Kelly Garni & Romeo Rose - Randy Rhoads Trailer Blues

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Post by dannyahansen »

Paiste2002 wrote:Why should any TK'ers aside from Frank Santa Cruz and Kim McNair be in the documentary? To say things like oh yea Randy influenced me ect. :roll: They're is a guitarist right now from Burbank who is in a national act and I know for a fact he was influenced by Randy because I played in a band with him for years as did Franks little brother. But instead they will interview Des Sherwood, why I have no idea. When they could interview someone like Chet Thompson. Hey if I have my RR TK cool kids card will they interview me? :roll: :roll: :roll:
Not that I follow this stuff that close, I was unaware the member of the TK board in general would be in the film, that makes no sense I wouldn't care to see them. Is that the rumor that is going on these days. Perhaps you ar right it is Frank or Kim that is in it.
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Post by romeorose »

I also never really dissed Randy Chambers playing abilities, I was really just making the point that I am working on putting my own Randy Rhoads tribute band together and I know I can do a better job than Randy Chambers has done. I've viewed every Randy Chambers video on youtube, alot of times each, and I just see Randy Chambers putting in his own licks too much, straying from the songs, improvising.

To me that's not something a tribute band should do. again that's just my opinion. but i feel strongly about that.

People that want to hear Randys songs played with note for note accuracy just like the Tribute CD, those will be the people that will appreciate what I am going to do. When I play I want it to be the same thing to as if you just turned on the Tribute CD and were listening to it.

I want to recreate the ultimate Randy Rhoads concert, and to me that's the tracks on the Tribute CD.

No one is more obsessed with this as me, therefore no one's going to pay as close attention to detail to me. Therefore I know my band will kick Randy Chambers bands ass in these respects.

Even Randy Chambers said he wasn't trying to do Randy note for note.

The difference is, I am going to do Randy exactly note for note, adding NOTHING of my own to it, I do not feel that there's any room at all for any originality or improvising in a tribute band.

I am having replica's made of Randys vest, and I'm going to be buying the same exact drum kit that Tommy used, the same drum sticks he used, the same bass amps, same bass guitars, same mic ozzy used, hell i'll even buy the same pa speakers they used if i find out what models they were. i plan on recreating the whole thing. I am very obsessive over every minute detail of it. It's all about the whole picture to me, everything.

My only problem is i wish i could find a scaled down replica of the castle stage set that would fit on tiny stages in little 200 seater bars, but i know that's impossible, it's the hugeness of it that made it look so cool, if it were scaled down to fit on a small stage it'd look ridiculous like the minature stone henge in spinal tap, hahahaha!

But I said what I had to say to Randy Chambers and it's more of a competetion to out do him than anything else, I have a mouth like Muhommad Ali & David Lee Roth mixed up into one. haha!

But still I do not like Randy Chambers, he talked his trash to me, when I had never said a bad word about him before that, so I have written him off now, and the only thing left to do is have a Randy Rhoads Tribute Band showdown.
For Sale, cream w gold hardware 1985 Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar just like Randy Rhoads with case $1,800 obo. 1976 MXR Dist+ $150 70's MXR Stereo Chorus $150 call me if interested Romeo Rose 304-633-6734
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Post by dannyahansen »

romeorose wrote:Yeah, that's what pissed me off about Randy Chambers, is when I didn't think me & him had any problems, I never had messaged him other than to ask him some gear questions, and I watched his videos, and next thing you know me and one of his friends have some words on here, and then the trailer thing happens, and then i start seeing posts where randy chambers is talking trash about me and giving me the thumbs down, i was really shocked to see that, and it pissed me off.

I posted a video of me playing Randy Rhoads Dee on youtube recently.

I will be posting videos of me playing the rest of the songs from the tribute CD soon. And I'm planning on doing it with near perfect accuracy to the actual Tribute CD note for note. I don't like to improvise my own stuff in Randys songs, I like to play them exactly the same way Randy did note for note, that's just how I personally feel it should be done.

I'm waiting to get word back from some session musicians who are making me backing tracks for all of the songs on the Tribute CD, the backing tracks will be bass & drums and they are going to play them note for note, drums/bass, the same as Tommy Aldridge & Rudy Sarzo's parts are on the Tribute CD. But they are charging me a insane amount of money for each backing track they are doing for me, so I may have to just buy a couple backing tracks at a time, but as I get them I will be posting them on youtube for all to see and comment on here.

I know there's a few other backing tracks that can be bought on the cheap, but I've heard this guys work and he's damn good, these backing tracks are going to be almsot the same as if there were a way to eliminate Ozzys and Randys tracks from the tribute cd and just have the drums & bass. I'm really looking forward to getting them and using them.
Good luck with your endevours. I guess it is a shame that people even start the smack talk. Sucks to be caught in the middle of it. One thing I learned is to not make judgments until you have all of the peices.

