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Re: Randy Rhoads Autograph

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 3:18 am
by romeorose2019

Re: Randy Rhoads Autograph

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 9:38 am
Yeah i like a guy who keeps the topic flowing.....Delusional as ever!!

Re: Randy Rhoads Autograph

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 10:32 pm
by romeorose2019
There's no way to continue the autograph topic dude. You can agree to disagree if you want. But you are the delusional one if you can't admit to the fact that an autograph is impossible to be proved 100 percent real beyond any benefit of doubt at all.
Even paintings can be replicated to the point where it takes scientists to determine if they are real or fakes, usually by dating the materials used, but even then some historical paintings in museums are still hotly debated as to are they authentic or fake. So you can't tell me something as simple as an autograph can't be replicated so well that it can not be determined 100 percent to be real or fake.

I don't care how much science of handwriting analysis you try to put behind it, still you can't gurantee something is 100 percent real. You can say odds are 1 in a million that it's a fake, you can say that much.... but there is a chance it could be fake.

And personally to me an autograph is worthless in all respects if it's not 100 percent authentic without any chance whatsoever of it being a fake.

I don't care if you are the supreme authority on autographs and if you been in business for 50 years and you have a 100 percent positive feedback record.... you still can't prove 100 percent it's authentic.

If I go to a book signing and meet Stepehn Kingh and I directly get him to sign something for me, see, I fucking know it's 100 percent real.

Also if someone else goes and gets Stephen King to sign something and they video tape the sigining and then they give me the autograph, I know it's real, as long as the video shows everything very clear.

Other than those two sceanrios you are never guaranteed anything is real. At best you are just TRUSTING someone else or TRUSTING a science that isn't always 100 percent foolproof.

Re: Randy Rhoads Autograph

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 10:53 pm
by romeorose2019
YOu may very well have a authentic RR autograph, YOu mat have gotten him to sign something for you in person while he was alive, good for you if you did, but point is, you can't prove it to me.
Only the people that obtained signatures directly from RR know that the ones they personally obtained are real.

If one of those people wants to give away or sell one of those RR autographs, then they buyer or prospective buyer will have to TRUST the seller, for there is ZERO proof that can be given to them that will prove 100% for certain that the autograph is real.
It can not be proven.

I have Yngwie Malmsteens signature on a Dunkin Donuts box and I have several of his guitar picks that he used on stage....
I obtained these directly from Yngwie myself.

I can prove the signature is real because I videotaped him signing it close up using my phone.

I did not videotape myself catching the guitar picks he threw out so, you know what, I can't PROVE that to anyone 100% even though I know they are real.

AND... If I didn't have the videotape, I wouldn't be able to prove the signature is real either.
People would just have to take my word for it and hope I wasn't lying, or trust the science of handwriting analysis and pray that this isn't one of the times in which it proved to be wrong and fail.

They would be taking a chance.
No matter how small, a chance is a chance.

Like I said, no matter how much I could trust someone or science... I wouldn't bet my life on the authenticity on any of those RR autographs being real.
It is possible some of them could indeed be real.
It is also possible that some of them could be fake.
ANYTHING is possible since I didn't obtain them directly and there is no video proof.

I know my Yngwie stuff is real.... I am also sensible enough to realize and understand that it's not going to be possible for me to convince a lot of other people out there that it is real without the video evidence.
And, even with video evidence, some people would still have some doubts of well how do I know this is really the same dunkin donut box in the video etc etc etc.

I paid $1,000 once for a guitar pick used by Stevie Ray Vaughan.... I bought it from Craig Hopkins in Austin who is the president of the SRV fan Club and he still has a website online now, he got the pick on co-signment from Janna Lapidus SRV's fiancé...
I got a signed COA with it, and Craig has written 2 books about SRV, and he's built a SRV museum, he is a personal friend of the Vaughan family, and he's been selling SRV stuff ever since 1990 and he has a 100 percent perfect spotless record....

