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My music...

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:37 pm
by therhoadlesstraveled

i've been working on these songs for a few months, and thats only a few of them.

now, myspace is gay and likes to allow me to upload partial clips, so when i have a day off i'm going to utilize youtube.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:55 am
by therhoadlesstraveled

the first video...

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:23 am
by therhoadlesstraveled
about the video...which is quite shocking...a conversation i had with someone about it

mankind has become very dark and evil the past 100 years or so, and thats the point of the song

they condemn and judge and murder for reasons so horrible and beyond anything remotely good, and if you oppose them, you have a death wish. little do they know, they also are asking for a death wish from the Almighty above

because God's gonna smite the crap out of them. and since the lyrics aren't in there yet, i had to use pictures to capture the mood of the song...and the one at the end is a joke so that no one is completely disturbed from the video

my music has christian themes, and is far from satanic, but by God if it doesn't shock you into thinking then i must be doing something wrong.

it's hard for most people in our society to relate to. they dont want to accept it

i want to save the world.....from itself. that's a good ambition, it just may put people off a little bit. but then thats good, because at least it will be in their heads, and thinking about it. its all about the human psyche. some people will immediately open their eyes and see it. some people might need an explanation and get it. and some people will hide from it. in the end everyone will realize it, and come to terms with it

it's not normal to exterminate mass numbers of people. people just dont do that. and there's a huge denial out there that the holocaust ever happened.

the world's become dark and twisted, and that's what the song is about.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:09 pm
by Cpt Matt Sparrow
I listened to all tracks and liked the way your music seemed written as pieces of music, rather than pieces of guitar playing over backing tracks if you get what I mean.
Yes it is guitar based but I thought the use of instruments and atmosphere really was quite special. There is something very beautiful about darkness too sometimes!


Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:08 pm
by therhoadlesstraveled
Thanks Matthew. :)
I have the next 2 days off and I'm going to put up all the rest. There's like another 4 or 5...

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:06 pm
by Johnny Slave
are you German ?

reminded me of german industrial music

kind of like Rammstein

du has niche or something like that

pretty cool

glad to see you doing your own stuff !

I liked that lick in the video , the kind of iron maiden type one

kind of like sweet child of mine intro over du has niche

you can just picture some skin heads all sweaty doing the kung fu slam dancing

keep up the good work

one suggestion though is you need to have about 1200 or more seperate images in your video going in time with the music , the visual part is a little boring the way you have it
take some time and gather a bunch of shots off of the net and get busy
then you will really have something !

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:22 am
by Cpt Matt Sparrow
Johnny Slave wrote:are you German ?
, the visual part is a little boring the way you have it
Hi Johnny

I don't agree with that atall and also think that it is not the most tactful way of giving constructive criticism :)

I know you mean no harm though and are a good man. It just scored high on the putyourfottinitometer!



Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:02 am
by Johnny Slave
well I'm from German decent so it surely wasn't meant as a racist comment or question or a reference to the holocaust..

just his name sounds way german to me is all to be specific

and I was just curious, no harm intended

and besides it's those guys from bloody london you have to watch out for (he hehe hehe)

but I will stand by my statement that the pacing on the video editing was going way too damn slow to maintain a persons interest that is used to modern TV, it's like those videos you see on you tube where they are trying to upload an "audio" track but because it is a "video" site they have to put something on there and only have just a couple of pics to work with and end up with a result just like that video..

and if he took the time to get the images going in sync with the pace of the music keeping it moving forward the whole way through it would be just as good as pretty much any pro one you might see on MTV or VH1, I mean the riffage and the concept is there you just need the editing to go along with it to
make it a complete package (probably wouldn't even need any lyrics)

as an example, the video for tribute crazy train is put together that way as they didn't have any real video footage to work with so they used a bunch of pictures and it turned out good and keeps you going all the way through the song
just imagine what it would be like if they only had 3 or 4 pics to use and edited it like that with that slow of pacing they would be laughed right off of the air waves, would basicly be un-usable for commerical TV (and he's not that far off from really having something with that song/video just needs to kick up the heat)

and as far as ramstein or the riffage sounding like ramstein there's nothing wrong with that, I kind of like that german industrial sounding stuff
I used to work at this shop and whenever du has niche came on the radio we always cranked it up and then would be running around for a few hours afterword yelling "du has niche" at each other in our best german accent (I think it means "you hate me" in english or at least that is what he was saying in the english version b - side)
all in good fun M8 so put the gack -o-matic meter away and relax :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:35 am
by Cpt Matt Sparrow

Don't worry LOL :)
It wasn't the German comment a tall. From me (a man who also puts his foot in it on a daily basis too) I thought 'Oh no Johnny'...:)
I just squirmed when I read you writing it was a "little boring" LOL

There are better ways to critique something than writing that. Yes it can be hurtful to read that, but more than that it just de validates any intelligent comments in the post.

Regadrless of what you meant (I know you didn't mean it to be hurtful) it just reads unpleasant.

Sorry Johnny, that is just my opinion. As humans we do as we will anyway.


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:46 pm
by therhoadlesstraveled
I'm very heavily rammstein influenced. good ear :D

and yes i am german. proud of it. and that doesnt make me a skinhead. :)

and i appreciate the comments. i might update the video, since that was the first one i have ever done. might get some moving pictures in never know.

let me get some more videos up and i want the comments to keep coming. :)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:29 pm
by shaun@def
...You have obviously put a lot of time and effort into this :)

For me this track 'feels' like a film score so the introduction of visuals was a great idea - Well done

We tried a 'Rammstein' style track for our last album and I'm not sure we did it justice - I should have sought your advice first!!! :lol:

Kind regards