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When Ozz was lookin' for a new Guitar player....

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:05 am
by Rob200
did any of you send in a tape? if so I wanna hear your stories?

Well I sent a tape into Ozzy...I got into recording it...It takes me a while to record stuff cuz I like to get the sound and everything perfect like everyone but im a perfectionist...I sent the tape in that week to his CA home only add. i could think of sending it to where someone could hear it...just waiting and waiting then about a week or two later I read on OzzyHead that he was not needing another guitarist I dont even think Ozzy even got the chance to listen to it :( ...I was bummed out thats for sure..thats my story

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:04 pm
by Trigger
As I understand it everytime he has hunted for a guitarist he wasn't the person who listened to the tapes, I believe it was his band members who listened to all the audition tapes.


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:46 am
by Rob200
Really? That is really odd!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:15 am
by Trigger
Rob200 wrote:Really? That is really odd!
I think years ago he was too high or drunk to deal with it and now his heart doesn't seem to be in music anymore. :?

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:17 pm
by Paul Wolfe
I read a little story about Des Sherwood submitting a tape to Ozzy...
Des Sherwood wrote: In mid 2005, I heard that Ozzy was looking for a new guitarist. (His guitarist since 1987 Zakk Wylde was very busy with his own band 'Black Label Society'.)
So I got a demo CD together and sent it straight to Ozzy's house in Buckinghamshire. I wasn't sure where Ozzy was at the time but I knew his wife Sharon was here in the UK doing 'The X-Factor' TV show, so I knew I stood a good chance of being heard by one, if not both of them.
Two weeks later the phone rings. "Hi Des, it's Ozzy..."
Being the bright spark that I am, I quickly reply with "Who?"
(Yeah, it threw me a bit that he'd called me himself.) He then said "It's Ozzy Osbourne, i've just listened to your CD and I'm really f***ing impressed man. I'm really impressed. I'd like to meet you and see you play."
It's hard to put into words what that short sentence meant to me. For Ozzy to consider me for his band is an honour and as a rock guitarist, it's probably the highest compliment I can imagine.
Ozzy has worked with some of the best guitar players in the business and was already a successful recording artist while i was still in nappies perfecting the subtle art of projectile vomiting.
Ozzy was very friendly and down to earth and i think he also liked the fact that I'm a fellow 'Brummy'.
The last thing he said to me was that he was off to LA for a while but he would definitely get back to me.
Unfortunately for me, a short while later, it's announced that Zakk has been able to rearrange his schedule to make sure that he would be available for Ozzy again.
I can't say I blame him.
The search for a new guitarist for Ozzy was off and my dream of nailing THE guitar gig was over.
Just after I spoke to Ozzy, I told myself that if nothing came of it, then at least I have reached a standard high enough to impress the man who discovered Randy Rhoads, Jake E.Lee and Zakk Wylde. No matter what happens, nobody can take that away from me. Thanks Ozzy! I'll never forget that conversation and whenever I think of it, I always smile.
So It seems Ozzy has been involved to some extent. Why some people are contacted and others are not, I have no idea. If I'd sent in an audition tape I an certain I'd have gotten a cal, "Hey, mate, thanks for such a good laugh! You are undoubtedly the crappiest player I've ever heard... you should consider taking lessons!" :oops: :D

Anyway, just thought I'd contribute to the thread...

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:26 pm
by Trigger
I read that when Zakk auditioned for the band it was Castilo and Sousan who made the short list for full auditions.
And one thing I am certain about is Ozzy (by himself) is not always the best judge of character he strung George Lynch on during late December 1982 only to slap him around the face, then in 1995 he let Alex Scholnic slip through his fingers after just one small club gig :?
Ozzy loves Zakk thats a fact! all his long stay players have been individual and distinctive if a new un-heard player got the guitar slot I am certain he would not sound anything like Zakk, Jake, Randy or Brad.