I have no reason to doubt the pick isn't real based on all of that....


I would still be a fool if I didn't at least accept that it IS possible him and Jana could have lied and scammed me, it could be a fake! It looks like other picks SRV was seen with and has a similar pick wear pattern as SRVs other picks, and Craig is a expert on collcting picks.....


You know how I know????? Because SRV didn't fucking give it to me directly!

Like I said FOOLS trust others. FOOLS trust science they did not create.

I only trust what I experience FIRSTHAND.

Re: Randy Rhoads Autograph

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 1:36 am
FFS OK they are all fake...never trust anyone with an original RR signature even if they have video evidence which is like finding rocking horse shit and OR a photograph of Randy signing that actual piece...Yeah are you happy now dude ...Over n out !!

Re: Randy Rhoads Autograph

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 3:16 am
by romeorose2019
I never said they were fake. They could be real, they could be fake. No one can prove it either way.
"prove" meaning that I don't have to rely on "trusting" anyone or anything.

I don't trust anyone.

I don't even trust myself, for all I know I could flip out and go and do something crazy tomorrow. I'm capable of anything. Doesn't mean I'm going to, it's not probable, but I am aware enough and smart enough to know that I am insane, and anything could happen at anytime.
So therefore I don't even trust myself. I could do something that I'm not even expecting myself to do and actually surprise myself.
So, I don't trust myself.
And if I don't trust myself, I'm certainly not going to trust anyone else in this lifetime.
I simply don't believe in trust.

I have zero interest in autographs, they are silly as all get out to begin with. I've never understood why someone wants to walk up to someone famous and ask for a autograph. Someone writing their name on something has never made sense or appealed to me ever, I don't care how famous they are, it's silly. As for souveniers or mementos, it's just silly. I'd rather have a photo with them, a guitar pick, or really just the memory is the best thing.

The Kurt Cobain sweater worn on MTV Plugged selling for 330K was silly af too. It was a cheap thrift store sweater Kurt was probably given, found, or bought used that really had no special significance to him at all... yet a idiot pays 330K for it.

When it comes to money and authenticity... trust should never have to enter the equation.

A lot of people believe in God too, even have Wars and mass killings over something they never seen, heard, touched or smelled...
When money is involved, everything in the equation must be tangible and first hand concrete fact.

Re: Randy Rhoads Autograph

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:15 pm
by friday
zero interest in autographs , did you tell that to Yngies face ?

Re: Randy Rhoads Autograph

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 3:04 am
by romeorose2019
My only interest in Yngwies autograph was getting him to sign a Dunkin Donuts box, which I really didn't think he would do, but he did, and then I was even more surprised that he claims to not even remember the donut incident with Dimebag following him in a hotel asking if he wants a donut and Yngwie saying I don't like fookin donuts, its on youtube… people have talked about it for years... but yet Yngwie has no memory of it ever happening so he told me.
The autograph means zero to me, it's just the thought that he would actually sign something from Dunkin Donuts because of that famous incident and him being fat, unfortunately he signed the white back of the sign, and I didn't think at the time to make sure he was sigining the front, because my plan was to frame it for laughs... however if I framed it the signature wouldn't be visible.
Right now its jut sitting in a drawer of junk to show you how little sentimental value it has. But if I pay for another YJM meet and greet in the future I will probably take it back and have him sign the correct side of it. But it holds no value to me. My photo with him and me holds more value to me than his autograph on the dunkin donuts box. That and also the memory of pressing my hand up against the palm of his hand and seeing that our hands are EXACTLY the same size, finger to finger, same exact lengths... only difference is Yngwie has much more manly hands as his hands are at least twice as thick as mine. I've never seen a man with such THICK hands. maybe it's a thing to do with Swedish genes. But it's very nice knowing that my hands certainly do not hold me back in any way whatsoever on guitar because they are same size as YJM, so we both can strecth and reach same notes the same.

Re: Randy Rhoads Autograph

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:06 am
by teamotk
Anyone with anything?