2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by shred1 »

Why is it so hard for them to share credit with anyone?

'Cause they are the Ardens.
I strongly suggest folks read up on Don.

Don took great PLEASURE in waging his battles.

A fight with them is a fight to the finish. Period. They will not give an inch. It is how they do battle.
And I am certainly NOT endorsing their tactics. But it is the way it is.

Sharon didn't like Lee - I don't know why. But she didn't. Maybe Lee can enlighten us.
Maybe he said something to Don about Sharon, or vice versa. WE DON'T KNOW.

Bob's comments with regards to Living Loud were along the lines of, 'they scrubbed us off the re-issues, but they are our songs too. So we knocked it out.'
Kinda like the 2002 re-issues but in reverse.... No? I'd have to search for the actual quote. Gonna use my instinct on this one however. I mean, geez, read between the lines.

I THINK including those tracks on Living Loud was a mistake, besides, is Bob gonna come out and say we did it to spite the Osbournes?.... see above.
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by rokket »

tedeeoo wrote:It has always been very obvious to me that Sharon and Ozzy (in particular Sharon), have never really wanted to share any more credit from the money side of things than they absolutely had to. Now if Bob,Lee, Jake or whoever it may have been signed agreements that let the Osbournes basically have all their potential future earnings, then that is their fault not Sharon and Ozzy's. I agree that credit should be given where credit is due, and I especially agree that those albums should not have been altered in any way, but if you sign a contract you are bound to it irregardless of how unfair the terms are.

I have never seen anything where Jake remotely mentioned anything about any of that other than he did say he recieved lump sum payment for writing both BATM and TUS. From what I gather, Bob and Lee's situation was somewhat different in that they were supposed to recieve money they never got, I guess really only Bob,Lee, Sharon and Ozzy know how all that really happened. As far as them "cashing in" on the whole Ozzy/Randy era, well everyone who has left/been dismissed from a famous band does that to an extent, I personally don't feel that Bob and Lee have exploited Randy's name nearly as much as some people have but that's just my take on it.

The only thing that really bothers me about all of it as it relates to Randy is this, Randy from all accounts, was one of the nicest people to grace this planet ever. I don't think he would have ever wanted to see so much trouble made on his account (somewhat, not saying anything is his fault). I think alot of the people involved in trying to keep his memory untarnished have done just the opposite. And I don't mean anyone here, I mean the famous ones. What they all need to realize is Randy was such a special human that he really needs no help, if they can legally put out what is left of his work, the "business" end would take care of itself.

When it comes to people saying others are making money from the Rhoads legacy, is it any different to say Jimi Hendrix, Elvis, John Lennon/Beatles, or people like Jim Morrison/Doors, or Stevie Ray Vaughn........any "unreleased tracks/video footage" is unique, and if those people were alive they would sell it, but because they are no longer alive, it should be different...?? Unless it is solo performance tracks/video, don't the other people who are performing and still alive deserve payment for their part??
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by rokket »

axeman_12656 wrote:Cracks me up when people say OZZY OSBOURNE, one of the most well known ROCK STARS of ALL TIME. uses Randy to cash in. Give me a break I am as big a Randy fan as their is.... but I know reality. Ozzy is one of the best known celebs WORLD WIDE. He doen't need to use Randy's name to make money.

Odd thing... I liked every song on the Living Loud album except the Ozzy covers. lol I wish it would have been all new material.

and def throw me in the crowd that would love some rare Jake E. Lee material.

So how many long time fans who already own BOO and DOAM, most likely on vinyl, CD and maybe cassette, would have raced out to spend over $100 to buy them again? The main marketing catch cry of the box set was clear as day light....."see unreleased, never bootlegged, footage of Randy Rhoads". How more obvious could they be......it wasn't...."Own these classic albums again, remastered and presented as a box set". Sure it came with a book, with how many pictures of Randy? how many of the other members of the BOO band?

Ozzy doesn't need to use Randy's name to cash in, thats true, but it's doesn't mean he won't.
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by shred1 »

Rokket, your comments are very valid. It is clear who is running/directing the Elvis estate, the Lennon estate and even the Hendrix estate.
Who is looking after the Rhoads estate, in a BUSINESS sense? I am not sure.

This is MY speculation here but, I am sure we would wince in horror if we saw Randy's contracts.
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by tedeeoo »

When it comes to people saying others are making money from the Rhoads legacy, is it any different to say Jimi Hendrix, Elvis, John Lennon/Beatles, or people like Jim Morrison/Doors, or Stevie Ray Vaughn........any "unreleased tracks/video footage" is unique, and if those people were alive they would sell it, but because they are no longer alive, it should be different...?? Unless it is solo performance tracks/video, don't the other people who are performing and still alive deserve payment for their part??[/quote][/color]

Not saying anyone doesn't deserve what's due them, but if you sign a contract that says you give up your rights to that you don't have a leg to stand on. And no, its not any different than Hendrix, Elvis etc. As I said in my post, anyone who has left/been dismissed from a famous band makes money off of it to some extent. As far as if Randy would sell it if he were alive, I won't speculate on that at all.
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by tedeeoo »

[quote="shred1"]Rokket, your comments are very valid. It is clear who is running/directing the Elvis estate, the Lennon estate and even the Hendrix estate.
Who is looking after the Rhoads estate, in a BUSINESS sense? I am not sure.

