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a little advice if you dont mind?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:52 pm
by rice_pudding
does anyone have any opinion on the kramer striker?
i'm thinking of getting one.

its a cheap guitar, less than £200. im thinking of getting one and ripping out all the electrics+pickups and replacing them to a high standard.

i want to put together a guitar exclusively for shred and heavy fusion sounds think steve vai and yngwie malmsteen type stuff. if i didn't get this i would consider a reasonably priced jackson or ibanez, like a Jackson RR3. but with the kramer needing mods from the outset i would get freedom of choice with pickups...

just looking for any general opinions, or if people have heard the kramer is good/shit etc. opinions are like assholes and i know you've all got one LMAO!


Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:07 am
by skezza
Hey Rob,
If i was you, i'd eye up an old Kramer Pacer made in the USA. I know its an ebay job, but you get a top quality guitar. I know that the new strikers are decent, but they are still made in Indonesia/China with cheaper materials. You can take a plywood body and throw seymour duncans in it and to a degree it'll sound okay, but when it comes to the crack, it'll falter.


Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:21 pm
by rice_pudding
yep, the quality of the body wood is really the crux of the matter, i don't doubt the guitar would play well with a decent setup but as with all cheap guitars the body wood leaves questions. :?

The site claims its made of alder, but beyond that it is an unknown quantity. Could be good could be bad, + kramer wouldn't be the first company to lie about what wood they use :? :x

only way to know is to play one acoustically and check it out, which is hard since only a couple of shops have them in the uk.

I don't mind getting guitars on ebay, but i reckon eying up an old pacer could be a challenging prospect. But since you mention it i will have a looksy...


Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:47 pm
by The Flying Dutchman
skezza wrote:If i was you, i'd eye up an old Kramer Pacer made in the USA.
It's the same with other brands like Jackson, usually the american made guitars have better hardware and (very important) better woods too. Usually the 'american' made guitars are higher in price too.....

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:24 am
by LordThurisaz
If you can't afford MIA or J, at least spring for something Korean.