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Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:00 pm
by whoopiecat
"May have overreacted in a post or two"?
You're really posting that as a comment to be taken seriously?
You're a fun-killer, Han. Folks don't speak their minds around here because folks such as yourself choose to stick around, aside from it being quite plain that folks don't like you at all, and have said as much on more than one occasion.
Some choose to get on with you as they haven't much choice, as no one can be banned here.
Yay for us.


Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:40 pm
by dannyahansen
whoopiecat wrote:" as no one can be banned here.
Yay for us.

That is not true. If you are truely toxic they will ban you. I can think of at least 2 people that have been banned.

Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:46 pm
by mojopin70
whoopiecat wrote:Nah, I'm just another fan. What shall we call you? Didn't you have a working relationship with Mr. Daisley at one point, and have a falling out?
Correct me if I'm wrong here...
If you're that guy, then you should avoid conversations like these, as you come equipped with a grudge and come off like a jilted girlfriend.
If you want to present your end of it, by all seems like there is a prejudice lurking here toward folks who are a fan of Bob and have no problem speaking up in his defense.
Folks have come here over the years who have a connection to Rhoads. Some have been kind and generous, others have shown to be not what they appeared to be as time passed.
After a period of time, the attitude of this place seems to turn against these people, irregardless of their intent. This site is a very big reason those of celebrity don't come around anymore.
TK was too strict, perhaps, but at least there was some sense of order there. VIPs were treated as such, and assholery was stomped on.
Troy has the thankless job of being Bob's representative to the "fans" here.
At this stage, I believe Bob has seen for himself how the Rhoads community behaves, and it's fucking embarrassing to me that the man himself isn't able to come here, as we all know how that will end.
If I'm a king, then consider me in exile from this place, as it certainly has a pox upon it.
Indeed it is embarrassing ive only been here a year or so but ive seen Bob Daisley`s name being talked about in a negative manner.And i thought it was shocking at times because it confused me as to why supposed fans were talking about him as if they knew him personally.

Troy does a great job in my opinion. :)

Good to see you around again Tom.

Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:48 pm
by mojopin70
whoopiecat wrote:Nah, I'm just another fan. What shall we call you? Didn't you have a working relationship with Mr. Daisley at one point, and have a falling out?
Correct me if I'm wrong here...
If you're that guy, then you should avoid conversations like these, as you come equipped with a grudge and come off like a jilted girlfriend.
If you want to present your end of it, by all seems like there is a prejudice lurking here toward folks who are a fan of Bob and have no problem speaking up in his defense.
Folks have come here over the years who have a connection to Rhoads. Some have been kind and generous, others have shown to be not what they appeared to be as time passed.
After a period of time, the attitude of this place seems to turn against these people, irregardless of their intent. This site is a very big reason those of celebrity don't come around anymore.
TK was too strict, perhaps, but at least there was some sense of order there. VIPs were treated as such, and assholery was stomped on.
Troy has the thankless job of being Bob's representative to the "fans" here.
At this stage, I believe Bob has seen for himself how the Rhoads community behaves, and it's fucking embarrassing to me that the man himself isn't able to come here, as we all know how that will end.
If I'm a king, then consider me in exile from this place, as it certainly has a pox upon it.
Tom SHred1 is that guy -the jilted girlfriend . The one who tucks his knob between his legs rips his wig off when he has a tantrum.

Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:52 am
by Paul Wolfe
hansolo wrote:Hey Ace, are you still stirring up the hate? That is what you are best at.
Yeah, turn it back on me, child, that's cool.

Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:24 am
by shred1
Troy has the thankless job of being Bob's representative to the "fans" here.
Gimme a break. That almost brought a tear to my eye.

You haven't answered my question, whoopie.
Why is Bob's book above all other 'creative intellectual property' when it comes to copyright. By virtue of your explanation of how it all works, everyone should just mass post scans from his book and make Bob and his lawyers play internet whack-a-mole. Then, when Bob throws his hands up in dismay, his material becomes public property. Or did I misinterpret your rationale? Ridiculous.

Do you have permission to use your avatar image from the original photographer? I am gonna guess no.

