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Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:08 pm
by JNH
Hey gang.....i'm 99% sure this is one of the shots Don took that fateful morning before the accident. As you can see, there is no damage yet to the tour bus, tree and house/garage. There is a similar pic in Andrew Klein's book, except in color. The only thing throwing me off is in the reproduction sketch/photo.....the bus is parked in a east/west direction (front of house facing north) but in this pic, the bus is parked in a west/east direction. This is obviously taken way before Tommy Aldridge moved the bus, post-crash. Thoughts??

Re: Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 2:11 am
This photo has been talked about before on here. It's not from that time as the palm trees are something that happened years later. The large fir tree that the plane crashed into is not there...

Re: Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:17 pm
by JNH
You know, on closer inspection you're absolutely correct.....i was able to magnify the pic, and could easily tell for starters, the tour-bus was blatantly photo shopped into the fore-ground. Yes, there is a palm tree sticking out just above the bus (which never existed back then) and even the dual fence lines look skewered lol. Thanx for pointing this out. Looks like some numpty used a bit of modern technology to try and create some excitement. Good eye buddy.

Re: Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 1:48 pm
by stealaway
Yeah, when not enough "new" stuff is not found, people go and create them, well well...

Re: Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:59 pm
by dmnjr
What ever happened to the pic of the plane that was used in the NTSB report? It used to be on BarkatOzz site, a long time ago, but I can’t find it anymore. Apparently it was actually a scan of a photo from the plane banking hard. I thought it was just a sketch but it was the real deal, just very grainy and in black and white. If no one wants to post it I totally understand, I was just taken aback when I read it was an actual replica of the photo. Copy machines in 1982 are nothing like they are now so it’s not like there’s much detail other than you can really tell how much of an angle the plane actually was approaching the bus. Totally messed up.

Re: Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:48 pm
dmnjr wrote:What ever happened to the pic of the plane that was used in the NTSB report? It used to be on BarkatOzz site, a long time ago, but I can’t find it anymore. Apparently it was actually a scan of a photo from the plane banking hard. I thought it was just a sketch but it was the real deal, just very grainy and in black and white. If no one wants to post it I totally understand, I was just taken aback when I read it was an actual replica of the photo. Copy machines in 1982 are nothing like they are now so it’s not like there’s much detail other than you can really tell how much of an angle the plane actually was approaching the bus. Totally messed up.
i know the one your on about it used to be in the 'Day the Music Died' links i cannot find it now. It's very much like this photo here... ;-)

Re: Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:47 pm
by magicvoice
Here ya go!

Re: Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 1:35 am
by dmnjr
That’s the one.

Re: Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:56 pm
by stealaway
Oh my, "The Day The Music Died" !!! I used check that page in the 90s. Great page it was. Does it still exist?

Re: Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:19 am
stealaway wrote:Oh my, "The Day The Music Died" !!! I used check that page in the 90s. Great page it was. Does it still exist?
All the contents is on here in the index 'The Day the Music Died' is a clue. Don't say you have not noticed..

Re: Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 9:19 am
by stealaway
You're absolutely right!!! I remembered immediately after writing that!!! :D Silly bugger me!!!

Re: Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:03 am
by Dangling Carrot
According to what Rudy told me.. Don saw everything that happened and! there was a struggle that was caught on camera. He said the plane was so low the wing got very close to Don. That picture 'Day before the music died" is not a drawing. (reproduction) It is an actual photo of the plane just before it hit the bus that was scanned black and white. Rudy said that don said there was a clear struggle and they believed Andrew was trying to kill his wife who was standing near the bus. Rudy said they had been fighting all the way from Knoxville.

Re: Don Airey Pre-Crash Photo

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:38 pm
by orion_damage
Have any other photos been in circulation?