TAB wrote:hey anyway zooming into that one photo of the far away Ozzy settiing up shot and looking at the guy with the handheld, this guy here looks pretty similar to me ? Just sayin.
Could be the same guy yes. (not saying it is for sure)
Like TAB I feel it's been filmed as well. Check out again what I was been told by someone already years ago, it's not something one would make up imo:
I was at my girlfriends house and we were watching MTV and they were running
a commercial for Sept '81 Ozzy tour dates. It was behind the scrolling tour
dates. It was outdoor, daytime, you could see it OK kind of distant
but, you could see Randy on the right side of the stage and Ozzy in the
middle. A friend of mine who is photographer (Daniel Larsen) was at the July
4th Oakland show and told me it was a multi camera shoot. MTV owns that
footage and is rotting in their vault. If I remember correctly Bill Grahm
productions was the original promoter. I only saw it once. I wish I had
taped it but, who knew it was coming on. I'm sure one day more Randy footage
will surface. I mean more than what's out there now.
Do you remember what song they where playing?
It's hard to say. I don't really remember any sound in the background. I do
remember alot of talking over it. It was like, see Ozzy Osbourne on the road
coming to your town soon blah blah..
Of course the comment about Daniel Larsen makes you wonder since we don't see any cams in the existing pics when Randy played there.
But maybe Daniel Larsen confused this with latere DOTG editions that were indeed filmed from multiple angles?
Anyway, filiming from soundboard area during festivals is not uncommon, not even in the early eighties. The left side of that
soundboard area in the photo I posted looks suspicous to me. Wish we had a better quality pic of that one.
Also there was someone I knew who spoke with Lyndsy Brigdewater asking about existing footage with Randy.
He said there were people filming at the DOTG show. (Lyndsy wasn't asked specifically about the DOTG show)
Maybe someone can ask Lyndsy again to verify?
The winner of the rat race is still a rat.