People stomping their feet here about copyright laws when 98% of the material on display is unauthorized... ludicrous and hypocritical.

'loud yank cunt.'
Mojo, you come off like a ten year old who just learned to swear. You should try this approach with folks you don't know in a pub sometime.
And remember to add a nationality or religion reference to your baby drivel tantrums for more impact. It also makes them more 'worldly'.

Finally, check out the post numbers to see who sets the tone here.

Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:49 am
by Sky
hansolo wrote:So Troy, you hang out on ebay for 4 years and not buy or sell anything? Are you just watching? :shock: What are you watching for? Are you the Australian Batman? I may have overreacted in a post or two but I did come here to ask a question. When I did, many got pile-on-boners because some of the members obviously are too hen-pecked to speak their minds and lashed out like school children after the teacher came back in the room. Seeking their approval. We also found out sky is a buddy of Bob's who surfs ebay and forums like this. Endlessly sifting through the past to find someone to threaten, apparently. Anybody looking for a copy of "For Bobs sake?" I have no use for it. I can't show you pictures though. Just PM me.

Hansolo, you're consistently wrong about most things, you wrongly assumed that Bob Daisley handles the business side of things and that he'd written to your friend to point out the copyright infringement... :roll: Duh! I told you that I wrote that email and yes it was posted to your dealer friend via an eBay site that we've never used. So what?
I threatened no one in my email, 'Please be aware that you've breached the Copyright Law...' is not a threat. 'I'm gonna shove your smug face up your arse if we ever meet' is a threat.
Like it or not, authors have protection under the Berne convention (International Copyright Law). Since you and Shred still seem to be confused, here are a couple of clauses...

Rights of the copyright owner:
Copyright is an automatic international right that gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works the right to control the ways in which their material may be used.
It is an offence to copy the work without the consent of the owner.
Using the work of others:
Illegal or unauthorised use of copyright material may lead to legal action or in some cases even criminal charges. It is your responsibility to ensure that you respect the rights of others and only use their work when it is correct to do so.

In your infinite stupidity you decided to make an issue out of my private email to your friend, the situation was being resolved quietly and amicably until you stuck your oar in.
It's common knowledge on here that I'm involved with Bob Daisley's site and that I was involved with his book. Again, so what? I don't share posts from Bob's site on here. I've visited this site for quite a few years, it used to be more informative and had many more genuine fans of Randy's, this was a place where people who'd known Randy or studied his work would share stories and information. Now nasty, petulant little tossers like you are cropping up with nothing more than an axe to grind, and as a result the forum feels like it's grinding to a halt.

Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:11 pm
by whoopiecat
They are images of pages in a book. Once again, Amazon has to be the largest seller of books, true? Why is it, with all of these books that are for sale, none show any of the pages within?
They can't. (Unless the "Look Inside" option in chosen, and you must be the publisher to do that.)
Most of what is posted online is in the wrong, including my avatar. I'm guessing yours is approved, seeing how you're swinging for the low-hanging fruit, here.
It's real simple: Folks got caught doing something they knew was wrong. We all do it, less than 1% are ever caught.
I don't know "how it all works", but since the days of seeing the same warning whenever a VHS tape began to play, everyone knows they aren't supposed to copy images/audio/video, but we do anyway.
Most nameless/faceless corporations don't care that much.
Do you wish to answer my question now, Cred, or did Mojo already do that for you?


EDIT: Great news! I found an image in the public domain, so I'm safe if Cred starts blowin' the whistle on the ol' joint!

Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:47 pm
by mojopin70
shred1 wrote:
Troy has the thankless job of being Bob's representative to the "fans" here.
Gimme a break. That almost brought a tear to my eye.

You haven't answered my question, whoopie.
Why is Bob's book above all other 'creative intellectual property' when it comes to copyright. By virtue of your explanation of how it all works, everyone should just mass post scans from his book and make Bob and his lawyers play internet whack-a-mole. Then, when Bob throws his hands up in dismay, his material becomes public property. Or did I misinterpret your rationale? Ridiculous.

Do you have permission to use your avatar image from the original photographer? I am gonna guess no.