Re: When Ozz was lookin' for a new Guitar player....

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:17 pm
by siro_angel
my ex wanted to send a tape of me in and that was even I couldnt play a whole Ozzy song so i dont know what she was thinking there..


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:55 pm
by FlyingHigh
RockyRhoads wrote:I read a little story about Des Sherwood submitting a tape to Ozzy...
Des Sherwood wrote: In mid 2005, I heard that Ozzy was looking for a new guitarist. (His guitarist since 1987 Zakk Wylde was very busy with his own band 'Black Label Society'.)
So I got a demo CD together and sent it straight to Ozzy's house in Buckinghamshire. I wasn't sure where Ozzy was at the time but I knew his wife Sharon was here in the UK doing 'The X-Factor' TV show, so I knew I stood a good chance of being heard by one, if not both of them.
Two weeks later the phone rings. "Hi Des, it's Ozzy..."
Being the bright spark that I am, I quickly reply with "Who?"
(Yeah, it threw me a bit that he'd called me himself.) He then said "It's Ozzy Osbourne, i've just listened to your CD and I'm really f***ing impressed man. I'm really impressed. I'd like to meet you and see you play."
It's hard to put into words what that short sentence meant to me. For Ozzy to consider me for his band is an honour and as a rock guitarist, it's probably the highest compliment I can imagine.
Ozzy has worked with some of the best guitar players in the business and was already a successful recording artist while i was still in nappies perfecting the subtle art of projectile vomiting.
Ozzy was very friendly and down to earth and i think he also liked the fact that I'm a fellow 'Brummy'.
The last thing he said to me was that he was off to LA for a while but he would definitely get back to me.
Unfortunately for me, a short while later, it's announced that Zakk has been able to rearrange his schedule to make sure that he would be available for Ozzy again.
I can't say I blame him.
The search for a new guitarist for Ozzy was off and my dream of nailing THE guitar gig was over.
Just after I spoke to Ozzy, I told myself that if nothing came of it, then at least I have reached a standard high enough to impress the man who discovered Randy Rhoads, Jake E.Lee and Zakk Wylde. No matter what happens, nobody can take that away from me. Thanks Ozzy! I'll never forget that conversation and whenever I think of it, I always smile.
So It seems Ozzy has been involved to some extent. Why some people are contacted and others are not, I have no idea. If I'd sent in an audition tape I an certain I'd have gotten a cal, "Hey, mate, thanks for such a good laugh! You are undoubtedly the crappiest player I've ever heard... you should consider taking lessons!" :oops: :D

Anyway, just thought I'd contribute to the thread...
Hi Rocky,
thanks for posting that up, ive never seen it, however i do question its validity on a number of different factors. I wont go into them all, but obviously you have the common sense factor of, its the internet, it might be true, it might not, who knows? Anyway, if im honest, when i read that, the first thing i thought was, i doubt its real, because Ozzy rarely calls himself Ozzy in private conversations and formal meetings, but his proper name John. Thats the main one for me. I dont want this to turn into an argument, but i just found that very hard to believe i'm afraid :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:57 pm
by Paul Wolfe
Okay, for the record, Des Sherwood and I dislike one another to a fairly great extent, so I am not one to defend him in any way. I found that little story at his website. I do know he is a guitar teacher, and if the sound bites he posts are really him playing, then he is a decent player. He is also very dedicated to his RR.TK site and I find it hard to believe he would risk the reputation he's built for himself there by posting a fictitious story online. Mr. Sherwood's site can be found here , the Ozzy story is towards the bottom of the page.

As for Ozzy calling himself "Ozzy", I've never met him, so I wouldn't know. It does seem that if Ozzy was going to call someone unannounced he would call himself Ozzy, because that is the name he is known by. To call a guitar player and say, "Hi, this is John," would have meant nothing to the person on the other end of the line. So it makes sense to me.

I understand your skepticism on this subject. I was skeptical the first time I read it, too.