This is MY speculation here but, I am sure we would wince in horror if we saw Randy's contracts.[/quote]

Whole-heartedly agree with your statement.
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by tedeeoo »

So how many long time fans who already own BOO and DOAM, most likely on vinyl, CD and maybe cassette, would have raced out to spend over $100 to buy them again? The main marketing catch cry of the box set was clear as day light....."see unreleased, never bootlegged, footage of Randy Rhoads". How more obvious could they be......it wasn't...."Own these classic albums again, remastered and presented as a box set". Sure it came with a book, with how many pictures of Randy? how many of the other members of the BOO band?

Ozzy doesn't need to use Randy's name to cash in, thats true, but it's doesn't mean he won't.[/quote]

And agree with this one to.
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by Tito »

let me put a twist on this...when ozzy was gettin sued back in the day for the kid that killed himself listening to suicide solution, did bob come out and say hey i wrote that song not ozzy!?
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by tedeeoo »

Tito wrote:let me put a twist on this...when ozzy was gettin sued back in the day for the kid that killed himself listening to suicide solution, did bob come out and say hey i wrote that song not ozzy!?

Ouch!!!! :D
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by SLAGER »

Tito wrote:let me put a twist on this...when ozzy was gettin sued back in the day for the kid that killed himself listening to suicide solution, did bob come out and say hey i wrote that song not ozzy!?
HAH, I'm a HUGE Bob D fan but thats hilarious! So true too. Where was he during the trial? :P
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by rokket »

Tito wrote:let me put a twist on this...when ozzy was gettin sued back in the day for the kid that killed himself listening to suicide solution, did bob come out and say hey i wrote that song not ozzy!?
It was Ozzy who the law suit filed against, not Bob, as Ozzy was the performing artist who released that song under his name.

Ozzy had every right to say in court, "I didn't write this song, Bob Daisley did, blame him". I'm sure the court would have involved Bob if there was a legal stand point as well, and so, no doubt, Sharon and Ozzy would have as well.

If you claim ownership of something, you are responsible for it. In this case, a song.

I'm sure Bob wasn't thinking..."Gee Ozzy and Sharon have been so good to me, always done the right thing by me, I better jump in and try and help..."...I wouldn't have either.
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by rokket »

tedeeoo wrote:[quote="shred1"]Rokket, your comments are very valid. It is clear who is running/directing the Elvis estate, the Lennon estate and even the Hendrix estate.
Who is looking after the Rhoads estate, in a BUSINESS sense? I am not sure.

This is MY speculation here but, I am sure we would wince in horror if we saw Randy's contracts.

Whole-heartedly agree with your statement.[/quote][/quote]

According to Bob, the Osbournes control RR's estate in terms of music. In other respects, such as image/likeness, name etc, I'd guess Mrs. Rhoads would.
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by Tito »

i would have figured since bob loves randy so much he would have been the first one to speak up and say him and randy wrote the song about "ozzy" just to shit on him and sharon and at ethe same time not let randy's "legacy" get tarnished..the lyrics were written by bob i know but i bet bob told randy this song is about this idiot!!!??
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by shred1 »

According to Bob, the Osbournes control RR's estate in terms of music.
Gotta ask yourself, If that is the case....how did THAT happen?
And I am asking a question there. Not suggesting anything.
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Re: 2 and a half unreleassed songs (Randy)

Post by CanuckRhoadsFan »

Tito wrote:i would have figured since bob loves randy so much he would have been the first one to speak up and say him and randy wrote the song about "ozzy" just to shit on him and sharon and at ethe same time not let randy's "legacy" get tarnished..the lyrics were written by bob i know but i bet bob told randy this song is about this idiot!!!??
Actually, it's been well documented that Bob wrote the song about Bon Scott's (AC/DC's first singer) death. Bon was well known to tip the bottle quite often, and indeed, it contributed to his "death by misadventure". He passed out in a car after a long night of drinking, choked on his own vomit, and died, sadly. Rock lost it's best frontman that night. :(

To a lesser degree, Bob has said the song was about Ozzy's well known drinking problems at the time as well.

The lawsuit over this song always amazed me - did anyone bother to listen to the lyrics? It's about the danger of excessive alcohol consumption, and how it kills you slowly. Unfortunately, the cretins that went after the song only saw the word "suicide" in the title, and went after it.
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