I think you have nailed the blues thing down, That isn't my cup of tea but hey.
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Post by romeorose »

Thanks man, the Blues is my favorite thing to play, I think I will always feel more at home with the Blues than anything else. I feel more free when I play the Blues.

As far as the Tk members that were interviewed for the film, I am thinking it was Des, but I may be wrong. I know there's a picture of Des with Peters film crew, and they let Des view the trailer long before I ever got to see it, like a year ago.

It also wouldn't suprise me if maybe Cableguy or Ironface get in the film, but that's just PURE SPECULATION on my part.
For Sale, cream w gold hardware 1985 Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar just like Randy Rhoads with case $1,800 obo. 1976 MXR Dist+ $150 70's MXR Stereo Chorus $150 call me if interested Romeo Rose 304-633-6734
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Post by Paiste2002 »

I am a drummer, not a guitar playing but Jazz drumming is far harder to play than rock due to meter requirements and it has a diff feel. Same with fusion. I assume guitar is the same way. Jazz/Blues is much harder than playing mainstream 4/4 metal. Rock drumming is very simplistic when looking at guys like Steve Smith or Billy Cobham. Hell even the insane stuff Terry Bozzio does or Rod Morgenstein. All those guys were Jazz/Fusion drummers at heart. The majority of rock is just simple. You make it look hard is all.
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Post by dannyahansen »

romeorose wrote:Thanks man, the Blues is my favorite thing to play, I think I will always feel more at home with the Blues than anything else. I feel more free when I play the Blues.

As far as the Tk members that were interviewed for the film, I am thinking it was Des, but I may be wrong. I know there's a picture of Des with Peters film crew, and they let Des view the trailer long before I ever got to see it, like a year ago.

It also wouldn't suprise me if maybe Cableguy or Ironface get in the film, but that's just PURE SPECULATION on my part.
So tell me, how did you get invovled with all of this? Give me the low down. PM didn't offer much, obviously you got the trailer some were.

You may have posted it already just send me the link.
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Post by romeorose »

to paiste:

you are right about the Blues. alot of rockers are quick to dismiss the blues as being something so easy to play just because it mostly just consists of the pentatonic blues scale. but it's all the small nuances, the accents, that make blues a difficult music for someone to master, it's all about getting that "feeling" playing with soulfullness and making each note really say something.

to danny:

i just got the trailer from peter by tricking his film crew into giving it to me, it was almost like one of the capers you see them pull on seinfeld, kinda funny looking back, i put alot of work & effort into getting it, and only thought i stood a 50/50 chance of getting it, i am still amazed to this day that i pulled it off and that they were gullable enough to give me the trailer.
For Sale, cream w gold hardware 1985 Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar just like Randy Rhoads with case $1,800 obo. 1976 MXR Dist+ $150 70's MXR Stereo Chorus $150 call me if interested Romeo Rose 304-633-6734
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Post by Paiste2002 »

I have a great guitar player friend who plays Jazz and Blues out of New Orleans now, but he was an old school metal player GIT grad from the days of the Los Angeles strip. His name is John Lisi and he used to play in a speedmetal band called "Bloodlust". Man he just amazes me with his playing.

As for the Randy Chambers thing I don't think many guitarists play the same solo note for note night after night. I know Randy Rhoads himself ad libbed stuff alot and just played what came to his head. Hell Paranoid from the Blizzard tour was a classic example of that the guitar fills he put in and pick slides ect.
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Post by Solos »

A quick intro and some random thoughts from the outside...

I'm new here, but I've been lurking on both boards to follow the documentary saga. I can't wait to view this as I am a huge fan of Randy's. What excites me the most is the possibilty of live pro shot footage. It seems strange to me that no one has known about this until now... there is a part of me that thinks this "rumor" is just that. I can't believe that some it hasn't been leaked in all these years. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Is there anybody else that can provide proof that this footage exists?

I know Kevin Dubrow (RIP) didn't have the greatest reputation, but it seems strange to me that he didn't want to be involved in this project. I remember him posting negatively about the film maker and the project on TK... then all this drama blows up a few years later. Maybe Kevin knew exactly what he was doing by distancing himself from it.

I think it is unfortunate that the Randy "community" is full of so much drama, creepy "Randy Worship" behavior, and power struggles. It seems to me someone is always trying to be the "top dog" on these forums getting info and insight by bothering Mrs. Rhoads, the Rhoads family, Randy's bandmates and friends, etc... I'm sure the family appreciates the adulation, but some of the stuff I read makes me cringe. Can't you guys leave them alone?! I'm sure they appreciate the respect, thoughts, and prayers, but some of ya'll take it too far IMO. Others will crawl out of the woodwork with questionable Randy stories and connections just for the attention (seems like it to me anyway... maybe I'm wrong). I remember when TK had the FTP server that had all the bootlegs and such on it... you had to be part of the "IN" group to have access to it, and removing access to it was hung peoples head's when the "misbehaved" on the forums. All that stuff really turned me off from being part of the RR community, and I'm about as big a fan as you're gonna get.

