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Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:56 am
Yeah i think Kevin has his reasons for not contributing to this film.I don't think we will find out ..But i don't think the documentary will be any better or worse for not having Kevins 50 cents worth..He has contributed and said everything we need to know in umpteen amounts of guitar/music mags over the years.You can only say so much.I struggle to come up with fresh ideas for threads on this forum just like alot of you's will do the same..So what could Kevin say in the documentary...??? answers on a postcard please..But i see alot of peoples points thinking it should be the done thing to do, being an ex band member and buddie etc.But i look forward to seeing this docufilm..Frank...? have you been to acting leasons yet ?? Hurray Hurray for Hollywood... :wink: Lights... camera... Action !!

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:34 pm
by Paul Wolfe
Y'know, in everything I've read about this documentary, I haven't seen Kelly Garni mentioned. He was with Randy from the beginning (musically speaking), so his input would be as important - if not more important - than Kevin's. Not to mention, if this is to be about Randy as a person AND a musician, then Kelly would be the go to guy as far as what Randy was like as a kid.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:05 pm
by Film Director
Rocky Rhoads
For the record my interview with Kelly Garni was scheduled for this coming Friday but I had to cancel because something else came up for that day.
AJ spoke to him this morning to reschedule for next week.
You and everyone else have heard that Kelly Garni is the only one who can tell the story of Randy's youth but this is not entirely true.

Don't misunderstand me. I am a huge fan of Kelly Garni. He has been nothing but kind and forthcoming and very eager to help this project. He is supplying us with stories that have never been told and images that have never been seen.
However, there were other friends and neighbors.
I am interviewing all of them.
Randy had a real "best friend".Not to be confused with the one that makes that claim. His name is Kim McNair. There is a picture on one of the sites of Randy and Kelle and Kim together at some party where Randy is holding a beer bottle. He is being interviewed today.
His story along with Mrs. Rhoads, Jodi, Kelle, Kathy, Kelli Garni, Drew Forsyth, Guy Paonessa, Mark Santoro, Pete Wilkenson and others will tell me all I need to know about that period of Randy's life.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:24 pm
by Paul Wolfe
Don't get me wrong, I realize that Kelly Garni wasn't Randy's only friend. I was simply surprised that I hadn't heard mention of him in regards to this documentary.

I'm glad you've got Drew Forsyth to interview. When I sat down with Kelly, I asked him about Drew and he tod me that although Drew was a drummer in a number of the bands Kelly and Randy formed, he (Kelly) never got along well with Drew. Kevin also says Drew was the weak link in Quiet Riot. So I assume that Randy was the one who insisted on Drew being in the band and that Randy and Drew were friends. I look forward to hearing his view of Quiet RIot. I've read Kevin's opinion and I've sat and talked to Kelly, so that leaves Drew (who I thought was an excellent drummer, by the way).

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:40 pm
by frank
i'm so glad kim mcnair is getting his due. randy was a very private person and not too many got close to the "real" person.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:03 pm
by cableguyxx
frank wrote:i'm so glad kim mcnair is getting his due. randy was a very private person and not too many got close to the "real" person.
I think that is very evident in some of the personal photos. There was so much more to him than just the QR & Ozzy persona. I'm glad we will all be able to see this side of him.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:35 pm
by Randy Magic
It is also Kevin's right to say what he wants, it's freedom of speech and is a basic right in the United States where Kevin resides.

I have a problem with this statement. Kevin can say what he likes, that's true, but he cannot manipulate memories in order to paint himself in a better light - which he has done since Randy's death. Sharon and Kevin have, UNFORTUNATELY, been the main sources of Randy history for the past 2 decades - it's about time that stopped.

Peter Margolis appears to be putting together a really accurate portrait of the man Randy was, and the legacy he left us all with. I can name a few people that will likely not be interviewed by Peter that know Randy much better than Kevin ever did. Randy was such an important part of my childhood I am very pleased that his story is finally being told.

Oh, by the way, Kevin will NEVER respond to criticism, it's just not in him to do that. Maybe I'll dig up some of the old interviews Kevin would like to never see know, the ones where he claims he started QR and how Randy joined his band. That would be fun.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:23 am
by Paul Wolfe
Randy Magic wrote:
It is also Kevin's right to say what he wants, it's freedom of speech and is a basic right in the United States where Kevin resides.

I have a problem with this statement. Kevin can say what he likes, that's true, but he cannot manipulate memories in order to paint himself in a better light - which he has done since Randy's death.

Maybe I'll dig up some of the old interviews Kevin would like to never see know, the ones where he claims he started QR and how Randy joined his band. That would be fun.

See, but that is the freedom in this country. You can say things in ways that make you look better. Coke and Pepsi do it every day. Kevin may or may not manipulate the truth, I can't say because I don't know him.

I also want to point out that unless those old interviews are audio, you should take them with a grain of salt. Writers often rearrange statements to get the most bang for their buck. That's not to say Kevin has been misquoted, it's just to say he could have been mis-quoted.

The reason I made the "freedom of speech" comment is because Kevin was being attacked in a way that, in my opinion, isn't cool. We all can say what we like in the United States, so as long as Kevin is in the United States, I say let him say what he wants. Everyone else has had the opportunity to speak and chose not to until this documentary. Silence speaks volumes as well.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:32 am
by frank
but paul, didn't he create the drama by making a big public statement? that there were posts that criticized his comments is hardly attacking him. ok, there were some statements that were kinda personal, but you know what i mean.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:44 pm
by Paul Wolfe
I think the drama was created when someone posted an article saying Kevin was "dissing" Randy by turning his back on the film. Kevin responded to that.

