RR.US banned me and my IP.

Talk about anything here.

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Post by Trigger »

Steve is banned Craig but he has had a chance to speak, can you please take your stories to RR.US because that is where they come from and where they should stay. This whole thing is as you know created by RR.US so observe our independance and support your friend at the appropriate Randy Rhoads forum, in this case the 'Official' Rhoads family supported site.

Please refrain from commenting further at UR about RR.US business this isn't about you Craig I like you, I am not judging you either and I think it is nice that you are loyal to your friend but this is not our story its RR.US's.
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Kelly had his say and so has Steve.
Further discussions about this subject can be continued at RR.us. :idea:

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Kelly Garni My Side Of The Story

Post by Jon Holtz »

MOD EDIT: >>> "Kelly Garni My Side Of The Story" by Jon Holz is merged to here since it's a reply to this topic <<<

Skezza wrote:From: joe skerratt
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 10:45 AM
To: steve blevins
Subject: RE: John holtz

Firstly, I have made no comment on the topic. As I'm sure you are well aware (or not maybe) I have said previously that I am not willing to participate in threads such as those. As an admin, I realize that I have a duty to be impartial and therefore I would rather stay clear. Other members are free to post whatever they want, including John Holtz if he wants to register. I am not in a position to stop John from coming and posting his side of the story and therefore feel free to pass this on to him.
Kelly Garni My Side Of The Story By Jon Holtz

Everything that you will read below is the truth and it is backed up by documented evidence which now rests in the hands of the Rhoads family, my Corporate Attorney and the Authorities. The evidence of which we hold has not been tampered with and/or manipulated in any way and that can be proven as well. This is my side of the Kelly Garni story and the choice to believe it or not is ultimately up to each individual reader to decide for themselves. The only thing I have to gain from this is a chance to defend myself and set the record straight.

Once Kelly Garni found out that I had some money he approached me to finance his take over of the Randy Rhoads trademark and right out from under the noses of the Rhoads family. As it stands now, there are no registered trademarks for Randy Rhoads and Garni knowing this wanted to waste no time in capitalizing on it by trademarking Randy Rhoads name in several International Classes for GOODS and/or SERVICES, i.e., CD's, Posters, T-Shirts, Kelly's Book about Randy, RR Merchandise, etc. This was only a small part of a much larger and more elaborate plan that Kelly wanted to put in place in order to have an upper hand on the Rhoads family in the event that Mrs. Rhoads did not recover from her illness.

In addition, Kelly offered me a very large percentage from the trademarks and from everything that would be sold thereafter if I would only help him by financing 100 percent of the venture and keep my mouth shut about it. I told Kelly I was not interested in the offer and turned him down. Up until this point I had a tremendous amount of respect for Kelly and was very excited to be working with him.

All of Kelly Garni's illegal plans to obtain Randy Rhoads trademarks were documented and the evidence now rests in the hands of the Rhoads family and my Corporate Attorney.

Garni also tried to get me to finance the production of unauthorized RR and Quiet Riot merchandise which he wanted to have sold through his connections within the bootleg market. He shipped me a QR1 poster that he said he owned the rights to as a photographer and that he wanted me to pay to have the poster mass produced so thousands of copies could be sold for financial gain. However, after having our attorneys look into the matter it became obvious that Kelly held absolutely no rights whatsoever to the poster. When I confronted him with this and told him that the only way the poster could be re-produced legally and/or I could be involved with it was to have the Randy Rhoads estate, Kevin DuBrow estate and Drew Forsyth sign off on it. Kelly said, no one was going to stop him from selling the poster, that he had many connections within the bootleg market to get things like that sold, that he had done it before and that the Rhoads family were to stupid to know what was going on or who was doing what on the Internet because the Internet was such a great place to hide especially since the Rhoads family barely ever ventured there.

