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Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:04 pm
by chasmcneal
i became a randy fan when i was 8 or 9 years old. there was a cadillac commercial that used 'crazy train' as the music, and i thought the riff was the coolest thing i had ever heard. my dad has played guitar for 35 years (he saw randy in texas in 82) and of course knew randy: my dad was 20 and playing in a band trying to 'make it' when randy was getting big with ozzy. so my dad, delighted that i liked crazy train so much, got me 'blizzard of oz.' the first randy site i stumbled across was honeycomb hideout/eternal rhoads. i was probably 12-13 by then. i remember how LONG it took to download a show with a 28.8k connection. yikes! i'm getting ready to start my senior year in college, and im still hanging around the randy forums.. lol

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:22 pm
by cableguyxx
chasmcneal wrote: i remember how LONG it took to download a show with a 28.8k connection
Weren't fax modems and AOL just the best!

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:14 pm
by Randy Perry
Actually, it is called "The New Braunfels Trifecta." Because I don't want to confuse it with any other trifectas that might present themselves. So far, there have been several duo's, but just the one trifecta. I will never forget Barbara walking up to that tent, unzipping it and then beating the crap out of that guy.

I forgot about the Dairy Queen stop. Seriously, have you ever stopped and looked at the amount of carnage on the window sills? The food's great if there's NOTHING else around.

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:12 am
by highpriestess
LMAO!! we need some new stories, randy. time for a road trip or something.

I remember the first time you ever had biscuits and gravy. we were on our way back from the Ted Nugent show in Tyler and we stopped at that diner because me and Deb wanted biscuits and gravy and you looked at us like we were crazy... then we let you taste some of the yummy goodness and you ended up eating the rest of our dinner!

chas - i remember the crazy train car commercial. didn't that debut during the superbowl one year? like it was one of the big superbowl commercials?

cableguy - i am so glad you jumped into this thread, i specifically mentioned your site in my initial post because i thought you might read all this and feel invited to join in. back then i was connected via AOL - whatta nightmare. then i got dial-up with a local provider and i remember thinking how much faster and better it was. hahaha! about your site - correct me if i am wrong - but weren't you the one who initially put out all the pictures of Randy with the angel wings? I know you had one in your lgog graphic, but didn't you make several of them and had them as free wallpaper downloads on your site? ahhh, the good old days... when you could download something for free and it wasn't full of malware. :)

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:07 am
by cableguyxx
hey HP, I had an "art gallery" that featured the photoshop work of my friend Todd Kirby, who I knew from the Yahoo Group, Thunderbird. When the HONEYCOMBHIDEOUT (that still cracks me up :lol: ) was first converted from the JB Celebrity Hot Tub Party, to Eternal Randy Rhoads, I had some cheeeeezy Railroad Crossing gif with a little flashing red warning light and a Crazy Train midi file that played (remember those RR midi files from early on :D ? ). When I thought about what I wanted my site to be about, I thought eternal, as in, the inspiration would go on indefinitely. I knew Todd was good with Photoshop and had talked to him about how cool it would be to have a nice shot of Randy, with angel wings to fit with the theme. Todd did not disappoint! That image is pretty famous by now. I've got mixed emotions about seeing it all over EBAY on T-shirts and belt buckles though. It was never more than my idea though. The work was completely Todd and the original picture, I'm not even sure who's that was. I guess the Randy with wings inspired Todd and he ended up making numerous celestial Randy images that I featured on that page. Some with wings, some without, all awesome.

OK HP, I have a present for you :D Guess what I just found ? :D ... t/webring/

How cool is that? 8)

Here's the HONEYCOMBHIDEOUT from early 2001 art gallery included: ... MBHIDEOUT/

sadly for me, is down and probably gone for good :( It was a good run though 8)

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:16 am
by Ritchie
Yall might want to be careful what you unearth from the archives , there's a certain "low life" that might take a fancy to some of your designs and stuff and use them without credit ;-)

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:39 pm
by highpriestess
LMAO!!! oh my god, i can't believe you found that!!! I have all the original html files saved, but all the graphics i made are on floppy disks and i'm not even sure if those disks would work (they've been through storage, the trunk of my hot car, etc...)

that top graphic with the flying guitar was the very first animated .gif i ever made!!! used a program call gif animator pro or something to make it. then i found a PSP tutorial online that had instructions on how to make those wooden picture frames, so i made that picture.... i am SO stoked to see all this!!! and to think, i did all that stuff on a desktop Packard Bell computer that had only 8 mb of ram... and dial up. making those websites was like being bit to death by a duck.... it took FOREVER.

ritchie - i hear ya!! but surely the low-life's know that all the graphics on that page are copyrighted.

wow. cableguy - you are my hero today. really!!

