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Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:04 pm
by mpavlic
I asked Kathy on her Instagram page about footage existing and or being released. She was nice enough to reply to me saying “I have answered this so many times…I would be wealthy if I was paid for this comment :D I know (and am told) that sadly there is very little footage. I wish there was more! Rudy Sarzo has also confirmed the same. I surely hope some fan will come up with a bootleg film. Remember there were no cellphones then! But there is always hope.”

As I said, I appreciate that she took the time to respond. I asked if they or the Osborne’s had any footage and or any plans to release it. I might be reading into it, but she didn’t say “no, we don’t have any.” She also didn’t say if there were plans. So, not sure what to make of this response, but take from it what you will.

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 3:52 pm
by orion_damage
To me, it's just the same ole same ole. I would be surprised if she isn't aware of the Entertainment Tonight footage or the various fan-filmed footage that fans are spoken about on her page or the various RR pages.

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 2:01 pm
by Shockwave
Ive asked here things in the past and her answers always leave things open ended. Its almost like she does it on purpose but I just think that's the way she talks.

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 3:49 am
by LongRhoadsAhead
she literally has the cobo hall footage in Detroit that they refuse to share. there's a lot that they (the family) won't let anyone see/use.

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 4:10 am
She'll be keeping it for a private viewing the next time she's trying to knock out a few bottles of Randy wine.. She'll use it as a promo tool to pull the punters in. As you probably know i'm not a fan of the family, but they've always said they owe the fans nothing. Personally i couldn't give a shit if they never done anything for the guy. They've had long enough to do loads of things to support Randy's legacy. Anytime someone else wants to release some thing cool it ends up being dissed or taking to court.. Because they think they are being badly done to and being used.

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:10 am
by mpavlic
Oh, I don’t believe her, at all. I just like to see if people will flat out lie about it and/or word a response in such a way that they can claim that “they never technically said no, we don’t have footage.” I was always sort of willing to give his mom a free pass for doing what she wanted. His siblings, not so much. His brother always looks like he has resting bitch face and that he’s pissed off his brother was famous and not him.

I am sure there are things behind the scenes I don’t know and that’s fine. But honestly, what is to be gained by not releasing video? I’ve never seen a musician and his family with a such a secretive and overly dramatic and pathetic legacy. They post all of these videos and picture about keeping his name alive. Then literally the one thing his fans want more than anything and it’s basically “tough luck.”

I used to live and breathe all things Randy when I was a teenager (over 20 years ago). I used to send blank cassettes and money to people to trade and buy bootlegs in the 90s. I would also make free copies for anyone who asked me. But, after listening to everything available hundreds of times, and knowing how to play all of his songs note for note, I just……ran out of the drive to care anymore. I never listen anymore, because I know every note in my head. But it’s impossible to keep listening to the same few albums for 30 years and not get bored. Oh well. Just a sad pathetic shame that this man that is loved by so many got his legacy f**ked by so much petty bullshit.

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 7:17 pm
by frank
“I’m not a fan of the family, but they’ve always said they owe the fans nothing.” -G.I.

I want to see the quote(s) where this was actually put forth. It does not exist. Kathy has struggled in the past with properly presenting Randy’s legacy. MY reply to her was this- “there are those who will never be satisfied with ANYTHING you do. You owe these people nothing.”

There ARE some awesome people on this site as well.

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 7:48 pm
frank wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 7:17 pm “I’m not a fan of the family, but they’ve always said they owe the fans nothing.” -G.I.

I want to see the quote(s) where this was actually put forth. It does not exist. Kathy has struggled in the past with properly presenting Randy’s legacy. MY reply to her was this- “there are those who will never be satisfied with ANYTHING you do. You owe these people nothing.”

There ARE some awesome people on this site as well.
Sorry it was not Kathy but Frank who passed on the words of wisdom. It doesnt change much Frank they are still not doing anything of any recognition.. What happened to the Musonia Randy Rhoads museum that was funded by fans donations.

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 7:56 pm
by frank
I cannot answer to the museum question. As the family is continually besieged by fans, I have taken to leaving them alone. I can tell you this much, they are not sitting on a treasure trove of Randys work…video or otherwise.

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 8:29 pm
frank wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 7:56 pm I cannot answer to the museum question. As the family is continually besieged by fans, I have taken to leaving them alone. I can tell you this much, they are not sitting on a treasure trove of Randys work…video or otherwise.
No good digging your head in the sand Frank... Your amongst Randy Rhoad's friends who have been ripped off. Are you saying youve heard nothing or do you not want to be the messenger who gets bad mouthed. If that is how the Rhoads are going to look after the guys legacy it absolutely sucks.

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 8:41 pm
by frank
Uhhh…the guys been dead 39 years. Why on earth would anyone ‘hold back’ anything at this point? You need to find some new bad guys to pile on. There is nothing ‘there’. Dislike what I say, badmouth all you like, it’s the sad truth.

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 10:12 pm
frank wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 8:41 pm Uhhh…the guys been dead 39 years. Why on earth would anyone ‘hold back’ anything at this point? You need to find some new bad guys to pile on. There is nothing ‘there’. Dislike what I say, badmouth all you like, it’s the sad truth.
So its ok for Kelle to take money by deception... Its fraud the family should give the money back it was over 16k.
.I couldn't give a shit about old footage, Grails or any unheard material. Once its out there its not on any fans wants list. Its keeping hold of it, for the fans who never seen the guy live. Its there only possibility of seeing the guy on a stage. Ive always said the O's would release the material as its a money spinner for them. The Rhoads cannot release no Ozzy material without their permission. Ive always said that is why Bob's tapes would never see the light of day.

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 12:33 pm
by P C M
I am now to the point the whole remaining Rhoads family can go fuck themselves with Cathy's shitty wine. They know Bob has a holy grail,Dee settled out of court over Randy's death (I believe it was going to be wrongful death) and they have a ton of shit the money making whore machine wants. Make a deal that the 0$b0urne$ get 10% of all (trust me,they would take it).cut it 3 ways so Bob can retire and in the end all are happy. After 40 years how dare you hoard or keep a new generation hostage because some shit done on either side might tarnish your brother. The both of you couldn't fart in a jar his talent and sell it on ebay. Wonder why someone broke in to Musonia. If they were smart,made copies and just release it and give you 0. To me,this whole thing is total bullshit, he was no saint and I am sure he hates you for what you are doing. Randy knew about his talent and was always willing to share/take time with the fans. He's even stated it on many ocassions. Heads out of your ass Rhoads/Osbournes. They can't release due to copy rights,he can't issue due to rights and royalties/deal made. This can all end with a win,win,WIN to all. If not,have the balls to burn it all,walk away and fuck right off. Enough already. I'm beyond tired of this shit. Worried about whoring out you brother...isn't he on a bottle of wine and wasn't much of a drinker? Yet,the 0$b0urne$ are money whores.....Burn it all,shut the fuck up. I'll see him in the afterlife. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:23 pm
by shawn
You are just a plain old fuckwit PCM.

This is the exact reason people don't want to have the hassle of dealing with fans. The shit you typed here is the ramblings of a deranged fuckwit.

P C M wrote: Sun Nov 07, 2021 12:33 pm I am now to the point the whole remaining Rhoads family can go fuck themselves with Cathy's shitty wine. They know Bob has a holy grail,Dee settled out of court over Randy's death (I believe it was going to be wrongful death) and they have a ton of shit the money making whore machine wants. Make a deal that the 0$b0urne$ get 10% of all (trust me,they would take it).cut it 3 ways so Bob can retire and in the end all are happy. After 40 years how dare you hoard or keep a new generation hostage because some shit done on either side might tarnish your brother. The both of you couldn't fart in a jar his talent and sell it on ebay. Wonder why someone broke in to Musonia. If they were smart,made copies and just release it and give you 0. To me,this whole thing is total bullshit, he was no saint and I am sure he hates you for what you are doing. Randy knew about his talent and was always willing to share/take time with the fans. He's even stated it on many ocassions. Heads out of your ass Rhoads/Osbournes. They can't release due to copy rights,he can't issue due to rights and royalties/deal made. This can all end with a win,win,WIN to all. If not,have the balls to burn it all,walk away and fuck right off. Enough already. I'm beyond tired of this shit. Worried about whoring out you brother...isn't he on a bottle of wine and wasn't much of a drinker? Yet,the 0$b0urne$ are money whores.....Burn it all,shut the fuck up. I'll see him in the afterlife. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Reply from Kathy about footage

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 8:11 pm
by chasmcneal
Pretty bad look in here.