In addition, Kelly said, “fuck Drew Forsyth, he doesn't need the money and Kevin DuBrow is dead now so what can he do about it”? “The record company that originally put out the poster is no longer in business so they won't say anything about it?” I then explained to Kelly that I would never be a part of something like that, that I had too much respect for the Rhoads family, Mr. Kevin DuBrow and Mr. Drew Forsyth. Kelly said, “it sounds to me like you're a pussy always afraid of what the Rhoads family might do to you”. “I'm talking about making some fucking money for you and for my favorite charity ME, so who fucking cares about selling the poster legally”? “I don't care about selling the poster legally I'm a fucking bootlegger, that is what I do”. I told Kelly that the only way I would do the deal was if everything was done aboveboard and straight up. Kelly said, “unfortunately there is no being straight up where Randy is concerned because Mrs. Rhoads will never agree to allow me to make money off Randy's name while she's still living”. In addition, Kelly said, “so you're telling me that you're not going to do what thousands of other people are already doing and make money off of Randy by bootlegging some of his merchandise to the fans”? I said NO and just because other people were doing it doesn't make it right for them to do so nor does it make it right for you or I to do so either. I asked Kelly, don't you feel bad about making money off Randy's name in that way”? Aren't you afraid of what people will think of you, what about the fans? Kelly said and I quote, “FUCK THE FANS!, they're the same dumb motherfuckers that complain about shit like that and then go out and buy the fucking shit”! “FUCK THE FANS, if they don't like it because I'm selling illegal Randy Rhoads merchandise FUCK 'EM! The only thing I care about with these FANS is getting their money in my pocket and that's all you should care about too”!

All of Kelly Garni's illegal plans regarding the aforementioned were documented and the evidence now rests in the hands of the Rhoads family and my Corporate Attorney.

Kelly also made some very disrespectful remarks regarding Randy's mother while she was ill with respect to him looking forward to the day that she would be out of his way once and for all. These remarks also included very repugnant description regarding Mrs, Rhoads and the Rhoads family which are too repulsive to repeat.

On another note regarding Kelly Garni's so-called generous Charity work. On the surface it would appear that Kelly Garni cares a lot about all the poor little kids in the world that can't afford a decent guitar to play, but the truth of the matter is, Garni made several very angry and very racist statements about the first young man that was the Winner of the “Little Kids Rock” Guitar Contest. The people at “Little Kids Rock” know about this and are very embarrassed by it. They are praying that the parents of the young African American boy who won the Contest will not catch wind of this and/or receive a copy of the evidence because the legal ramifications that would be sustained by this would be devastating.

In addition, as if all of the aforementioned is not enough. I am now involved with an on going criminal investigation where Kelly Garni will be facing some very serious Felony charges for “Conspiracy To Commit Murder”. And that is what I meant by my statement at the end of the KG YouTube video wherein I stated, “if things continue to escalate I will be forced to release the information regarding Kelly Garni's dismissal from RR.us.

Kelly Garni tried to offer me money to kill someone for him. When I declined the offer and he saw that wouldn't work he then threatened my life and threatened the lives of my family if I did not go and kick someone's door in for him and blow their brains out.

Kelly even went as far as to leave several detailed life threatening messages on my cell phone where he goes on and on about how he is coming to Tennessee and I would soon become a casualty. He also left several messages where he would say something like “This is what is going to happen to you”. And then he would play a clip from a movie where you could hear someone in the background screaming for their life as they were being beaten to death or you would hear several gun shots being fired at the same time and people screaming and begging for their lives. This is absolutely one of the most asinine and incriminating things anyone could possibly do to someone especially if they plan to try and lie their way out of any wrong doing afterward. At that point I was very concerned that my life was in danger and I realized that this guy is out of his F-N mind.

Once again, there are very detailed records of evidence which proves everything that I am tell you is true and factual and this evidence proves everything beyond any reasonable doubt.

Garni seems to be under the misconception that the evidence against him was obtained illegally in someway and that somehow makes the evidence inadmissible in court. I can assure you that I have consulted with my attorney and the means in which the evidence was obtained is perfectly legal within the state of Tennessee as well as the state of Nevada.

