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What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:38 pm
by No1UNo
It's been almost 3 decades since Randy has left us. There's been talk and rumors of tributes to him in some form to mark that day next month.

In observance of the 30th anniversary of the passing of our beloved guitarist, what do you think may happen?

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:13 pm
by Stewie
I hope we get what we were told earlier we would get.. I didn't vote for Dakota but for the extended stuff. But now I think of it with the legal issues I might again not have voted for it. Maybe some news from Dakota.

This is not really what I think will happen, more what I hope will happen...

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:41 pm
by Geo Sav
As usual we just sit and wait. :( anything would be nice though.

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:28 pm
I'm sure if anything major was going to happen it would of been mentioned. All we have senn is the Classic Rock magazine which is out now but it is the March 2012 issue. Ozzy mentioned releasing some Randy material i.e photos or whatever will happen over at that site ?. I honestly think this anniversary will come and go like any other year. Which is sad and it's not like the material is not available to put out to the fans ??. We will see next month if anything raises its ugly head. :(

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:02 am
by Paul Wolfe
I went with 'nothing', but not because of the box from last year. In the age of the internet and twitter, it's hard to believe anything can happen without it being announced somewhere on the web ahead of time.

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:09 am
by RRFan4Ever
I got to thinking, of course only after I started that other thread- I wonder how many people over the years have given or sent in video they may have had of Randy to the Osbournes- thinking that something would become of it, only to have it stashed (or even thrown) away, because it wasn't to their liking? or perhaps even the Rhoads family, who had to hide it from the O's and to protect it from vanishing forever.

Evidently that leaves us with less than 5 other videos that will command a plethora of money.

Unless someone is able to make contact with some reputable venues or news agencies that have people with actual consciences working there, well- we're screwed for new video of the man! even on the 30th yr of his passing.

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:44 am
by hansolo
I am going to dress up in drag and pose as Bob Daisley's maid. Just kidding. That actually happened to Jimmy Page, except it probably was a woman who was a cleaner. A lot of soundboards popped up in the 90's. I even have a pic of Jimmy at a bootleg shop buying his own boots. I though I saw a Randy/Ozzy boot either in his hand or on the shelf. Jimmy a guitar player/musician is into listening to one of the greatest bands he was in, live in concert and beyond. The interplay between players! Plant - "But I still don't seem to care" (bassline)...

I believe singers don't care, for the most part for their live material. I guess because the voice is so visceral. It's not like a drum or guitar, it is like being naked. With a guitar you're playing but not like a vocal. It's words + music. Check out "The Kids Are Alright" on DVD. Roger could care less about the film. He just needed a quick buck (or pound) for the Int.

It would be great if we had something new from Randy but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

P.S. - Why doesn't the spell checker know how to spell Daisley?

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:49 am
by Geo Sav

P.S. - Why doesn't the spell checker know how to spell Daisley? Sharon probably set it up.

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:57 am
by Geo Sav
It would be nice for the outros on the fade outs to at least come out. Maybe tonight with just the guitar track, out takes something.

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:52 am
Why do a massive majority believe that the only way to carry on loving Ozzy / RR is by seeing unseen footage ?. I honestly love the guy for what he did with a guitar. His playing on vinyl, CD, tape cassette is enough for me. If unseen photos turn up thats an extra bonus for me. The hype that went on during the anniversary box set. For what ? 2 poorly filmed gigs that are not even looking at Randy for 90% of the performance. It would be cool to see the full 'Entertainment Tonight' and '2 on the town' footage as we know the quality is excellent and the only surviving footage that has not been seen in full. You would think the Rhoads family would make some kind of effort for this anniversary. But i'm sure it'll be another wine tasting event and a few pieces of RR memorabilia on display. Just my 2 cents before i get the Kathy loved her brother 'slap'.

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:56 pm
by blues_n_cues
well i'll be cracking open a bottle of RR wine & playing guitar. :wink:

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:29 pm
by CanuckRhoadsFan
Nothing, as usual. Sad to say, but I really don't think we'll be treated to anything but silence and continued stonewalling.

At least we have the music, and in the end, that is the best thing we have that keeps Randy's memory alive in the minds of fans and the public in general.

As a fan, I expect nothing, but of course would love to have new material surface. I'm not holding my breath, though, and life will go on if there's nothing released.

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:43 pm
by CanuckRhoadsFan
GUITARIDOL5682 wrote:Why do a massive majority believe that the only way to carry on loving Ozzy / RR is by seeing unseen footage ?. I honestly love the guy for what he did with a guitar. His playing on vinyl, CD, tape cassette is enough for me. If unseen photos turn up thats an extra bonus for me. The hype that went on during the anniversary box set. For what ? 2 poorly filmed gigs that are not even looking at Randy for 90% of the performance. It would be cool to see the full 'Entertainment Tonight' and '2 on the town' footage as we know the quality is excellent and the only surviving footage that has not been seen in full. You would think the Rhoads family would make some kind of effort for this anniversary. But i'm sure it'll be another wine tasting event and a few pieces of RR memorabilia on display. Just my 2 cents before i get the Kathy loved her brother 'slap'.


As I mentioned, I don't have high expectations either. If we don't expect much, we won't be disappointed.

In the whole scheme of things, we've had the new footage released, so that's something, and it's welcome, such as it is, but I just think that the powers that be feel they've given us something, and that will be enough.

Once again, I hope I'm wrong, but I'm just trying to be pragmatic.

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:59 am
by hansolo
Hopefully we will all celebrate his life and not mourn his death.
I gotta say, it is a weird day, that March 19th. I my of told this before here but in 2001 I was dating this woman and on, you guess it, 3/19 I was thinking about Randy. How great he was, the tragedy and though I might share in an email things like, "My hero died today, tragedy, plane crash, etc." and while I'm typing up an email (never sent) she send me this. "I can't talk someone just came in to my store and said my step-father died." And he did. It was a bizarre one milk truck (w/the sliding doors) accident. He knew the roads (his family's business), no sign of why but it flipped on it's side and he wasn't wearing his seat belt. He flew out and was crushed under the truck. Probably an animal ran in front of him. I saw a report and footage of the crash. The milk was all over the road next to the upturned truck. Here was reason to cry over spilt milk. I went to her mothers house and my girlfriend noticed in the paint, The words "I love you" in the paint. Now I saw this and I ain't religious but man did that freak me out. It could of been, years before when they painted the room that he painted that on the wall and then painted over it but that was the first time she noticed it.

Re: What's Going to Happen on March 19, 2012?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:12 am
by RhoadsToOzz
Randy Rhoads 30th Anniversary Tribute Show @ Marquee15 in Corona, Ca. March 17, 2012.

RHOADS TO OZZ - Ozzy / Randy Rhoads Tribute March 17, 2012 @ Marquee15 in Corona, Ca. with Kelle Rhoads.

RTO - March 17 2012 promo vid:

Kelle Rhoads - March 17 2012 promo vid: