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Post by The One »

Ritchie wrote:I also think it's very weak and dismal that there is'nt even an "official" Randy Rhoads web page that's maintained by the Rhoads estate and I'm not talking about a cheesy forum or Facebook page , I'm talking about a genuine Rhoads estate designed and maintained www website .. any "news" regarding anything to do with Randy gets passed around like a Chinese whisper .. it's pathetic !
Excellent post!

It does boggle the mind to think that Randy's family doesn't have the ultimate Randy Rhoads website on the net.
And the "masking" of true elements of Randy's personality is bs. (to a fault)
The reality of being one of LA's hottest guitarist's in one of the city's top drawing bands is that, yes there are wild R&R parties, booze blow and pussy. And although he didn't seem to abuse any these fringe benefits, to purport like he never partook in it (to a degree) is laughable. As for the recordings (audio/video). The curators of his legacy have arsed it up. Look at how Hendrix's legacy has been handled. He's as popular today as he was when he was alive. True there's been some questionable things along the way BUT, in Randy's case it's been nothing but questionable crap. And nothing new has been released in 23 years!

Ozzy would probably be in a box 30 years ago had it not been for Randy coming into his life and saving his drunken ass, and the only thing he's done is put out Tribute. (for which all us Randy fans are grateful). But to sit on filmed shows and recordings for all these years is lame of him/them. So what if Ozzy sounded like shit on most nights. It's just the way it was back then with him.

At the end of the day we still have the original releases that turned us all on in the first place...
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Post by Tito »

@zack thanks dude thought it was directed at me cool beans!!!!!@the one i could not have said it better myself!!!!!well said!!!!
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Post by Zakk Daniels »

I have been a fan of Randy's since 1980, when I was 13, now I am an old man of 43 and will NOT GIVE UP on new stuff surfacing!! I NEED TO KEEP THE FAITH, I want all of you to as well!!! Please do not give up the hope!! Please!!!! Randy deserves his Just Due!!!! FUCK the Doubters!!!! Bless the believers!!!! ROCK ON and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! SDMF!!!!!!!
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Post by NoQuattro »

The one thing that keeps me going was Zakk talking about how everyone is gonna freak out when we see this footage. That makes me happy to know it's out there. Whether or not we see it, well, that's another story.
"Everyone says theres nothing new that can be done with a guitar, but when people like Randy come along, they realize they're wrong." -- Angus Young, AC/DC
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Post by Zakk Daniels »

We will FUCKIN' See it My friend!!!!! Keep The Faith!!! :)
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Post by Phineas J »

I guess that I have grown numb to the empty promises and bullsh1t since 1982.

What I cant stand is never ever getting a straight answer from anyone. The osbournes play dumb because they dont want to p1ss off Mrs Rhoads. Kelly and Kelli have been burned or look stupid for speaking out, only to be hushed later.

Here is what annoys me these days. My guitar students cant buy a Randy poster or get the original Diary/Boo because the people surrounding Randy's legacy have mishandled things. They have to resort to ebay to get the simplest of things to show their love & appreciation. The same 8 photos show up on guitar magazines once or twice a year, but nothing new is ever written anymore. New generations of fans cant get real info, merch, and uncorrupted music to remember Randy by and continue to carry his memory into the future.

To his family I saw WTF! It is obviously their right to handle things how they please, but Randy's mom needs to realize that Randy was a TEACHER more than a holier than thou rock star. Sure its her son, but come on. My students are huge fans who cant advance their understanding and curiousity about Randy. They cant find real info about Randy, but they can find Romeo Rose's dumb videos on the net!!@!! If the family doesnt want that to happen, then handle things right.

To the OP I say that all this is too late. We die-hards love Randy and respect his legacy. Besides us and inspired guitar players around the world, we are the last of a dying breed. Unless a new generation can discover Randy, much in the same way young kids seem to discover hendrix every 10 years or so, whats left of his legacy will slip away. With every year he is talked about less and less. Many Ozzy fans dont even realize who he was or care.

I have taught nealry 100 students over the years and they ALL know who Randy was and what he did because of me helping them discover him. 30 years is too damn long. Unless we get the holy grail of packages that includes more insight into the man behind the great riffs, I think his memory will fade even faster no matter what we do.

I will believe it when I see it. Until then I remain numb but hopeful.
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Post by The One »

Well said!
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Post by sytharnia »

Cpt Matt Sparrow wrote:I am on the fence with caring. Yes, I care in that I would be thrilled to see/hear some new RR material (in good quality), after all I love his playing so why wouldn't I be excited!
I don't care enough to let the delays upset me and I do love what we have already.

As I always say, in recent years there has been Robert La Fond's excellent book memories and memoires of an aspiring Rhoads scholar, Rudy Sarzo's Off The Rails and also Kelly Garni's books coming soon 8)

Maybe it is time to resign ourselves to we may have what there is already.

