am honest I have considered it as well, in the not too distant past.. but I see too much good to ignore that outweighs the ills on the internet; well for the time being at least.

I agree though Alex, if the minus' start outweighing the plus screw it! Why let real life start to be infected by this


Re: Say its so

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 6:08 pm
by rice_pudding
Alex wrote:I went on vacation for a couple of weeks recently, and when I came back I realised how little all this squabble really means. One day I will be gone from these forums for good. I will go on with my life, blissfully unaware of anything going on online, and these past events will have had zero impact on my life.

It is a soothing realisation.

Quite right, as Matt says we have lost our share of members along the way, one day each of us will disapear.

I was basically absent from the forums for a whole year, had circumstances been different i may have been here every step of the way. But truth be told it was very liberating, i missed talking with everyone here but i didnt miss the BS. I spent year without the internet and now that i have time to come online i cant be bothered, the real world is much better.

I honestly have no fucking clue whats going on here anymore, but at least i can stick to the world cup thread...
The controversy on this site seems to evolve like a bad TV series.

Cant all of the parties involved just sue the shit out of each other and have done with it. :|


Re: Say its so

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 8:18 pm
by Trigger
rice_pudding wrote:
Alex wrote:I went on vacation for a couple of weeks recently, and when I came back I realised how little all this squabble really means. One day I will be gone from these forums for good. I will go on with my life, blissfully unaware of anything going on online, and these past events will have had zero impact on my life.

It is a soothing realisation.

Quite right, as Matt says we have lost our share of members along the way, one day each of us will disapear.

I was basically absent from the forums for a whole year, had circumstances been different i may have been here every step of the way. But truth be told it was very liberating, i missed talking with everyone here but i didnt miss the BS. I spent year without the internet and now that i have time to come online i cant be bothered, the real world is much better.

I honestly have no fucking clue whats going on here anymore, but at least i can stick to the world cup thread...
The controversy on this site seems to evolve like a bad TV series.

Cant all of the parties involved just sue the shit out of each other and have done with it. :|

I find your post very refreshing and totaly understandable, I wish the BS would go away but because we are open sometimes the BS visits us without invitation. Then we have to deal with it BUT like all stupidity it goes away and we are left as a tight group and I am proud at the ability we have at understanding the BS without letting it gets to us.

Re: Say its so

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 11:38 am
by rice_pudding
Trigger wrote: I find your post very refreshing and totaly understandable, I wish the BS would go away but because we are open sometimes the BS visits us without invitation. Then we have to deal with it BUT like all stupidity it goes away and we are left as a tight group and I am proud at the ability we have at understanding the BS without letting it gets to us.
Let me say this:

On the occasions i have visited UR in the last year, i have read some odd posts. And as i am still a member of the US site, whatever its called (i dont actualy know) i have received emails with equaly strange messages.

Every time i just think "huh?!" :|

Then i just go back to writing essays or what not. I cant even be bothered to try to make sense of the rambling madness anymore. My memory is a bit vague but it seems that everyone of the Peters, Kelly's etc. has been at each others throats, then best friends, then indirect enemies... then, i dont know, lovers??? Meanwhile i remember at some point someone threatening to sue us all, someone threatened to kill themselves and what, someone is threateneing to kill someone else now!? Latest in a certain someone is threatening, for the "nth" time, to unleash the gates of hell, in the form of the rhoads family, on us all. Somewhere in the world Bob Daisly is cutting flak because he wont bend over. The Osbournes, have been consistently catching bad wind throughout all of this, but have said nothing the whole time. And now they are releasing some "stuff" (not sure what) and are giving us what we all want. As for UR -TK -US what has actually happened, besides incomprehensible drivel? Style over content...

I think the above is the synopsis of Lost

Craziest thing is none of this gets any emotion from me anymore, every time i come across these messages i feel just the same as when i arrive home to a messy kitchen (coutesy of housemates). "Sigh... ohe well better clean that up :| "

And then life goes on...


Re: Say its so

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 1:27 pm
by Trigger
rice_pudding wrote:
Trigger wrote: I find your post very refreshing and totaly understandable, I wish the BS would go away but because we are open sometimes the BS visits us without invitation. Then we have to deal with it BUT like all stupidity it goes away and we are left as a tight group and I am proud at the ability we have at understanding the BS without letting it gets to us.
Let me say this:

On the occasions i have visited UR in the last year, i have read some odd posts. And as i am still a member of the US site, whatever its called (i dont actualy know) i have received emails with equaly strange messages.

Every time i just think "huh?!" :|

Then i just go back to writing essays or what not. I cant even be bothered to try to make sense of the rambling madness anymore. My memory is a bit vague but it seems that everyone of the Peters, Kelly's etc. has been at each others throats, then best friends, then indirect enemies... then, i dont know, lovers??? Meanwhile i remember at some point someone threatening to sue us all, someone threatened to kill themselves and what, someone is threateneing to kill someone else now!? Latest in a certain someone is threatening, for the "nth" time, to unleash the gates of hell, in the form of the rhoads family, on us all. Somewhere in the world Bob Daisly is cutting flak because he wont bend over. The Osbournes, have been consistently catching bad wind throughout all of this, but have said nothing the whole time. And now they are releasing some "stuff" (not sure what) and are giving us what we all want. As for UR -TK -US what has actually happened, besides incomprehensible drivel? Style over content...

I think the above is the synopsis of Lost

Craziest thing is none of this gets any emotion from me anymore, every time i come across these messages i feel just the same as when i arrive home to a messy kitchen (coutesy of housemates). "Sigh... ohe well better clean that up :| "

And then life goes on...

Snap! I feel the same way, I see all sorts and I think l;et time go by release what is to be released and then we can just get on with introducing some good music to people who have yet to discover it 8)

In the mean time get the bizzare emails read them snigger clean the kitchen and watch a good film! that is how I deal with it but above all I smile, I find the smiles get broader and broader these days.


Re: Say its so

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 2:35 pm
by johnorlitta
I enjoy the time spent on both the .ur and .us sites, especially the interaction with other members, but sometimes the drama that is generated by certain people can cause enough turmoil to make it very much the opposite. Unfortunately, as Trigger has stated, the BS from other sites can turn what was once an enjoyable forum experience into a war of words, people start taking offence, and before you know it you don't hear from members because they either were removed from a certain site, or came to the realization that they didn't sign up for this and just stopped visiting that site.

Some people get off on saying or doing controversial things, and then stand back and watch what happens. It reminds me of when I was growing up, there was a boy that would constantly shout out insults at me. My parents wisely told me to ignore him, because that was exactly what he was waiting for. When he saw that he couldn't get a reaction out of me, he eventually stopped. I know that it is not easy (or correct) to always ignore a abrasive action or response from someone, but in the long run not addding fuel to the fire is the best thing to do.