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Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:31 am
by Rhoads-Fan
Have you seen ? Just one of many resources.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:52 am
by orion_damage
Yes I have and it shows nothing new. I'm not a lazy person, I've done a lot of research in Randy. I've just never seen the guy who witnessed the crash (Don) say what you claimed to have happened. That's why I asked who and where can I find that info. RR.TK is just a bunch of he said she said with little actual evidence.

What is far fetched is that someone would be able to register such a scene as Randy pulling Rachel off the controls while the plane is going however fast it was.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:42 am
by Rhoads-Fan
Jodi said that Randy was sitting in the front, hey what do I know? I believe what I believe.

I believe Rachel passed out and Randy _tried_ to pull her off the controls.

I'm sure you're not a lazy person and I'm not implying that you are.

RR.TK would shut down almost any talk of the accident, that's why I came here years ago.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:44 am
by Rhoads-Fan
Still don't know what "meh" means.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:52 am
by orion_damage
Rhoads-Fan wrote:Jodi said that Randy was sitting in the front, hey what do I know? I believe what I believe.

I believe Rachel passed out and Randy _tried_ to pull her off the controls.

I'm sure you're not a lazy person and I'm not implying that you are.

RR.TK would shut down almost any talk of the accident, that's why I came here years ago.
You may be right I just never see anything online except the reports and not much from the people that were there.

Really interested in the audio from Romeo Rose.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:07 am
by Shockwave
Rhoads-Fan wrote:Still don't know what "meh" means.

Pretty sure The Simpsons / Homer Simpson invented the word about 20 years ago and it's now used everywhere.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:45 am
I just think the whole accident turned into a fkn conspiracy. With very little evidence and how the story started to get twisted, everyone playing detective and making their own mind up on what was the final sitting position in the plane. I think Don Airey holds the key on that one. Those photos do not tell lies, and the macabre garage photos. Some guys are so obsessed with RR to the point of wanting to see these photos. Let me ask if you'd happily want to see photos of a loved one as they are breathing their last breath in a hospital bed. You just wouldn't do it, i know Randy had rolls of film he took while on tour that still remain undeveloped. I think those are more of a video diary before the guy past on. You'd see the guy happy and having a fun time.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:02 pm
Shockwave wrote: I believe it originated from what someone supposedly saw when the plane was coming in that last time. I have not read any of the books out there but I believe it Was Don Airey who saw something as he was taking pictures the whole time while on the ground. Still no one could eee in detail what was going on and maybe just caught a glimpse of what was going on.

The most telling thing that there is more to the crash than we know is from that audio Romeo Rose posted a few years ago of him talking to Mike Smalt(the crash cop who didn't know he was being recorded. I remember listening to it in my way to work at like 5:00am and then someone else told Romeo he could get in trouble since he recorded a cop without permission so he took it down only a couple hours after it was posted. I wish I would have saved it or Romeo would post or share it with us privately. I gave a detailed explanation here on the forum but for the life of me I cannot find the thread(I have looked a few different times). I don't want to speculate what the cop said but that post I made tells all and there is a lot more to it than we know...
You can only make a crime scene out of what you have infront of you, toxicology reports and evidence before the crash i.e eye witnesses and Don Airey's photos. If i remember rightly Randy's body was found outside the garage. Aycocks was on top of one the vehicles inside the garage. Rachel's body burnt inside what was left of the plane. The plane exploded on impact with a secondary explosion when the cars gas was ignited. So anyone guessing on where they had been seated etc it would of been mentioned from the guys on the ground. So unless you had a photo pre-crash of the seating arrangements you'd still be guessing, so would the cops. No forensics or inspector columbo types could make this one up. But they need to have a detailed report incase this crash was not an accident. Did Aycock want to kill his wife, well if he did he would of had to of ploughed the plane close to the tour bus as she was situated just outside the tour bus door. Did he hate her that much that he'd take out other lives, including his own ???. I think that one is a little far fetched, but he was coming down from coke and could of had a bit of a mad moment, but it's pure speculation. Plus if he had that intention why didn't he do it when Don and Jake Duncan went up in the plane on the early flight. That's one thing i have never found out or it may of slipt my grey matter. Did the first flight include swooping low on the tour bus ?... I better not get into this subject too deeply or i'm going go down the conspiracy road myself. Too much info can do a man's head in.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:42 pm
by orion_damage
I have read an interview with Don where a police officer did say "if it makes you feel any better this wasn't an accident." He didn't go any further than that, when I get to work I'll post a link to the interview if anyone is curious but I'm sure it's nothing new.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:44 pm
by orion_damage
Just to clarify though, without evidence evidence you have to take that with a grain of salt.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:11 pm
by orion_damage
Here's the link to the interview with Don where he says: ... &view=next

"Don Airey: Through my long friendship with Ozzy, I did the "Blizzard Of Ozz" album. They were pretty desperate. They had no money. They just had a great band and asked if I would come in and help them out, so I did. I couldn't do the "Diary" album because I was on tour with Rainbow. I did do the "Diary Of A Madman" tour.

BB: Which, unfortunately, brings us to the Randy tragedy. Forgive me, as I know this is a sensitive subject, but, I have to ask. As I understand it, you were the main witness to the accident. You were actually up in the plane just before Randy did, right? Didn't you come down just minutes before Randy & Rachel went up?

Don Airey: I think so. We went up and then came down. Then Randy went up with Rachel. That's what happened.

BB: Were you standing outside watching when it happened?

Don Airey: I saw the whole thing.

BB: I've heard so many things about it. I've heard that both Randy and Rachel hated to fly. And recently, I heard Sharon say that they didn't even like each other. So, what put them on a plane together at eight in the morning?