+1,000,000...what we have now (easy to get bootleg vids & audio, hundreds of pics) is way more than we had before the internet so I'm happy enough.......But.........if I had just discovered randy in the last 10-15yrs then yes I would be really annoyed and want MORE
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Post by alborg »

You know what... After all these years I just enjoy what we already have. I have expected that more stuff will turn up eventually but at this point I don't live & breathe it as I used too. There must be other things hidden away for whatever reasons that may turn up one day but the motto I live by was told to me many many years ago... Never expect anything from anyone & you will never be disappointed. Wise words & just remember that people face much more hardships than a lack of Randy Rhoads footage... Someone with a terminal disease for example wouldn't give two shits... Put things into perspective here.
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Post by GUITARIDOL5682 »

We all have to remember that the short time that Randy 'the musician' was with us which was only a couple of years really. By the time his name was out there it was too late and he was gone. So in that short time we should count ourselves very lucky that so much is available. I know alot of it is out of our pockets as far as guitars and amplifiers. But the Live shows and photo galleries are something which will last forever and it's free. If you do collect RR memorabilia like myself. I've picked up some excellent bargains on ebay. As far as fresh Live footage goes WELL thats the million dollar question all the time. Will it ever materialise. If everything that has been discussed in that field does turn up. We'll OD on Randy footage, but if these rereleased albums do become available WILL this Live footage still be part of the package ?. I'll not lose any sleep over it.
As far as respecting Randy and having to remember this is Delores's son. I do understand that she doesn't want her son portrayed in a bad light. In the same way Kathy and Kelle are doing the right thing and carrying on and keeping his name out there. If he was that angelic guy, she wants that image to stay with him. Only right we shouldn't speak bad of the dead and we should respect her wishes. We as fans can go from one state of being a Randy groupie to an obsessive who demands to be satissfied with a fix of new Live footage like its a new kind of drug. To me that's just OTT if you have any drama in your lives be sure to remember that more things in life are important then any guitar heroe alive or dead. :wink:
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Post by tedeeoo »

You know, everybody who has seen me post on here pretty much knows my "mo" by now, I am not a die-hard Randy fan by any stretch, especially when compared to some of you, but I have an awesome amount of respect for what Randy did and his legacy. I was always more impressed by the way Randy carried himself than by his immense musical talent. I won't comment on the Osbornes or Randy's family, they have expierienced way to many emotions in regard to Randy anyway for me to question their motives. Like I said, everybody pretty much knows my "mo", I am a huge Jake E. Lee fan, and one thing I've learned over the years with Jake that would serve everyone well, is be happy with what you've been given (in this case by Randy), be happier when you do get something new, and don't let the in between time bother you too much, lord knows with Jake there is ALOT of in between time. Randy would (and I stress I THINK) above all want all of his fans to be happy but not put to much emphasis on things that we as fans have no control over. With that being said, "Crazy Train" just came on the radio, must be a sign.......

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Post by Whipper »

Extremely frustrating yes, but it certainly has not made me care any less.

I will say one thing about Randy's family. I think it's great how they have been so in touch with the fans over the years. Countless interviews, tours of the school, making their way to the memorial every years and chatting with fans. I really think that helped with the lack of any additional material surfacing so far. When did you ever see Hendrix's father meeting and chatting with his fans?

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Post by Eternity »

I absolutly agree.
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Post by dmnjr »

Randy was a perfectionist and that might be one of his traits that Delores is holding on to after all of these years. Maybe that's why she won't put any seal of approval on anything. Who knows?

Regardless...I want to see something come to light. If not, everything that made me a fan; the songs, the albums, the bootlegs, the photogenic live shots....aren't going anywhere. They are still there for all of us to see and hear. I get frustrated yes, but I will always be a fan.
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Post by RRhoadsTribute »

Its Bullsh*t. All of it.

We have the albums,photos and Tribute. Thats great and all but not even having a live DVD to WATCH RANDY to what he did best and what he was put on this earth for. THAT is a crime. I don't know Randy, I don't know anyone who did, but I would be VERY surprised if Randy isn't watching down an all of this and just shaking his head thinkin' "What is the deal? Give my fans SOMETHING". The Bottom line is that without fans a musician/band is Nothing. We have always stood behind Randy and the Rhoads family, but if this continues for much longer we will get to a point where no new generations even give a shit and all of the people who care now are DEAD. I mean jesus christ...other musicians who aren't even as popular as Randy have at least a Live DVD to be remembered by. I cared, I really used to. Whenever something new got announced I got excited and I got my hopes up. Now I don't care, I am probably one of the younger members one here and even I can see that in MY lifetime i won't ever see any new footage of Randy. I just WON'T HAPPEN.

People blaming the Rhoads or the Osbournes. ITS BOTH of their faults. Thats the sad sad truth. I don't care about new Randy stuff because it will never happen. Generations to come won't care.

Randy's Legacy has successfully been KILLED. Every year...more and more.
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