The thing that I believe touched off the negativity is that Kevin stated his reasoning for not being in the film as being due to Rudy's involvement. He may as well have said, "No, I never matured after the age of 8 1/2 years old. I don't like what Rudy did at recess two weeks ago, so if he's going to your party then I'm not going. Oh, hey, check out the cute girl... I think I'll go hit her with my lunchbox so she'll know I like her!"

Kevin has the freedom to be an ass if he chooses. He also has the freedom to publicly be an ass. Writing an "open letter" to attack him for not presenting Randy in the way a specific fan wants him to be presented is silly. Kevin will do what Kevin will do.

Now, if this documentary comes out and there is no mention of Randy being a prankster or of him setting off fireworks with friends, etc. then we'll be able to say this film was biased. And Kevin will be proven right.

BUT, if (when?) the film comes out and Randy has been presented as a complete human being, then Kevin will look even worse for not participating. Not to mention, Kevin could change his mind before filming is complete...

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:55 pm
by siro_angel
I see where you come from rockyrhoads but dont forget they cant put every moment of randys life on film cos then it would be a year long blockbuster!


Lets put an end to this discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:30 pm
by Film Director
Let me address certain issues that pertain to some of the many threads that I have read over the last several months concerning the Randy Rhoads documentary.
With respect to tabloid journalism. The reason The GLobe, The Enquirer, People magazine and others are in business is because they tell the truth. They have reliable sources that are right more times than not. That is how they stay in business. If the tabloids were wrong and printed lies they would have had more law suits than they have money to defend and they would have shut their doors long ago. Guitar World is no different.
They are in business to sell magazines.
What I said when Guitar World interviewed me was the truth. Because that is what I do...tell the truth. For better or worse. They took the truth and created a tabloid like headline that caused a s**t storm of problems all because one person didn't like reading about what he did. If you can write a book, then write a book. And if you are qualified to criticize a book that you have read from cover to cover then go ahead and criticize the parts or whole of the book that you don't agree with. But don't criticize a book that you haven't read and don't discount the authors work based on a personal issue that you have with the author that has nothing to do with the writing of the book. When I began this process a long time ago it was Lori Hollen and myself by way of Brian Reason. No one else. She brought me to the Rhoads family. The Rhoads family after much deliberation and intuitive investigation collectively decided that they wanted to go down this road with me. I brought the project to Dakota base on a 21 year relationship with the owner of the company. Months later all of the contracts were signed. Rudy Sarzo came on as a consultant on this film when it became apparent to me that he was the only person in the world who could claim that he played in the only two professional bands that Randy Rhoads was ever in. It is obvious that Rudy adds a degreee of legitimacy to this project and that is help would be imperative in acting as liason for me to secure certain interviews that I may not otherwise get. He also provided me with one of the most compelling interviews that I have shot to date. He is incredibly intelligent and well spoken. As for a film: How do you criticize a film that has not been made yet? How do you publicly discount a persons work when you have never met the person or admitedly never seen any of their work?
None of what was directed at me or this film in any negative manner affected me in any way....nor will it.
By next Monday I will have 30 interviews in the can. All of those interviews come from band members, friends, students, relatives and associates of Randy's pre 1980. I have another 20 plus interviews all scheduled over the next several weeks with other people from the same period. I don't need anyone else to tell me what I have already learned especially from the Quiet Riot period. Whether anyone who asked not to be interviewed has a change of heart, the door is closed on that. I'm no longer interested.
I hope this writing ends this discussion once and for all and we can move on to the task at hand which is to produce the most comprehensive and riveting two hours of documentary film making possible.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:15 pm
by Paul Wolfe
Mr. Margolis,

Thanks for clearing the air regarding your film.

I just want to say that this is a discussion forum and we love to discuss anything related to Randy Rhoads. If we were all sitting in a room together having our discussion, I feel it would continue the way it has. Some people are very passionate and vocal about their opinions and some are less vocal. We are not having an argument here, but rather a discussion.

When your film comes out, we will have a lot of information to discuss, I am sure. In the mean time, we can only discuss what is available to us.

As for my comment questioning the legitimacy of quotes used in Guitar World magazine, one only need look to the "transcript" of the guitar seminar Randy gave in 1982. I have the audio and I've listened to it while reading the published transcript - they are not the same. The transcript is presented as being authentic, but it is edited and rearranged. That is all I meant about any magazine quoting Kevin. If his comments are edited or rearranged, then they could be misconstrued.

Again, thank you for adding to our discussion, but please remember, it is just that, a discussion. We all appreciate your work and look forward to your film.


Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:52 am
by Six_Strung_Out
Personal human memories are so unique. Reading a book or watching a film can make you think you know a person (that is the fascination with media, after all) but, it is not life experience in itself.

My personal human memory of Kevin and Rudy was watching them both perform live on stage with Quiet Riot in 1983. I witnessed two smiling performers enjoying themselves big-time. The audience went wild.

My own subjective feeling was: God, do I wish Randy Rhoads could see how great his band looks and sounds right now.

Let the books and films continue to be created. And let us all hope that they capture a tiny glimpse of real life.


Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:09 pm
by dogfall
In Guitar World Magazine's defense! I think Kevin chose to be ignorant and let personal feelings about one person being involved get in the way of a good thing and Guitar World just reported the truth! and then it turned into a pi$$ing match.

That is Kevin's fault.
Again if Kevin would realize the film is about Randy and not Kevin he may come to the table. His personal feelings against someone involved is about Kevin not Randy .
I think Peter and Dakota are doing a wonderfull job!

There's allot of a$$holes out there I was just Interviewed by one the other day from a guitar website he used me to get what he wanted and then treated me like dirt . :wink: Karma is a Bitch.