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Any news on the movie?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:52 am
by randys roadie
Whats been going on with Peters Margolis movie has he finished it and when can we see it?
I have been so far away from the world of Randy Rhoads for the past year that I am out of touch with the news.

Hey Peter whats going on! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:19 pm
by Sarab
The plan is for it to be on DVD and will have an extra disk with more interview footage and stuff...
September 2009 is the release date to coincide with the Sundance film festival.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:46 pm
by The Flying Dutchman
A lot has happened since you were gone, anyway there is a new website for the documentary now:

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:52 pm
by Sarab
I screwed up. My last mistake of 2008. hahaha

Peter M. wrote:
Sept 09 is NOT the date that the movie will be available to the public for purchase.
Somewhere along the lines I must have said that I will be done in September and that was misconstrued as the date it would be in the stores.
Sept 09 is the due date for submissions to the Sundance Film Festival.
Sometime between September and December they let you know if you are admitted to the festival. Between that time you are forbidden from showing the film publicly anywhere.
In other words, if you want your film shown at Sundance in front of every major distributor in the business, they get the first right of refusal. That means that it won't make it to any other festivals until after January 2010. After distribution is acquired is when it will either come out theatrically, get a TV deal or go straight to DVD. Way to early to tell.
Sorry that it extends that waiting process by a few months, but there will be so much on top of just the film to keep everyone interested, that it will be well worth the wait.
There are many things that I can't talk about because all of the deals are not completed yet.
Good news is that I promised the Rhoads family, who have seen the film, by the way, that I would be completed by three years from the time that the contract was signed in April of 2007, and I am going to fulfill my promise to them.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:11 pm
by Trigger

The news and drama's regarding Peter's film have been huge over the past year or so. When the official film site was closed by its admin the drama was brought to UR. We saw lots of accusations and ridiculous stories cast which were the business of only the admin and Peter himself to clarify, resolve or prove false. He (Peter) decided that his purpose was best served by cutting UR off and limiting himself to RRTK, I think Peter felt that we should have silenced his old admin/friend but as you will be aware we ban nobody. As a result we remain independent and allow a full story unhindered by attachments to be told, I have no guilt or feelings that we handled the situation badly.

I hope that Peter's film turns out as great as I think it can truly be, my hope is that we see lots of new footage and extended Blizz/Diary outro's as well as news from those important last 2 years of Randy’s life with Ozzy and the boys. The whole QR era has been told and nothing important remains to be said and has been done to death here and at TK. My fear for the film would be that it contains to many interviews with people who didn’t know Randy and only report what an inspiration he is to them, all this would do would be to create a film that replicates what UR and TK already do and have done time after time by QR members and friends like Frank.

My wish for 2009 is that this amazing story can be told with lots of new Ozzy era footage and audio how sweet to see RR on the diary set close up doing what he did best! I also wish Peter well for the future and forward these wishes to him even though his self imposed UR boycott stands as resolute today as it did in 2008

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:58 pm
Trigger wrote:My fear for the film would be that it contains to many interviews with people who didn’t know Randy and only report what an inspiration he is to them, all this would do would be to create a film that replicates what UR and TK already do and have done time after time by QR members and friends like Frank.
My wish for 2009 is that this amazing story can be told with lots of new Ozzy era footage and audio how sweet to see RR on the diary set close up doing what he did best! I also wish Peter well for the future and forward these wishes to him even though his self imposed UR boycott stands as resolute today as it did in 2008
Ian i was over at TK and i was reading a thread about the film and i thought the same. I am thinking that the interest of interviewing too many people who are going to talk about Randy and they never even met the guy.But they can only say how much of an influence he's been to them. I can see how important the people are, who were close to him. Like you have already mentioned alot of this talk has been brought up over the years.But to seek new info is a hard challenge and i'm very inquisitive to think how much of this documentary will be awe inspiring. Being 2 hours long this must be more then an interview and it would be a pity to see it turn out to be just that.But i do hope that it will turn out to hold unseen footage and hopefully new interesting stories that we have not heard before..

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:46 pm
by The Flying Dutchman
Lets hope it will not be 2 hours of people talking angelic woreshipping crap we already heard for years..... But that's an opinion of someone who is more into Randy the musician than Randy the person. If any talk from people, to me the interview with Pete Mertons (Randy's guitartech) is something I really look forward to. I'm not that interested to see dozens of people being interviewed and saying how much they were inspired by Randy but never met him. To me that would be a big letdown. Especially when real heroes of Randy who also had contact with him like Gary Moore are missing...... (or is he 'in' yet?) Maybe they will show some of Randy's guitars or amps, which will be cool of course but there is more needed to leave me in awe. To leave me in awe they need to come up with real unique stuff like new unseen Ozzy/Randy footage. 8)
You'll never know, we'll see what they come up with! :)

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:02 pm
The Flying Dutchman wrote: Maybe they will show some of Randy's guitars or amps, which will be cool of course but there is more needed to leave me in awe:)
Pat as far as i know they have already shot the scenes of Randy's guitars. I don't know how much of his gear will be seen i.e his effects board, stage clothes etc. But again i have seen these RR items before in other DVD -magazines etc. I may sound like i'm putting the docu down but i just haven't got the 'WOOP WOOP' factor like other fans who'll be camping out on the day of its release. We all need to see new interesting features about RR but it is hard to be original in doing this, so you are very limited into how much you can contribute without repeating articles that have been seen time and time again..