Garni was never the owner of RR.us and while he was there he never once contributed to the site and/or helped do anything for that matter that did not involve him making money from the members. He only used the site to further his own agenda by bartering deals with some of the Asian members in order to line his own pockets.

Kelly Garni had absolutely nothing to do with setting up the Live Chat with Kelle and Kathy Rhoads, I did that myself as I am good friends with the Rhoads family. After the fact of the evidence being presented to the Rhoads family of which they asked to have sent to them, they offered to do the Live Chat in order to let everyone know that they are still involved with the site so Kelly Garni could not manipulate everyone into believing otherwise.

In Closing: For those that would judge me harshly and can not appreciate the position that Kelly Garni placed me in with all of this. Please consider the following. When some psycho calls you up and offers you money to kill someone and then starts making serious threats to kill you and your family if you don't do what they say, what lengths will you be willing to go in order to protect yourself and your family?
Last edited by Jon Holtz on Fri May 07, 2010 6:21 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by NoQuattro »

Allow me to get my

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Post by tedeeoo »

I couldn't give a crap about anything this person said, but that is a GREAT poster of Quiet Riot, Randy just has "Superstar" written all over him.
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Post by Cryptic Night »

Funny how when someone speaks out against Steve and Jon over at RR.US, they make some sort of propaganda to say that everyone else is evil and they are the only ones who are trying to keep Randy's name good.

I'm surprised they haven't said Kelle Rhoads or Delores Rhoads are trying to do something evil about Randy's name, and Jon and Steve are the only ones trying to preserve his name... Funny, eh?
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Post by frankus »

and we care about your power struggles?
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Post by Trigger »

I hope that you are planning to respect your 'No Drama' policy Jon will these accusations be being openly debated at the 'No Drama Official' forum? or will you be spilling them out at another forum such as UR for some time to come? If so we will act in the only appropriate manner open to us.

I will remind you that we are not affiliated to anyone and have no VIPs’ because we don't promote sycophancy because members are all of equal value

My own observation is that KG isn't popular with large numbers in the RR community right now and I don't see that changing any time soon? but I also think that as bad as KG might be/have been you and Steve look little better or even somewhat worse due to your own hypocrisy IE, claiming to rid the RR fan base of Drama but then going on to create only that! The vigour with which you pursue drama just appears desperate. I wonder if what you have done is actually create sympathy for KG because of the manner and conduct that Steve himself as the face of RR.US was seen by members of all foums?

I honestly wonder if you will go away from the events of the past few days and come to terms with what went wrong for you and Steve and how you could have handled things properly and in a professional businesslike manner.

I can only ask you to do one thing for the greater RR community take a good hard look at yourselves and then do what is needed to reform the community that you hold sway in, remove the problematic elements in your own house and earn the respect that you have lost, you might even regain the goodwill that was lost on your behalf that you were not even directly party to.
This might look hard for you and the distance you have tumbled might be great but the experience is valuable and embrace the errors and learn from them. Right now Steve seems to be the organ grinder and you look like his dancing monkey! No joke intended but that perception needs to be reversed, and fast if you are to garner any respect.

To you Jon on a personal note I send you my best wishes for your reforms because I know from experience that this community respect those that do the right thing and they are never fooled, they have seen it all before and understand every nuance and every motive so spinning and displays poor politicking will not go unseen.

Good luck

Cologne she'll wear silver and americard, She'll drive a beetle car and beat you down at cool Canasta. And when the clothes are strewn don't be afraid of the room touch the fullness of her breast feel the love of her caress she will be your living end.
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Post by The Flying Dutchman »

Thnx Jon for sharing your side of the story.
This topic will be locked now.

*people can pm one of the mods here to add a reply if it's really important.
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News regarding KG's removal from RR.US

Post by Livewire8195 »

MOD EDIT: Topic started by livewire merged to here.


Very interesting to say the least.

