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Bloody hell even Medical science uses Ozzy's work!

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:05 pm
by Trigger
Bloody hell even Medical science uses Ozzy work!

I was watching a Documentary last week which was about un born babies, they were testing babies reaction to music stimulus within the womb by using scanners.
The reserch is being carried out by a Hospital in Belfast, Northern Ireland, first they check heart rates by playing Classical music close to the reclining Mother and then when the baby has relaxed to a constant heart rate they suddenly introduce Black Sabbaths album version of 'Paranoid'!!!!!!! at which point the heart rate starts to increase. From this they are trying to demonstrate that hectic noises lead to a less happy and more eratic baby!?!?!?!?
:shock: :( :? :cry: :wink: :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jessica and I were really surprised when on came the mighty Ozz' which delighted Jessica because she loves 'Sabbath'. :wink:

She is a woman of taste.