As much as it may be somewhat interesting, I could care less about what kind of jeans Randy wore, what kind of car he drove, what kind of cigarettes he smoked, etc... All I care about is his amazing abilities on the guitar, and the amazing music he wrote and played with Ozzy, and to s lesser degree what kind of person he was. Some of the details that people concern themselves with is a bit creepy...

Randy was a young guy in his mid 20's playing in a major touring act. Also, he was in the local L.A. scene for quite a long time. He may have been very well grounded, mature, and responsible, but if you think Randy didn't parttake in some debauchery (sex, drugs, alcohol) during his lifetime, you would have to be pretty naive IMO. When someone brings this up or disbutes his "saintlyness" on the boards they get run out of town. He may have been a remarkable man, but he was a human, with all the shortcomings and vices that go along with it.

I think it is great to hear pros singing Randy praises in the upcoming film. I for one am more interested to hear what Batio or Paul Gilbert have to say about him than a guy that swept the floors or bartended at the Starwood in the mid 70's. Yes, I am interested in Randy's human side but I am far more interested in hearing opinions about his playing for guys I admire.

George Lynch and Joe Holmes had a quite a bit of contact with Randy and should be in the film. Rumor has it that Randy liked George's playing and told him so on a few occasions (per Kevin Dubrow's comments), and Joe Holmes was one of Randy's star students.

On the other hand, I don't think a bunch of internet nobodies should be included in this film. I could care less about what some random dude that never knew Randy has to say in the setting of a documentary. There are plenty of people that actually knew the guy or have professional opinions about his playing to waste time with crap like that. If there are folks included in this film because they moderate a message board that gives the director a publicity outlet, that is lame.

Sorry if my opinions offend any of you, but I thought I'd get it off my chest. I hope that this film sees the light of day soon so Mrs. Rhoads can see on such a grand scale the impact her son had on the world. There is no better gift that a mother could receive.
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Post by romeorose »

to paiste: i agree with you totally about ad libbing and improv, i've heard many of the rhoads bootlegs and agree that even though he kept the main structure intct he did do a fair amount of improvising on the spot.

it takes more talent i think to improvise a really nice lead that is original, than to just copy something note for note, i'm in no way arguing against that.

it's just that my own vision of a rhoads tribute band is one that just replicates the tribute cd.

i mean i just watched the randy chambers videos and thought hey, that's not bad for a tribute band, but i see some areas that could be improved upon and i think i could do it better.
For Sale, cream w gold hardware 1985 Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar just like Randy Rhoads with case $1,800 obo. 1976 MXR Dist+ $150 70's MXR Stereo Chorus $150 call me if interested Romeo Rose 304-633-6734
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Post by Tito »

Romeo you got one hell of a thread here man damn!!!!...look i want to to apologize for thinking you were a trouble maker and for thinking you weren't a fan of randy's...some of the things you used to post on tk rubbed me wrong and the whole trailer thing made me feel like you were just a nut looking for attention..after reading your posts on here about randy its totally obvious your a hell of a fan dude..the thing that i started to notice is you dont care what anybody thinks if you have something to say your gonna say it...thats when i said to myself, what the hell are you hating on this guy for your the same way!!!!LOL!!!!anyway i cant speak for everybody but for me, i really appreciate how no matter what comes out of your mouth,you'll do whatever it takes to keep randy's legacy alive...keep kickin ass bro!!!!
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Post by romeorose »

i gurantee you there is blizzard pro shot footage, peters crew aj and andrew told me all about it, i don't see why they would have lied. there's other people that have also confirmed to me that yes there is the pro shot blizzard footage and it will be released, but i'm not at liberty to say who else besides peters film crew told me that.

yes they've done a excellent job at keeping it secret, but i'm 100% sure it exists and will be released.
For Sale, cream w gold hardware 1985 Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar just like Randy Rhoads with case $1,800 obo. 1976 MXR Dist+ $150 70's MXR Stereo Chorus $150 call me if interested Romeo Rose 304-633-6734
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Post by romeorose »

hey tito, thanks so much for the kind words man! i know what you mean, i'm often times a very misunderstood person, haha
For Sale, cream w gold hardware 1985 Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar just like Randy Rhoads with case $1,800 obo. 1976 MXR Dist+ $150 70's MXR Stereo Chorus $150 call me if interested Romeo Rose 304-633-6734
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Post by Tito »

no problem loco!(not meant in a bad way either)..let me know how i can send you my dee cover i did?
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Post by romeorose »

you can post a link to it on this board under the dee covers thread, i'd like to see it!
For Sale, cream w gold hardware 1985 Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar just like Randy Rhoads with case $1,800 obo. 1976 MXR Dist+ $150 70's MXR Stereo Chorus $150 call me if interested Romeo Rose 304-633-6734
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