*Please no insults and flaming to any of the people involved. I'd just like to hear other peoples thoughts on this.

During the chat Kelly Rhoads said that this site belongs to the fans and you should not have to worry about the Rhoads family controlling what you would like to say here so here goes.

I would like to say that Jon Holtz has handled the last month in a very professional way under the circumstances. Running a site like this puts you in the cross-hairs of your 'competitors' for constant ridicule. I myself have been under fire as well for the last three years from the same people who believe they hold the only respect for the Randy Rhoads community. Jealousy is a bitch~ UR continues to show people how unprofessional they really are and unfair to others by posting attacks and not allow others to respond. As for what they think of me I could give two shits and they can "FUCK OFF"! they need to understand that the Official Site for Randy is from the United States where he is from not the United Kingdom of UR dip-shits. "no offense to others that may live there lol".

After being slammed on a thread listed an approved at UR by several moderators and admins and Kelly Garni ,they felt the need to bring this site's Members and Staff under fire out of a propaganda attack from Kelly Garni. Kelly went on to explain that he had not done anything wrong and from some of the statements you all heard on the live chat here from Kathy and Kelly, you know that's not true.

Jon Holt has explained in full detail at UR where the attacks took place "RR.US Business" by UR Admins, Moderators, Members and Kelly Garni hiding like a little bitch on his girlfriend's account.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 4:30 am Posted at UR

Kelly Garni My Side Of The Story By Jon Holtz

Everything that you will read below is the truth and it is backed up by documented evidence which now rests in the hands of the Rhoads family, my Corporate Attorney and the Authorities. The evidence of which we hold has not been tampered with and/or manipulated in any way and that can be proven as well. This is my side of the Kelly Garni story and the choice to believe it or not is ultimately up to each individual reader to decide for themselves. The only thing I have to gain from this is a chance to defend myself and set the record straight.

Once Kelly Garni found out that I had some money he approached me to finance his take over of the Randy Rhoads trademark and right out from under the noses of the Rhoads family. As it stands now, there are no registered trademarks for Randy Rhoads and Garni knowing this wanted to waste no time in capitalizing on it by trademarking Randy Rhoads name in several International Classes for GOODS and/or SERVICES, i.e., CD's, Posters, T-Shirts, Kelly's Book about Randy, RR Merchandise, etc. This was only a small part of a much larger and more elaborate plan that Kelly wanted to put in place in order to have an upper hand on the Rhoads family in the event that Mrs. Rhoads did not recover from her illness.

In addition, Kelly offered me a very large percentage from the trademarks and from everything that would be sold thereafter if I would only help him by financing 100 percent of the venture and keep my mouth shut about it. I told Kelly I was not interested in the offer and turned him down. Up until this point I had a tremendous amount of respect for Kelly and was very excited to be working with him.

All of Kelly Garni's illegal plans to obtain Randy Rhoads trademarks were documented and the evidence now rests in the hands of the Rhoads family and my Corporate Attorney.

Garni also tried to get me to finance the production of unauthorized RR and Quiet Riot merchandise which he wanted to have sold through his connections within the bootleg market. He shipped me a QR1 poster that he said he owned the rights to as a photographer and that he wanted me to pay to have the poster mass produced so thousands of copies could be sold for financial gain. However, after having our attorneys look into the matter it became obvious that Kelly held absolutely no rights whatsoever to the poster. When I confronted him with this and told him that the only way the poster could be re-produced legally and/or I could be involved with it was to have the Randy Rhoads estate, Kevin DuBrow estate and Drew Forsyth sign off on it. Kelly said, no one was going to stop him from selling the poster, that he had many connections within the bootleg market to get things like that sold, that he had done it before and that the Rhoads family were to stupid to know what was going on or who was doing what on the Internet because the Internet was such a great place to hide especially since the Rhoads family barely ever ventured there.

