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Quotes about Randy

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:54 pm
by laurichmusic
Post your quotes about Randy, whether it be your own quote, someone your know, or something you heard or read in media!

"I have no regrets except that I wasn't up to keep Randy (Rhoads) from getting on that plane."
Ozzy Osbourne - Guitar World Issue 37, 2000

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:11 pm
by laurichmusic
"I'm a big guitar fan. I love listening to everything from jazz to heavy metal, and one of the guys who really caught my ear was Randy. He just stood out head and shoulders above other young guitarists. I don't know exactly what he did that was so special, but he was able to mix together a number of styles and influences, and emerge with a special sound. Most guitarists are clones of other famous musicians. Randy had a bit of that element in him, but because of his talent, he was able to rise above that."

Rik Emmett, Triumph
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Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:42 pm
by laurichmusic
"Ozzy and I have a very good relationship, but sometimes it's a bit strange. When we’re in the studio he'll do anything to motivate me and get me to play better. I remember the sessions we did for the first album. I was really pleased with some of the solos I had done - especially the one for Mr. Crowley because it had a classical influence to it. But Ozzy came into the studio and started shouting, "is that the best you can do?" He was acting a bit crazy, and he was beginning to get to me. I realize now that he Was trying to push me to create something better. It worked. I said, "Okay, I'll show you what I can do." That's when I did the solo that appears on the album."

Randy Rhoads - Hit Parader[/quote]

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:49 pm
by laurichmusic
"He was an exceptional musician, a dedicated guitarist, but he was always fun to be around. He just made every day a pleasure. He was always a gentleman, but very funny. That could fool people, because he could be so shy, but then they'd hear him play, and he'd blow people off the face of the earth. If he were still here with us he'd be at the forefront of what people are playing. He'd be the leader. Shortly before his death he got heavily into classical guitar. He was so obsessed with practicing and becoming better, it was incredible. He could read the stuff real well, and he'd study on the road whenever he could. The material that he was studying and writing was so intricate, so complicated, that nobody else could understand it. He was advancing that quickly. I think of what he'd be capable of if he were still around, and I just know that it's miles away from anybody else."

Ozzy Osbourne

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:02 pm
by laurichmusic
"Most of Randy's solos were, in fact, triple-tracked - if you put on a pair of headphones, you'll hear it. The main solo is in the middle, and then there are two double tracks, one on the left and one the right - pulled back in the mix. That's why Randy's solos always Sounded so big. And it wasn't electronic double tracking - Randy did it all himself. "Since Randy was such a perfectionist, it would take him a while to come up with a solo that he was happy with. After he'd finally get it, he'd say, 'let’s double it now.' And I'd say, 'Are you sure, Randy It's quite an intense solo.' And he'd say, 'Yeah, I want to - it'll sound a lot bigger." At first, I didn't think he'd be able to do it, but I was wrong. (laughs.) "After he'd double it, he'd say, 'Okay, let's triple it now.' And Ozzy Would say, ‘Oh no, not again.' Ozzy would bring me over to the side and tell me, 'Don't let him do it.’ And I’d say, ‘let him do what he wants - he’s doing a great job at it.' The only parts that weren't overdubbed were most of the solos at the very end of the song. They were pretty much part of the backing track."

"Randy had a vast knowledge of so many different scales. It was amazing. Not only were his chord series really intense, but the notes he picked were so weird. Most guitarists who play through a loud Marshall aren't able to get the weird inversions to come across properly - it doesn't ring right - but no matter what Randy played, it always sounded good. Technically, he wasn't as polished as people thought he was at the time of the first Ozzy album. He improved so much by the time we did the second album [Diary of A Madman]. I got more great guitar sounds on those two records than I ever got before."

"Most of Randy's solos were prepared in his mind before he went into the studio. He didn't say much - he just sat there playing guitar and chain-smoking cigarettes. If you'd talk to him while he was playing, you’d get an answer after 30 seconds or so. "Van Halen was one of the few guitarists Randy would talk about. One day I asked him, 'What guitar players do you like, Randy?' And he said, 'I like Eddie Van Halen.' I had never seen Eddie play, so when Randy started doing all that finger tapping stuff, it was all new to me. But Randy didn't cop Eddie's licks, he just picked up on some of his ideas and methods of playing. It's only natural to get something from someone else - all guitarists do it. "Randy was at about 80 percent of where he was gonna get to at the time of his death. That's the tragedy - he never peaked. At least Hendrix had time to develop before he passed away."

