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Randy's Guitar Tech

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 4:10 pm
by Paul Wolfe
So, according to the article in Guitar World, while Pete Margolis was working on a TV program, he "learned that his camera operator, Brian Reason, had been Rhoads' guitar tech."

All you tone hounds may try locating Mr. Reason for info on Randy's guitars...

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:00 pm
by The Flying Dutchman
Never heard of that, was he the guitartech when Randy was in QR?
When Randy was in Ozzy I always heard Pete Mertons was his guitartech.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:22 pm
by Paul Wolfe
The article doesn't say, but I'm guessing it was with Quiet Riot.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 10:18 pm
by dogfall
That's correct Randy's Tech during Quiet Riot! Glad to see the Osbournes on board as well!

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 7:28 am
by Film Director
Brian Reason was Randy's guitar tech and roadie around mid 1978 through the time Randy left the band. Before Brian there was a guy named Harold.
Brian went on to work for several bands including Foreigner and was awaiting Randy's arrival on March 20th, 1982 where they were going to have a planned visit. A reunion of sorts. You should hear him tell the story.There was also a guy named JC who was a part of their road crew. He has since passed. There was also Ron Sobol who was their official photographer and ran their light board as well. I have interviewed both Ron and Brian at length. This information comes directly from the mouths of both of the above mentioned in case anyone would like to dispute this information. Thanks to the private photographs and documents of Lori Hollen and others I also have physical proof of all of these guys at work and at play with the band. Hope this clarifies.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 8:30 am
by Trigger
Film Director wrote:Brian Reason was Randy's guitar tech and roadie around mid 1978 through the time Randy left the band. Before Brian there was a guy named Harold.
Brian went on to work for several bands including Foreigner and was awaiting Randy's arrival on March 20th, 1982 where they were going to have a planned visit. A reunion of sorts. You should hear him tell the story.There was also a guy named JC who was a part of their road crew. He has since passed. There was also Ron Sobol who was their official photographer and ran their light board as well. I have interviewed both Ron and Brian at length. This information comes directly from the mouths of both of the above mentioned in case anyone would like to dispute this information. Thanks to the private photographs and documents of Lori Hollen and others I also have physical proof of all of these guys at work and at play with the band. Hope this clarifies.
That's great, thanks for the info. I don't doubt the facts as I know the lengths you are going to to make the film a true and accurate account of Randy's life. :)


Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 2:45 pm
by Paul Wolfe
Just to clarify, I wrote "according to the article" because I wanted everyone to know where I got the information. I don't doubt your work in the slightest. I think it's great that you are building such a great foundation for Randy's legend to rest upon.


Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 5:20 pm
by Film Director
Thank you for your reply. When I make a statement like "in case anyone would like to dispute this information" it is because I can document with physical proof every claim I make, whether it is in this film or by way of a verbal quote. This statement was not aimed at anyone of Randy's fans who use this site or the other message board. Most everyone has been extremely supportive of this project.
I will not acknowledge or respond to any broad based accusation about me or this movie that cannot be substantiated with proof. I have been given a tremendous responsibility to preserve Randy's legacy for generations to come. Randy's family have given me 100% approval and support in making this film. I am in constant communication with them every step of the way. Without that I would have never shot one frame. I have completed 24 interviews thusfar and have about 60 others to shoot over the next couple of months.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 6:59 pm
by Paul Wolfe
Thank you for your work on this project and thank you for taking the time to discuss things with us on these message boards. Everything you are doing is greatly appreciated.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 7:09 pm
by Film Director
With Plesure. I will alaways try to find the time to keep the members updated as to the progress of the film and would engourage anyone to ask questions, within reason, that I can answer.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 7:22 pm
by The Flying Dutchman
Hey Peter,
Any idea when the documentary will be released? The AMG interview with Kelle made us very curious!

Welcome aboard! :wink:

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 9:57 pm
by Film Director
I have not read the AMG article with Kelle yet but I can tell you with any luck it will be finished by August or September of 2008. That is just my prediction however. Often times when shooting non scripted film or television the story gets put together in the editing room. Sometimes you realize that you are missing certain elements or you need to go back and re interview someone because you have to get them to say something a certain way so that it makes sense in the body of the story. That delays. That being said it could end up being sooner or later but by saying late 2008 I am allowing for a few delays along the way.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 12:42 am
by cableguyxx
Peter, great work you're doing on this project. Many of us fans have waited years for Randy to get some recognition, so THANK YOU.

In an interview, Tommy Aldridge mentioned that he has/had a box of soundboard recordings from the Randy days that were in his own words superior to what ended up being used on Tribute. Has there been any talk with Tommy, or is there any possibility of making contact with him for use of some of this audio? Also, Bob Daisley has mentioned that he has recordings of practice sessions from the Blizzard/Diary recordings. It would be wonderful if any of this stuff would either make it's way into the film, or be released as a result of the new interest generated by the film.

Thanks again

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:06 am
by Film Director
Bob Daisley is on board and very interested in participating.
He has e-mailed and spoken with us and I am very much looking forward to interviewing him
I e-mailed Tommy Aldridge once and so far and have not yet heard back.
Rudy put me in touch with him initially. I have not given up hope.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:41 am
by Sarab
I just want to thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.
All of your time and effort working on this will definately be appreciated for years to come by all who have known and loved Randy, personally and as fans.