In addition, Kelly said, “fuck Drew Forsyth, he doesn't need the money and Kevin DuBrow is dead now so what can he do about it”? “The record company that originally put out the poster is no longer in business so they won't say anything about it?” I then explained to Kelly that I would never be a part of something like that, that I had too much respect for the Rhoads family, Mr. Kevin DuBrow and Mr. Drew Forsyth. Kelly said, “it sounds to me like you're a P*ssy always afraid of what the Rhoads family might do to you”. “I'm talking about making some fucking money for you and for my favorite charity ME, so who fucking cares about selling the poster legally”? “I don't care about selling the poster legally I'm a fucking bootlegger, that is what I do”. I told Kelly that the only way I would do the deal was if everything was done aboveboard and straight up. Kelly said, “unfortunately there is no being straight up where Randy is concerned because Mrs. Rhoads will never agree to allow me to make money off Randy's name while she's still living”. In addition, Kelly said, “so you're telling me that you're not going to do what thousands of other people are already doing and make money off of Randy by bootlegging some of his merchandise to the fans”? I said NO and just because other people were doing it doesn't make it right for them to do so nor does it make it right for you or I to do so either. I asked Kelly, don't you feel bad about making money off Randy's name in that way”? Aren't you afraid of what people will think of you, what about the fans? Kelly said and I quote, “FUCK THE FANS!, they're the same dumb motherfuckers that complain about shit like that and then go out and buy the fucking shit”! “FUCK THE FANS, if they don't like it because I'm selling illegal Randy Rhoads merchandise "FUCK 'EM"! The only thing I care about with these FANS is getting their money in my pocket and that's all you should care about too”!

All of Kelly Garni's illegal plans regarding the aforementioned were documented and the evidence now rests in the hands of the Rhoads family and my Corporate Attorney.

Kelly also made some very disrespectful remarks regarding Randy's mother while she was ill with respect to him looking forward to the day that she would be out of his way once and for all. These remarks also included very repugnant description regarding Mrs, Rhoads and the Rhoads family which are too repulsive to repeat.

On another note regarding Kelly Garni's so-called generous Charity work. On the surface it would appear that Kelly Garni cares a lot about all the poor little kids in the world that can't afford a decent guitar to play, but the truth of the matter is, Garni made several very angry and very racist statements about the first young man that was the Winner of the “Little Kids Rock” Guitar Contest. The people at “Little Kids Rock” know about this and are very embarrassed by it. They are praying that the parents of the young African American boy who won the Contest will not catch wind of this and/or receive a copy of the evidence because the legal ramifications that would be sustained by this would be devastating.

In addition, as if all of the aforementioned is not enough. I am now involved with an on going criminal investigation where Kelly Garni will be facing some very serious Felony charges for “Conspiracy To Commit Murder”. And that is what I meant by my statement at the end of the KG YouTube video wherein I stated, “if things continue to escalate I will be forced to release the information regarding Kelly Garni's dismissal from RR.us.

Kelly Garni tried to offer me money to kill someone for him. When I declined the offer and he saw that wouldn't work he then threatened my life and threatened the lives of my family if I did not go and kick someone's door in for him and blow their brains out.

Kelly even went as far as to leave several detailed life threatening messages on my cell phone where he goes on and on about how he is coming to Tennessee and I would soon become a casualty. He also left several messages where he would say something like “This is what is going to happen to you”. And then he would play a clip from a movie where you could hear someone in the background screaming for their life as they were being beaten to death or you would hear several gun shots being fired at the same time and people screaming and begging for their lives. This is absolutely one of the most asinine and incriminating things anyone could possibly do to someone especially if they plan to try and lie their way out of any wrong doing afterward. At that point I was very concerned that my life was in danger and I realized that this guy is out of his F-N mind.

Once again, there are very detailed records of evidence which proves everything that I am tell you is true and factual and this evidence proves everything beyond any reasonable doubt.

