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Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:55 am
by dmnjr
...and normalcy returns to the Randy universe.

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:03 am
by barossadude
on You-tube there is b/w footage of Joan Jett @ Passaic New Jersey from 1983 -

is this the same place as the rumored Ozzy & Randy footage?

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:03 am
by randy will never die
if there is footage of randy and ozz at Passaic New Jersey in black and white i really would not care thats its in black and white the jona footage is relly good

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:10 am
by Jazznroll
woudnt it be funny if some of the audio on the ozzy live cd was from this gig?

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:56 pm
by The Flying Dutchman
I just re-read that interview with Andrew Klein and suddenly something 'clicked' when I read "New Jersey"...:
Andrew Klein wrote:Ozzy's concert at The Capitol Theatre in Passaic, New Jersey on April 24th 1981 was professionally shot. Every concert in that theatre from 1973-1984 was pro-shot. It was a 3-camera black and white shoot. The entire concert was filmed. I've had numerous conversations with the theatre's owner, John Scher about this. Randy also talked about it in specific detail in one of his letters to Jodi that I've read. He was excited about it and he said the band performed exceptionally well, knowing that they were being filmed. Whether or not the fans will ever get to see it, remains to be seen.

I think Dave Tangye was talking about the same show a few years ago already:
Dave Tangye wrote:I know that there was a film recording on the first US Tour, New Jersey or ST Louis show, I am not sure.
Not even sure if it ever was released.
See Dave Tangye Interview Updated 24 May 2009

So we have 'confirmation' from 2 different sources.
I think this gig was indeed filmed, but if the footage is still out there is the big..... :?:

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:16 pm
by Gus
The Flying Dutchman wrote:I just re-read that interview with Andrew Klein and suddenly something 'clicked' when I read "New Jersey"...:
Andrew Klein wrote:Ozzy's concert at The Capitol Theatre in Passaic, New Jersey on April 24th 1981 was professionally shot. Every concert in that theatre from 1973-1984 was pro-shot. It was a 3-camera black and white shoot. The entire concert was filmed. I've had numerous conversations with the theatre's owner, John Scher about this. Randy also talked about it in specific detail in one of his letters to Jodi that I've read. He was excited about it and he said the band performed exceptionally well, knowing that they were being filmed. Whether or not the fans will ever get to see it, remains to be seen.

I think Dave Tangye was talking about the same show a few years ago already:
Dave Tangye wrote:I know that there was a film recording on the first US Tour, New Jersey or ST Louis show, I am not sure.
Not even sure if it ever was released.
See Dave Tangye Interview Updated 24 May 2009

So we have 'confirmation' from 2 different sources.
I think this gig was indeed filmed, but if the footage is still out there is the big..... :?:
Well spotted, Dutchman. I agree, that's probably the one he was referring to. The story we heard a while back is that the footage was originally held by Don Arden but it went missing from his house. It may well exist, but whether we'll ever see it? Those Passaic shows were well-filmed too, usually with a bunch of close-ups of everyone on stage. Even in B&W it'd be impressive.

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:04 pm
by randy will never die
my thought is we will see it but probly in 10 years

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:28 am
randy will never die wrote:my thought is we will see it but probly in 10 years
Or probably never ... A statement to dwell on over the next 10 years. The old school fans have dwelled long enough.

Pat i seen the connection to New Jersey and what DT was saying in the interview. But like alot of archive footage. How was it stored? did the building have a fire, did the new management clear the basement and bin all those boxes of film ?. . Alot of smoke and no fire. I couldn't see the O's management letting them film a whole concert. Then telling the venue to keep it for their archive. Especially when the band hadn't released a video or any other footage which would of cost a fortune. If they'd handed the film to them to use for free. I could understand that happening and then they decided Ah!! Ozzy sounds shit and its in black & white second rate quality and not good enough. When did Don Arden mention that he had some film and it went missing ?. All food for thought and speculation, but who knows ?.

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:14 am
by Stewie
If the Osbournes have it and Ozzy's vocals were bad, they would have fixed that by now and have released it. They obviously haven't so either some copyright thing (here we go again..) is blocking them or they don't have it. I guess they just don't have it.. If the tape is like the others from this theatre, we would have a closeup on Randy's solo's etc which is more valuable than a colour tape with mainly Rudy's playing; so I guess they would have put more effort in getting the b/w tape out there than the one they put out now.

I wonder if the Osbournes have hired someone to seek possible videotapes or did the 30th anniversairy tape owner contacted them? Is there any info on this guy and the date when he handed it over? Did the Osbournes saved the tape for some time or was it more or less a coincidence?

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:45 pm
by Paul Wolfe
If anyone has it (i.e. it still exists) it would/will show up on You Tube, get downloaded by hundreds of fans and be widely available with not 'copyright infringement' case to worry about, it's called pirating and is rather common from what I understand.

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:05 am
by Astral Plane
At the end of the Albuquerque footage after Mr. Crowley on the 30 Years After The Blizzard dvd, it lists the names of the people that did the "tape research" ..would be interesting to know if this was searched for.
I bet it exists, and I still bet there is alot more out there, especially super8 type stuff, possibly with Bob and Lee.

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:34 pm
by ammalato
randy will never die wrote:i thout they had a fire in capitol theatre i think i heard about that in a diffrent post

if any body ever goes to new jersey or lives there swing by the Capitol Theatre and ask the owner read in the randys book they said they have tons of randy writeing to jodi he told her about being filmed but the said part is it might not be in the book they said that they had more letters than they could use

I live 15 minutes from Passaic. The Capitol is LONG gone.

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:31 am
by Stiltzkin
ammalato wrote:The Capitol is LONG gone.
and the plot thickens 8)

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:06 am
by randy will never die
from what i rember i thout they turned the capatil theater into a mall or some thing and they rebuilt it or some thing
i rember reading that when they had the fire they said the the footage room or valt survuved and they got a new owner

sorry about spelling verry tired good night every one :D

Re: Rumour: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey..Pro Shot

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:09 am
by RhoadsRockPhotographer
Andrew Klein wrote:Ozzy's concert at The Capitol Theatre in Passaic, New Jersey on April 24th 1981 was professionally shot. Every concert in that theatre from 1973-1984 was pro-shot. It was a 3-camera black and white shoot. The entire concert was filmed. I've had numerous conversations with the theatre's owner, John Scher about this. Randy also talked about it in specific detail in one of his letters to Jodi that I've read. He was excited about it and he said the band performed exceptionally well, knowing that they were being filmed. Whether or not the fans will ever get to see it, remains to be seen.

Numerous conversations with the owner, yet offering no clue as to whatever offically became of it, in these same conversations.
