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Zakk Wylde interview '88

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:36 am
by Stiltzkin
Ozzy Osbourne has hired a new guitarist for his band. His name is Zakk Wylde, a 21-year old unknown musician from New Jersey. At a special luncheon held in New York City, to announce the arrival of his newest band member, Ozzy described Zakk as a “young fireball, with the right aggression”.
Wylde has already performed a few dates with the Great Oz, including some very tough concerts held at maximum security men’s prisons in England. A real live testing ground for the ambitious youthful-looking rocker. “ I knew Zakk passed the test after suitably impressing all the murderers in the audience,” laughs Osbourne.

For Wylde, it looks like his dreams of rock stardom are coming true everyday. No doubt, he’s got no complaints concerning his new job. “It’s still a dream for me. Sometimes I can’t believe it,” he swoons, his eyes wide open. “I’m just a kid from New Jersey who gets to play with Ozzy. I’m not really anything else.”

It was Ozzy’s manager-wife Sharon that called Zakk to ask him to audition his musical talents in Los angeles. When he arrived at the audition site, two hundred other guys were there hoping to become a part of rock history.

“I got kind of scared when I saw all those guys there,” recalls the blond tossled-haired guitarist. “I thought, well, you really don’t have a chance.” As time went on, his self-opinion changed. “Suddenly I was becoming more confident, and felt I had a chance. You know, everybody wants to play with Ozzy because it’s the chance of a lifetime.”

The first time he flew to Los Angeles was to audition with the band only. He didn’t meet Ozzy till he was called back a second time.

“When I met Ozzy, I was real nervous at first. I knew how lucky I was to get called back a second time. When I finally met Ozzy, it seemed to all come together. I think it worked out real well. It’s been such a weird experience for me.”

The fortunate guitarist heard Ozzy on a local radio show ask listeners if there were guitarists who wanted to audition for his band. “When I heard Ozzy on the radio talk about an audition, I thought, “gee wouldn’t it be nice to play with Ozzy.” I even had my guitar in my hand and was playing one of his songs. It was then that I knew I just had to try.”

Waiting it out may have been harder than the audition itself. In any case, Zakk’s family supported his efforts all the way. Though he doesn’t come from a musical background, his father used to play the trumpet, and his mother sang a little. “My family couldn’t be more pleased for me right now,” says Wylde. “They know who Ozzy is because of all the posters I had of him on the wall. They liked him. I even used to keep a picture of him on the refrigerator. My family has always been behind me and my music. There’s no problem there.”

Zakk spent four years learning all about playing classical guitar. He knew that years later it would prove beneficial in performing rock music. In fact, Zakk’s tastes range from classical to seventies rock. Besides Osbourne as a main influence, he also cites Robin Trower as an initial part of his musical development. “People think I just know how to play rock. Well, that isn’t true at all. A good guitarist knows how to play anything. I learned how to play all different types of music when I was growing up. I especially liked to play old rock and roll songs on my guitar.” At present, Zakk also admits that he never listens to new music. It appears he doesn’t want to mimic his contemporaries, even unconsciously.

Considering all the fame and worldly riches that may be awaiting Zakk in the very near future, will a small-town boy change his perspective for life? Shaking his head and smiling, the guitarist says, “Change? Me change? How could that happen to me? My friends in New Jersey would never let that happen to me. If it did, I would come back with all kinds of black and blue marks and huge bruises. My friends aren’t about to lose me to rock and roll.”

Before making the big time, Zakk played in various bands around the New Jersey area and earned extra money teaching guitar. Today, Zakk admits he isn’t intimidated by stepping in for Ozzy’s previous guitarists Jake E. Lee and the late Randy Rhoads.

“I don’t want to imitate what’s already been done before,” states Wylde. “I have something to add.” Pausing, momentarily to contemplate his future, he sums up, “I’m just staring out. I have the whole world ahead of me.”

Courtesy of Ironface @

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:31 pm
by Metal Matt
Good read. Thanks for posting. :D

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:24 am
by Geo Sav
Cool reading thanx.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:15 pm
by Trigger
Great article Stilz it's been a long time since I read that one.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 10:08 am
by Trigger
I have a few interviews with Zakk I will try to dig them out and post them with the author and magazine info, I will try to get some on site early next week. :D


Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:43 pm
by Cydonia
I remember that article. Thanks for posting it.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:00 pm
by Fozzy41
Great interview, its great to hear Zakk talk so eagerly about his new role, going from a massive Ozzy fan to actually been a member of his band must have been amazing. I had the pleasure of meeting Zakk around this time and I can honestly say what a fantastic guy he was.(Still is) I'll try to get a couple of the photo's posted here.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:11 am
by skezza
Thanks to Fozzy41 for these images. the second one is with him and zakk :D


Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:00 am
by Fozzy41
Thanks Skezza for posting these two photo's, the first one is of the late great Randy Castillo and Zakk at the back of Hammersmith Odeon filming clips for the Breaking All The Rules video, I had the pleasure of hanging around while they filmed part of it, the second one is of me and Zakk looking through my Ozzy photo album. Zakk loved the old photo's of Ozzy and Randy from the first Blizzard Tour, you could tell he was a massive Randy fan. Unfortunatley the photo's aren't great quality but at least there a reminder of a very memorable day.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:15 am
Gaz You didn't tell me about these photos that one of Zakk and Randy Castillo is a mighty fine photo.What photos did you show Zakk.Where they playing at the Hammersmith or did they just shoot the video there??

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:58 pm
by Fozzy41
GUITARIDOL5682 wrote:Gaz You didn't tell me about these photos that one of Zakk and Randy Castillo is a mighty fine photo.What photos did you show Zakk.Where they playing at the Hammersmith or did they just shoot the video there??
I showed Zakk the photo's from Coventry, Hammersmith? Hull and Port Vale. I don't think he'd seen any of them before. When I first read the above interview I thought it was 1988 when I met him, but actually when I think about it it was 1989, Ozzy and the band played two nights there, May 4th and 5th. I was there on the 5th. I also had the priviledge of meeting Ozzy for the first time, and Lemmy who was hanging around backstage. Some of that evenings concert was filmed also for the video. Check out under the Tour Dates section and there's my review of the concert plus some more photo's of that very memorable day.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:46 pm
by Stiltzkin
skezza wrote:Thanks to Fozzy41 for these images. the second one is with him and zakk :D

back when Zakk was good 8)

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:24 am
by bigduke6

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:51 am
by Snowy
Very cool interview and pics. Thanks for posting.