Don Airey: No, it was just one of those things, you know? It was a beautiful morning. You could smell the orange blossom. We trusted the guy who flew the plane. I never talk about it. I've never really talked about this. It was the most awful thing I ever saw. I don't like to talk about it because the ramifications are so awful. What actually happened that day? We'll never know. I'll never know why the plane crashed. It was just an innocent kind of thing.

BB: What was the drivers mindset like when you went up in the plane with him? Did you notice him being a little wacky? I guess they found coke in his system during the autopsy. Sharon and Ozzy seem to believe that because the piolet's ex-wife was standing outside by the bus, that for a split second he saw her and wanted to "off" her and that's why he swooped down. Does that sound even possible to you?

Don Airey: I'll just say this one thing about this and I don't want to say anything more. I had to give a deposition to the FAA and the guy said to me, "If it's any comfort, this wasn't an accident."

BB: This was the head investigator?

Don Airey: Yeah, he said, "but we can't say anything." The thing is, no one will ever know. We'll never know why it happened. All I know is I lost the best guitar player I've ever played with. He was just fantastic. He was just one of those guys who wasn't long for this world. Ozzy used to say about him, "He ain't gonna make old bones!" I was very glad I knew him (Randy). He was something very special, that's all I can tell you. I feel very happy about the fact that I knew him. I feel happy about the fact that I got on very well with him musically and personally. We were planning great things. We had the next "edition" of the Ozzy saga kind of planned. We used to get together and try out different things. I was older than him. It was the first time I had been in a band where I was significantly older than someone. So, he was like a kid to me. He was so fresh, but he understood everything. I could talk about him all night and I never get the chance.

BB: Well, that's exactly why I wanted to talk to you! Plus, you had the eye witness view of what happened the morning of the accident.

Don Airey: I'm lucky to be here. The plane missed me by inches.

BB: Were you right by the bus?

Don Airey: I was by the bus, then decided to move. When I turned around, there was a plane there! I'll never understand it. I saw Ozzy recently. "

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:51 pm
by dmnjr
Shockwave wrote:The whole Aycock thing and coke I don't care about. Since they said they found trace amounts that means it was almost out of his system. Coke last 2-3 days in your system after you have done it last so that tells me he had not done it in at least 36 hours. Everyone was doing it back then so it's really no that big of a deal that they found it during the autopsy.

I remember parts and pieces of the cop audio, it's been 4-6 years since I have heard it but don't want to say anything unless I'm positive. . I welcome someone to try to find my post as I want to refresh my memory as well and it will all come back to me once I read it again.

It could be as simple as he dove the plane to quick and if Randy or Rachel were standing slightly and fell forward it was all over...the heart attack thing is just to far fetched to me unless it's proven in a report somewhere.

Not gruesome but don't read below if you don't like that stuff or want to know more about the crash bodies...

One new thing I read a few weeks ago from someone that struck me was that he said you could see the bodies in a couple of those photos that we always see of the crash. All I will say is zoom in on the pics and then read the crash report, it tells you where the bodies were found in the garage. For one body I am 95% sure it's just that in the pic, the other one I was say 30% as it's hard to tell but somewhat of an outline, and the last I cannot locate at all.
Yeah, in regards to that last paragraph. I noticed that a few years back. I ran across that photo of the garage and was like, is that what I think it is?!? Can't really tell about the top of the car on the left, but next to it amidst the rubble is definitely someone sticking out. Based on that, I'm sure what I thought was on top of the car, is someone as well. Trying to be tactful. I'm just in disbelief that the photo is readily available for anyone to see. I wasn't looking for photos of that awful day, just stumbled upon it.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 4:26 pm
by orion_damage
dmnjr wrote:Yeah, in regards to that last paragraph. I noticed that a few years back. I ran across that photo of the garage and was like, is that what I think it is?!? Can't really tell about the top of the car on the left, but next to it amidst the rubble is definitely someone sticking out. Based on that, I'm sure what I thought was on top of the car, is someone as well. Trying to be tactful. I'm just in disbelief that the photo is readily available for anyone to see. I wasn't looking for photos of that awful day, just stumbled upon it.
Is this the picture you're talking about? I enlarged and brightened it up big time. Just looks like a bunch of rubble to me.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 6:55 pm
The photo in question is from the other side of the garage, you can see the snapped tree stump. This one above is looking from the front of the garage, Randy's body was found below the side window. It was the car on the left of the photo Aycock was found on the roof of that car. I've never seen any of the close up photos and i don't want to see them. But i know they are amongst similar photos like these. sad macarbe shit.

Re: Two low flying buzzes was enough...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 7:16 pm
Shockwave wrote:Just reading around all the birthday stuff in some sites prior to heading into work here. The one that sticks out the most is the plane buzzed the bus successfully twice prior to to 3rd attempt. It's likely everyone was enjoying it and that's why it was done, on that 3rd attempt who knows what happened in the cockpit.

Man, just twice and they would have been all set!!!
Well one theory could be as simple as this. Rachel and Randy may have been a bit freaked out with the plane swooping the tour bus. If he was flying in a too low. Did Randy stand up to lean over to Aycock to get him to pull the stick up, would his weight moving be enough to upset the ballast of the plane, just enought to dipp the plane's wing which hit the bus and then it cart wheeled into the tree. I think it then nose ended upwards and slammed into the roof. I'm writing this from memory but i'm sure that's as close as what any witness mentioned. That's how Randy was found out side the garage. Did he take his seat belt off ? Was Rachel still belted up in the plane was Aycock's belt fastened. It's all stuff you'd never know until you found the belt clips of the plane. The largest piece of the plane was the size of an old style rotary phone. The wing which snapped off and one of its landing wheel struts. Both found outside the garage, the wing being further away next to the tour bus.