Garni seems to be under the misconception that the evidence against him was obtained illegally in someway and that somehow makes the evidence inadmissible in court. I can assure you that I have consulted with my attorney and the means in which the evidence was obtained is perfectly legal within the state of Tennessee as well as the state of Nevada.

Garni was never the owner of RR.us and while he was there he never once contributed to the site and/or helped do anything for that matter that did not involve him making money from the members. He only used the site to further his own agenda by bartering deals with some of the Asian members in order to line his own pockets.

Kelly Garni had absolutely nothing to do with setting up the Live Chat with Kelle and Kathy Rhoads, I did that myself as I am good friends with the Rhoads family. After the fact of the evidence being presented to the Rhoads family of which they asked to have sent to them, they offered to do the Live Chat in order to let everyone know that they are still involved with the site so Kelly Garni could not manipulate everyone into believing otherwise.

In Closing: For those that would judge me harshly and can not appreciate the position that Kelly Garni placed me in with all of this. Please consider the following. When some psycho calls you up and offers you money to kill someone and then starts making serious threats to kill you and your family if you don't do what they say, what lengths will you be willing to go in order to protect yourself and your family?
Last edited by Livewire8195 on Fri May 07, 2010 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Paul Wolfe »

FYI - only RR.US members can view that link
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Post by Livewire8195 »

Paul Wolfe wrote:FYI - only RR.US members can view that link
Thanks, fixed original post.
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Re: News regarding KG's removal from RR.US

Post by Cpt Matt Sparrow »

Livewire8195 wrote: they need to understand that the Official Site for Randy is from the United States where he is from not the United Kingdom of UR dip-shits. "no offense to others that may live there lol".

hmm interesting; as Randy's dad was English and according to Randy's best friend Frank Santa Cruz, his mum's side of the family were English also :)

Plus... the band that Randy shon in, were put together by English singer Ozzy Osbourne. Like many others; Hendrix, Brian Setzer etc; they found their fame in England.
Randy was influenced greatly by Mick Ronson an English guitarist. Many people say he sounded like Brian May (English guitarist from Queen). Randy said that Jeff Beck was a great guitarist (English).

One of Quiet Riot's greatest covered was Cum Feel the Noize by English group Slade. ex pupil Janet Robin told me he loved the acoustic and lead playing of English guitarist Jimmy Page.

He studied in England with various top notch Classical guitar professors.

No, great point, he was all American :)
It has been a pleasure clarifying these facts..wait for it :) IN ENGLISH

Having a break from online activity for a while to concentrate on music. Please email if you need to get in touch. Matt
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Re: RR.US banned me and my IP.

Post by Trigger »

Following on from this Matt I would add that Randy was the only American in the band an English Singer, an English KB player, an English Drummer, an Australian Bass guitarist who though not Engish Australia shares our Monarch (Queen) with England/Britain.

When the band was put together prior to selecting Lee Kerslake, Bob Randy & Ozzy began working on the songs ideas that went on to be part of the Blizzard album in Staffordshire, England where Ozzy lived close to county town of Stone, What is interesting for me is that this happens to be the home town of our very own Skezza my fellow admin.

I think it is silly trying to make a point by claiming a Randy forum can only be representative if it is based in the USA!
You have to see just how conected Randy was to England and that by the same logic I could make the same claims on behalf of England, but the simple logic is that we are not situated in a country just because this is typed in one nation doesn't mean a thing because this is cyber space.

I believe that an RR museum anywhere else other than Burbank would be stupid but when it comes to a websites it seems anal to frett or make a product feature of global location! :?
Cologne she'll wear silver and americard, She'll drive a beetle car and beat you down at cool Canasta. And when the clothes are strewn don't be afraid of the room touch the fullness of her breast feel the love of her caress she will be your living end.
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Re: RR.US banned me and my IP.

Post by Cpt Matt Sparrow »

I would love Joe to share some of that info with us all. Didn't you say the house they all stayed together in (Blizzard of Ozz) was near by?

Having a break from online activity for a while to concentrate on music. Please email if you need to get in touch. Matt