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:45 pm
by highpriestess
ok, i am laughing so hard at the disclaimer i put on that page, which was my criteria for accepting sites into the ring:

"If you have a Randy Rhoads website that you feel would contribute to this webring, e-mail me the URL and I will be happy to check it out. All sites are given serious consideration, however, if your site is simply a list of links (specifically to sites already in the ring), or if your site is made up of absolutely nothing but what you could "snag" from other sites (once again, specifically sites already in the ring), your site will NOT receive any consideration at all, serious or otherwise. Watch your ~karma~ , folks!"

we took that whole netiquette thing very seriously back in the 90's. lol! too bad some of the folks now don't hold that kind of integrity as something sacred.

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:05 pm
by highpriestess
oh, and another thing that is cracking me up is that i have been known on the internet as the "high priestess" for over 13 years. it hadn't dawned on me till i looked at that site. when i first took on that internet name, i could register at any site on the web and get that name.... now if i try, it's always unavailable and they want me to put 483948587474 at the end of it. haha!

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:42 pm
by cableguyxx
highpriestess wrote:oh, and another thing that is cracking me up is that i have been known on the internet as the "high priestess" for over 13 years. it hadn't dawned on me till i looked at that site. when i first took on that internet name, i could register at any site on the web and get that name.... now if i try, it's always unavailable and they want me to put 483948587474 at the end of it. haha!
Ha! Ditto for my username :lol: Registered my hotmail in May 1998. I'd had it on AOL for a while before that though. Wish I would have kept my original one registered though: chopstixxx was an awesome email hahaha.

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:52 pm
by Randy Perry
A road trip you say? See, I'm dying to go see DevilDriver in SanAntonio and or Houston right before I get to see them in Dallas next month. Why would I want to go see DevilDriver three nights in a row? Well, why WOULDN'T I want to go see DevilDriver three nights in a row, that's the real question.

Hey, remember the time Kevin gave me those tickets and I couldn't get a hold of anyone to give the other ticket to... and you used the ticket to get Debbie to her car and back in the Canyon Club... and we figured it was meant to be - that no one was available to claim the ticket? And you thought Kevin was gay.

Good times... good times.

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:17 pm
by Randy Perry
I do remember the biscuts and gravy. But you've got to remember that I'm from the north east. Biscuts and gravy was not a main course, but rather stuff that went on the side OF THE main course.

I've noticed that food from the north east does not translate when they try to make it down here... in the south. As well, the stuff they make down here does not translate well when they try to make it up north.

Specifically - Chicken Parmesian! No one made it like White's Corner in Northboro, MA.

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 9:07 pm
by whoopiecat
A former local boy :) Huge difference between MA & must miss the awesome New England winters, NOT! :lol:

Sorry, off-topic :oops:

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:36 am
by highpriestess
Tom - this is my topic and there is no such thing as off-topic... the whole thing is off-topic. LOL.

randy - devil driver next month? what date are they playing in san antonio? houston?

yes, i will tell the "dude... i think Kevin is gay" story later this evening, plus i'll post some scans of the ticket stub he signed and the pick that carlos gave to me after they played thunderbird and then signed for me later on that evening. :)

Re: Tales from the Rhoad...

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 8:51 pm
by Randy Perry
Well there's a similarity in the New England Winters and the Texas Summers - they both suck. It's like, do you want to sludge through all the damn snow and be miserable... or do you want to never come out of your house and never stray more than 5 feet from a fan... and be miserable.

DevilDriver - September 1st in Houston, 2nd in SanAntonio and the 3rd in Dallas - woohoo!

There's probably an ass load of stories revolving around the Tattoo Bar. 'Cause I remember times where it got really drunk before we ever made it to that place.