People stomping their feet here about copyright laws when 98% of the material on display is unauthorized... ludicrous and hypocritical.

'loud yank cunt.'
Mojo, you come off like a ten year old who just learned to swear. You should try this approach with folks you don't know in a pub sometime.
And remember to add a nationality or religion reference to your baby drivel tantrums for more impact. It also makes them more 'worldly'.

Finally, check out the post numbers to see who sets the tone here.
Oh i shouldve known this would happen you are lashing out in all directions now , lost the plot yes?

Lol at you boasting about how many posts you have made thats a joke right?

You set the tone of someone who seems to have been rejected in some way or " jilted" as Paul put it.
Wasnt it something to do with Bob`s book i remember seeing you acting out this is obviously a very touchy subject for you.
Whos having the tantrum ? Youve ripped your blue wig off again and thrown your high heels at the wall lol.

First of all let me make this very clear to you, i have never and will never have difficulty saying anything i would not say in an email or post that i would not say to someone personally.

Let go of your anger its not healthy.You come across as someone with some kind of superiority complex its going to cause you all sorts of problems in your life you know (and probably already has).

Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:51 pm
by mojopin70
shred1 wrote:Thanks Whoopie. Your the King.

Shred1 it`s You`re or You are. Is English your first language?

Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:59 pm
by shred1
Thanks Hoopie
You are right.... it would seem rather petty - you know, threatening legal action for a thumbnail size image used online without authorization.
The nerve of some people.
Lol at you boasting about how many posts you have made thats a joke right?
Thanks for totally missing my point Mojo. You are a fucking genius.
First of all let me make this very clear to you, i have never and will never have difficulty saying anything i would not say in an email or post that i would not say to someone personally.
You address strangers as cunts, face to face? Right. Do you still have teeth?

Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:29 pm
by whoopiecat
Man, Bob can't catch a break...he's been lambasted in the past for not protecting his intellectual property, now a situation arises where that protection is put into play, and he's in the wrong?
Another way of looking at it is if any permission was required from Dee, it could have come with a stipulation along the lines of not using photos of Randy as a selling point.
The ebay sellers did just that.
I'm not speaking for the man, but maybe Troy has to monitor ebay/the net to ensure those pics aren't uploaded, and if they are, dealing with it before receiving an unpleasant phone call?
Who knows? But at the end of the day, I say good on Troy for protecting Bob's investment, and good on Bob for refusing to take shit from anyone!
Good to see you too, Moj! :)


Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:37 pm
by whoopiecat
[quote="shred1"]Thanks Hoopie
You are right.... it would seem rather petty - you know, threatening legal action for a thumbnail size image used online without authorization.
The nerve of some people.

No, It's you who are right. Though this very website provided my old avatar as a choice to use, I didn't get permission from the owner of that image to use it, so I removed it and replaced it with an available image that was in the Wikimedia commons. The owner took the shot with the express purpose of putting it in the public domain for people to use, so I know I don't have to ask the owner if it's ok to use said image.
Review: I used an image that I hadn't received permission to use, you called me on it, I removed it because you pointed out I was in the wrong and you were correct...kind of the same situation that happened between Troy and Han's pals.


Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:47 pm
by Paul Wolfe
shred1 wrote:Finally, check out the post numbers to see who sets the tone here.
Guess that'd be me, Trigger, GUITARIDOL5682, Cpt Matt Sparrow & The Flying Dutchman, huh?

Just another 3051 posts and you can't join our influential little group, Shred. :roll:

Re: ' The Grail ' contents...

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:08 pm
by mojopin70
shred1 wrote:Thanks Hoopie
You are right.... it would seem rather petty - you know, threatening legal action for a thumbnail size image used online without authorization.
The nerve of some people.
Lol at you boasting about how many posts you have made thats a joke right?
Thanks for totally missing my point Mojo. You are a fucking genius.
First of all let me make this very clear to you, i have never and will never have difficulty saying anything i would not say in an email or post that i would not say to someone personally.
You address strangers as cunts, face to face? Right. Do you still have teeth?

Yep im talking to one now.So do i need to see your face too to address it too?