Max Norman (Engineer and Producer of Blizzard & Diary) - 1987

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:12 pm
by laurichmusic
"Everything happens so fast that I haven't had enough time to think about what I want to do. I have my own personality on guitar but as of yet I don't think I have my own style. For instance, I do a solo guitar thing in concert, and I do a lot of the same licks as Eddie Van Halen. Eddie is a great player, but it kills me that I do that. For me it's just flash that impresses the kids. I'm trying to make a name for myself as fast as I can. I wish I could take time and come up with something that nobody else has done. But that's gonna take a few years yet."

Randy Rhoads

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:14 am
by Six_Strung_Out
"Five years from now I would love to have people know me as a guitar hero. I'd love to do a solo album, but I haven't met the right people in the business yet. I'm not at the level where I meet people all the time. It has to be the right time for the right thing. I really haven't been able to think; it's just go, go, go. Lately, I've been trying to hang onto myself, to keep up with everything.
I'm locked into something right now, and it's not my own pace. Therefore it's kind of stifling sometimes. Playing sessions would be nice; I could do a different sort of playing and spread my name in different areas. Now it's very limited. Being with Ozzy is almost like being in KISS. That's why I'm thinking of going back to taking lessons and teaching all day long. Now it's a combination of stopped ideas and constant touring. I've got to put it together."
Randy Rhoads

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:23 pm
by siro_angel
"Randy Rhoads was living proof that no-one can bring you down, keep the passion of what you do in your heart and it will leave an imprint on not just your soul but for many, many years after your death"

Simon Fielder

Re: Quotes about Randy

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:25 pm
by siro_angel
Oh and yeah heres a quote I hear most often from where I live.. quite sad really..

"Randy Who?"

But at least we have each other to spread the word :D Like christianity to the rest of the world xD


Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:10 pm
by laurichmusic
"Randy wanted to get out of the Rock business and study classical guitar. He was serious about music and wanted to deepen his knowledge and involvement in music theory and the classics. There was also a deal done by Sharon and Ozzy with Sharon's father, Don Arden, where Ozzy and the current band were to record a whole album of Black Sabbath songs live and Randy hated that idea. He was contracted to Ozzy and Sharon and felt trapped. When Ozzy found out that Randy wanted out, he punched him in the face and called him an ungrateful little shit. Randy didn't hate Rock music or the music of Black Sabbath but he did hate feelling trapped and he did want to get away from the rock business to study more seriously. Who knows, maybe if he'd had his way, he would of studied classical guitar for a while and come back to Rock stronger than ever. I'd like to think so.

Bob Daisley -

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:05 pm
by laurichmusic
"I was great to work with both Ozzy and Randy and equally enjoyable to work with Lee Kerslake. The four of us had a great time in those early years making music together. The first album was done without Sharon on the scene and when she began managing the band the camaraderie went out the window. She wanted to focus on Ozzy and make it the Ozzy show and she had dollar signs in her eyes looking at Randy. Sharon and Ozzy didn't recognize the winning formula staring them in the face and decided they wanted to fire Lee to get Tommy Aldridge in as drummer, but I wouldn't agree so they fired both of us. When we first went into the studio to record, we didn't think about what was going to be a hit or what was going to make money or get airplay, we just wrote and played the music we loved and that's an important characteristic in the magic of it all. I think later that Ozzy got 'Sharonized' and as history tells, Randy got killed. Randy wanted out from them anyway. he didn't know how to get out of his contract or how to get away from the Osbourne camp. In the end, sadly he found his own way I guess. Long live his memory."

"There have been many times on the road that I've felt very lonely and too far from home doing the job that's my life and work and Randy lost his life in the line of duty. It's very sad that his mother, Delores, had to file a lawsuit in the 80's to get what her son was owed. As she later told me, 'I just ran out of money, patience and it all became too much'. Don Arden, Sharon's father told me personally that within days of Randy's death, Sharon came into the office to change Randy's contract. I wouldn't put anything past that lot. Now in her 80's, Mrs. Rhoads is an old lady and Sharon Osbourne manages the Randy Rhoads estate. He must be turning in his grave. Rock on Randy, we miss you. Bless you."

Bob Daisley -

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:17 pm
by El Cochino
"I have an immense amount of respect for what he did. Some people say I may have had an influence on his playing, but I never was able to ask him that. If it's true, I'm very honored, because I thought he was very, very good. He was also very dedicated to his playing. I think that showed in his work." -- Edward Van Halen


Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:11 pm
by siro_angel
El Cochino wrote:"I have an immense amount of respect for what he did. Some people say I may have had an influence on his playing, but I never was able to ask him that. If it's true, I'm very honored, because I thought he was very, very good. He was also very dedicated to his playing. I think that showed in his work." -- Edward Van Halen

I dont think Randy took influence from Eddie..

Granted they both tap, but it dont mean Randy was influenced
