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Video: Plane Hits Ozzy's Tour Bus - Randy Rhoads Crash Explained

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 10:56 am
by chilinvilin

Re: Video: Plane Hits Ozzy's Tour Bus - Randy Rhoads Crash Explained

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 11:59 pm
by No1UNo
Thank you for posting. I guess no one stops by here that often. I *just* remembered my password to be able to log back in here.

The best part of this video was that the host was not a fan and did a pretty unbiased report of the facts that he could find out. He added some technical knowledge regarding the particular plane, and some CGI video of what actually happened. He did an admirable job, considering there were some nuggets that anyone who used to be on these boards could've added to make it a little better.

Reading the comment section was interesting, and to this day I am still intrigued by the F.A.A. statement, "this was no accident", when all accounts seem to point to that - either Aycock misjudging his buzzing of the tour bus or Rachel having a cardiac event in the front passenger seat and perhaps, hitting the controls. That statement leads one to believe this was a suicide-murder, but I guess we'll all never really know.

Anyway you summarize, it was just a sad day for the band, the loved ones of those killed, and the fans of one of rock's greatest guitarists who had still so much to offer and give - within rock and roll and beyond it in different genres. Nonetheless, whenever someone outside of rock and roll shines a spotlight on an aspect of Randy, I appreciate it.