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:34 pm
by The Flying Dutchman
GUITARIDOL5682 wrote:
The Flying Dutchman wrote: Maybe they will show some of Randy's guitars or amps, which will be cool of course but there is more needed to leave me in awe:)
Pat as far as i know they have already shot the scenes of Randy's guitars. I don't know how much of his gear will be seen i.e his effects board, stage clothes etc. But again i have seen these RR items before in other DVD -magazines etc. I may sound like i'm putting the docu down but i just haven't got the 'WOOP WOOP' factor like other fans who'll be camping out on the day of its release. We all need to see new interesting features about RR but it is hard to be original in doing this, so you are very limited into how much you can contribute without repeating articles that have been seen time and time again..
I share your sceptism Shaun.
And without the Osbournes to support with some ´lost´ stuff it´s gonna be very hard indeed to come up with things without repeating. But who knows? Maybe Peter made it to a deal though with those two guys from Arizona who have that front row footage? There is also a possibility that they come up with some unique early private Randy footage or some QR stuff. With Kelly Garni involved there it won´t suprise me either. We can only guess for know. Lets hope Peter will leave us in awe though! :)

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:49 pm
by Remedylane
Im looking forward to the film, and I hope it gets some good steam behind it so more people will end up seeing it.. Even if it is a bunch of stuff weve already seen or stuff we already know about , I hope it at least is mainstream enough to where the general public will learn about the kind of person he really was, and find out what a great musician he was that just scratched the surface of his potential. I want people that may not be the biggest Ozzy fans to know him as more than just the guy who played Crazy Train. I also think that if there were ever a time for the Osbourne clan to come off on some of the footage that we all KNOW they have, it is now. But who knows..


Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:25 am
by The Flying Dutchman
Remedylane wrote:I hope it at least is mainstream enough to where the general public will learn about the kind of person he really was
People should ask themselves why they are into RR at first:
Is it because of his music/guitarplaying ?
Or is it because he was a 'wonderful' person ?

I'm against that promoting Randy stuff as if he was a new Jezus. Come on. I think Kevin Dubrow once said it very well, a brilliant guitarplayer: yes, a saint? No. If they want to promote Randy they should start with what he became famous for. Nobody is waiting for a new religion. (just my 0.99...)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:21 pm
by Remedylane
The Flying Dutchman wrote:
Remedylane wrote:I hope it at least is mainstream enough to where the general public will learn about the kind of person he really was
People should ask themselves why they are into RR at first:
Is it because of his music/guitarplaying ?
Or is it because he was a 'wonderful' person ?

I'm against that promoting Randy stuff as if he was a new Jezus. Come on. I think Kevin Dubrow once said it very well, a brilliant guitarplayer: yes, a saint? No. If they want to promote Randy they should start with what he became famous for. Nobody is waiting for a new religion. (just my 0.99...)
Just because someone wasnt a saint doesnt mean he wasnt a good person.. I didnt know him, all I have to go on is the stories ive read. And pretty much every comment Ive ever read was that he was not only a brilliant guitarist but he was a good guy as well.. I dont think that at all is calling him the new jesus or anything..


Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:50 pm
by The Flying Dutchman
Remedylane wrote:
The Flying Dutchman wrote:
Remedylane wrote:I hope it at least is mainstream enough to where the general public will learn about the kind of person he really was
People should ask themselves why they are into RR at first:
Is it because of his music/guitarplaying ?
Or is it because he was a 'wonderful' person ?

I'm against that promoting Randy stuff as if he was a new Jezus. Come on. I think Kevin Dubrow once said it very well, a brilliant guitarplayer: yes, a saint? No. If they want to promote Randy they should start with what he became famous for. Nobody is waiting for a new religion. (just my 0.99...)
Just because someone wasnt a saint doesnt mean he wasnt a good person.. I didnt know him, all I have to go on is the stories ive read. And pretty much every comment Ive ever read was that he was not only a brilliant guitarist but he was a good guy as well.. I dont think that at all is calling him the new jesus or anything..

True. I don't know him either but from all I heard Randy must have been a great guy! :) But most people I know are good people! Not to accuse you, I know you meant well, but I think in the past some people promoted that 'angelic' side of Randy way too much which attracted certain people who (imo) were not that 'wonderful' at all...... I got really tired of that since I'm into Randy because of his guitarplaying! 8)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:42 pm
by Remedylane
The Flying Dutchman wrote:
Remedylane wrote:
The Flying Dutchman wrote: People should ask themselves why they are into RR at first:
Is it because of his music/guitarplaying ?
Or is it because he was a 'wonderful' person ?

I'm against that promoting Randy stuff as if he was a new Jezus. Come on. I think Kevin Dubrow once said it very well, a brilliant guitarplayer: yes, a saint? No. If they want to promote Randy they should start with what he became famous for. Nobody is waiting for a new religion. (just my 0.99...)
Just because someone wasnt a saint doesnt mean he wasnt a good person.. I didnt know him, all I have to go on is the stories ive read. And pretty much every comment Ive ever read was that he was not only a brilliant guitarist but he was a good guy as well.. I dont think that at all is calling him the new jesus or anything..

True. I don't know him either but from all I heard Randy must have been a great guy! :) But most people I know are good people! Not to accuse you, I know you meant well, but I think in the past some people promoted that 'angelic' side of Randy way too much which attracted certain people who (imo) were not that 'wonderful' at all...... I got really tired of that since I'm into Randy because of his guitarplaying! 8)
I totally understand where you are coming from.. I agree.. His guitar playing is what drew me to him.. Being an ok dude is just a bonus.. Regardless I want everyone that doesnt know his story to hear it..


Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:56 am
by Cpt Matt Sparrow
I have just read Metal Matt's new site of the film and the statement from Peter says it will be a few months late than September 2009. So possibly 2010.

Bernie Torme said at December's Guitar Society that he was about to be interviewed and it says he is in the UK so he must be doing that segment of the film around now.
