Randy and Ozzys first gig........Part 2

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Randy and Ozzys first gig........Part 2

Post by RRavensmead »

...the gong shimmers the dry ice is pouring over the stage ...the opening riff of i dont know ignites the crowd .....

we all go crazy ...he's back ......and look what he's got ...this amazing guitarist .....who's playing a cream coloured les paul ....

and when Randy turns his back to us ....to adjust his amps we realise he's the thinest person we've ever seen in our lives .....he 's a liitle fellow

but we soon realise he has the heart of a lion ......as he makes that guitar grind and squeal....Randy and Ozzy smile at each other as they realise

.....it's gonna be ok ......the polka dot Flying V comes out mid set ....for some classical noodling ...and a solo ......

they play the whole Blizzard of Oz album and go off .......we're going crazy ......and of course we want some Sabbath tunes

back they come ....i think it was Children of the Grave and Paranoid ...........

off they go but we want more .....the chanting begins ...Ozzee...Ozeee Ozee.....

Ozzy Randy and Bob (wearing his rockstar leather jeans) and lee Kerslake stumble back on stage ......

there's a hiatus ...they look at us as ....if to say we've given you everything ....Ozzy dissapears into the wings ...and returns with T shirts

badges and posters and starts throwing them into the crowd ......he's in tears .....he's done it !!!!...but we haven't had enough......

we want more.....

and back they come ....Ozzy shouts out ....."I Dont Know ".......and we're back to the start of the ride ........

we dont care because we've only heard it a few times .......and then "Crazy train ".......

and off ......didn't hang around.....couldn't .....i was hungry...... went for a bag of chips ....and a bottle of irn bru .....

we all thought what a brilliant guitarist .....can't wait too see him again next year ............
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Re: Randy and Ozzys first gig........Part 2

Post by orion_damage »

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